In fairness, the Myreque series has had more times to the gods than something like the dwarf series, so I think there should be a way of changing things, but make it more like The World Wakes and less like Birthright of the Dwarves. BotD's main difference was that we decided Veldaban's fate and who would be the ruler of Keldagrim. With TWW, Guthix dies no matter what, and the key is who we declare our support for just before the race to his chamber.
To me, the only real choices for how to resolve the Myreque series are going back to the classic three. There was the whole deal with the Edicts of Guthix, but who knows what role that has anymore? Perhaps we'd be pro-Guthixian, or at least we'd fight for balance. A Saradominist victory would be to help the Myreque defeat the vampyres. A Zamorakian victory would basically be what No Body Here suggested. At the very least, given the push for choice, why would a Zamorakian continue to do as they have done thus far?
30-Jan-2014 15:57:57