6) The city-sized daeyalt refinery under Darkmeyer is to be revealed
*tips limey hat*
In any case, I thought they were doing a spinoff series for the Daeyalt.
Could definitely work, I'd love that. As we don't know of any concrete plans now, I'll just stuff it in the Myreque plotlines.
I know Mod Ana's lurking here... I can smell vampyres... and fear. ENOUGH, MOD ANA, REVEAL YOURSELF!
6) The city-sized daeyalt refinery under Darkmeyer is to be revealed
*tips limey hat*
In any case, I thought they were doing a spinoff series for the Daeyalt.
Could definitely work, I'd love that. As we don't know of any concrete plans now, I'll just stuff it in the Myreque plotlines.
I know Mod Ana's lurking here... I can smell vampyres... and fear. ENOUGH, MOD ANA, REVEAL YOURSELF!
I Support, there should be made more 2 to 4 Myreque quests, there are just too many mysteries to end up the series in 1 quest! I just hope that they wont take very long to come out! The Myreque quests are my favourite ones and i cant really stand waiting for years to see another quest getting added to the series.
The better show Lorweniel too. Not something like in TWW where we only see Guthix at the end. Hopefully he isn't an average looking vampyre, but something else which is still...vampyric
Something like a vampyre who is Tyrant sized (from Resident Evil). But not some old vampyre with a white beard.
The better show Lorweniel too. Not something like in TWW where we only see Guthix at the end. Hopefully he isn't an average looking vampyre, but something else which is still...vampyric
Something like a vampyre who is Tyrant sized (from Resident Evil). But not some old vampyre with a white beard.
Lowerniel = Saradomin. *gasp*
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire.
OSRS: POH ideas
RS3 minigames
achievement ideas
Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.