Keep in mind, I think Jagex really could end the Myreque core of he series in 1 more quest.
Nothing says it has to end with the Myreque expelling the Vyres, or them taking back control of Morytania.
There are a couple of ways they can twist it to maintain the status quo of Vyrewatch all of the place.
As for some elements like investigating the secrets of the Daeyalt mines, of Salafaan's history, or the splinter group ... some could be spun off into their own quest that diverges from the Myreque line, but does not heavily rely on the outcome of the main series.
Some could also be a quick blurb like the splinter group, you find the diary of 1 of the dead faction members, and that when they last met, they learned the edicts had been broken anyways, the group members then returned to their natural dislike for each other and a fight ensued. 1 faction sort of won and left the others to rot, a few of the other faction members who survived eventually managed to make it out, and the poor schlub who wrote the journal was left for dead.
28-Dec-2013 17:39:03