Well, I don't know how much of it was teasing or not, but:
"Are you currently working on the myreque questseries? And will Saradomin try to retake morytania now that he's back?
Mod Osborne:Not currently, but we have an idea of what we'd like to do. There's no room in this year's schedule for a vamp quest, but next year, perhaps. Saradomin could also play a part...."
Mod Jack also gave this bit of info that was shown in a Seerscast:
"-The majority of Morytania was controlled by Saradomin"
I suppose that means Zaros just controlled the northern edges of Morytania.
Should we have a situation where Saradomin sends some of his forces to the Aid of the Myreque? A larger battle against the entrenched Vampires over the Hallowlands?
Or should we get some smaller help, perhaps have something to offer the vampires for a more peaceful negotiation that satisfies all parties involved?
Or should we get smaller help for a raid, and let us go ape on Drakan? I suppose we can fight Drakan regardless of the outcome (given I doubt he will be for losing any power).
12-Mar-2014 23:10:01