Read the opening again, and I'm a bit confused. You say 2011 was the last "ok" questing year, with 9 quests and 3 holiday events.
You then go on to say 2012 was where problems began, because it only had 15 quests, but which were really 9 quests and a few reworks.
I'd like to know why you rate 2012 worse then 2011 even though it was actually, from your description alone, better?
Secondly, I think your doing quests like Stolen Hearts/DitR , Rune Mystaries and Memories, and especially Death of Chivraly an injustice by dismissing them as "reworks."
A mere "rework" would be something like Demon Slayer, where the main idea remains the same.
The others were complete overhauls, entirely new quests. The only thing DoC had in common with BKF is that it involved clandestinely entering said fortress.
As such, I would class them as quests in their own right.
09-Dec-2014 16:40:08