Necroing this dead thread becuase it came up during a research session I'm doing for a big thread on Asgarnia in the 5th age.
Specifically, I'm confused about the status of the Kinshra from years 70-164. I distinctly remember that the White Knights removed all political power from the Kinshra in 162 when Vallance "fell ill", which led to the siege of falador in 164.
But the History of the Kinshra book informs us that the political fall of the kinshra was in the 70th year, right after the wizards tower was burned. And we have numerous instances of the Kinshra raiding Asgarnian villages in between those dates.
So there's an unanswered question regarding the status of the Kinshra within Asgarnia prior to 162. The history book leaves us at a time where the Kinshra openly reject King Raddalin's legitimacy, but don't declare open war. But they must've moved back into the fold somewhat in the near hundred years after that point, otherwise their expulsion in 164 wouldn't mean anything, let alone be the cause of the Kinshra's attack on falador. But then it's baffling that the History of the Kinshra leaves out everything after the year 70.
12-Feb-2020 21:26:20