In The Bay
I'm not sure if your the right person to ask about it, but why does the JagexSupport twitter delete tweets shortly after sending them?
I tweeted @JagexSupport about not being able to login to UK servers, and i got the notification on my phone, but when i was able to get on a computer and check twitter the tweet was gone(or at least didn't show up anywhere on my notifications)
I was lucky i still hadn't refreshed my twitter on my phone or else i would have lost the link that support sent me.
I've just checked and I don't believe we do delete them. Not sure what's going on there.
Its Predator
Wish Jagex would restart the item recovery program they were trialing awhile back. Sadly shortly after the decided to pause it i was scammed by Purple Phat then my last 30m gps.. Had video evidence of the incident and all but Jagex said they cant use that as evidence because it can be altered.. =/ Came seconds from quitting but ran into a cool guy at the GE that talked me into staying. After a short break i started playing again. im back up to ~120m bank now. Still a long way to go to get all that hard earned gp back.(BOSSED FOR IT ALL with the exception of a few bonds) ****
If a mod would like to help me out that would be nice tho. *wink*wink*
Jagex is Love
Please see my post on page 2 of this thread which covers this
Recently I sent in a ticket regarding a bound display name that was bound to someone's account and got in touch with Mod Blitz. Mod Blitz said if I can get the other play with the name I want to send in a ticket we could have the name unboudn. So I got the player, "Lucario" to ticket and confirm this was okay so the name was freed and Mod Jane p applied the name to my account.
I had the name "Pika**u" earlier this morning which was placed on my account by Mod Jane P, you can see this through my message inbox and then shortly after the name was removed from me for no reason, there was no explanation.
I'm not sure if there was a misunderstanding between some JMods or players but there was no explanation why it was removed from me. I had 100% full permission by both the original owner and Mod Jane P/Mod Blitz to have the name.
My previous name was 'Beaver" which freed up when Pika**u was force changed from me, I had plans to give Beaver to a friend for free as long as he paid for the bond for the name change.
I had no intentions on selling/getting rid of Pika**u ever, so I would like to know a little more what happened here and possibly have my name returned back to me.
It would be really appreciated if Pika**u could be put back onto my account. If not I would appreciate it if Beaver could at least be returned to me since it was opened up by mistake when Pika**u was force changed.
I believe there was a slight misunderstanding with someone which is why Pika**u was removed. I have went through plenty of contacting Mods and the original owner to make sure it was okay.
If this could be looked into I would really appreciate it,
Hello, Hello - A couple of our team are looking into this.
Sasha Grey
I think contacting Jagex should be much easier, ie: Email.
I know alot of people don't have twitter or anything or whatever else Jagex uses for customer support.
We replaced direct email contact with webforms via the Support Centre. Now I know we definitely need to look closely at the Support Centre flow to make it more straightforward. That's part of the point of having discussions like this, and launching the Feedback Survey.
it's a difficult balance - we want as many people as possible to find their answer on minutes, and the best way to do that is to promote the Support Centre - otherwise they have to wait for an answer to a ticket. But equally, we probably need to make it more straightforward for those issues not covered by the Support Centre.
@Mod Klevin (couldnt quote your post because of word limit.)
You Asked: "By the way, I’ve checked the inbox for this account, as well as for contacts from the emails associated with this account, but I can** see any tickets from you at all – are you talking about tickets from a different account or email?"
Dude hell yeah I have passion for Runescape! This game has held my attention longer than just about anything lol!!
But Yes. The offences are on my actual account Anoobass5 (Ingame; 'Pepper). I just created this account to try and reach you guys as well as my friends on my account Pepper.
Anyways, I am off to work. if I get home and can finally play Runescape again you guys better believe I am gonna be making a thank you thread in the compliments section
edit: AS OF 10/14 9AM PST. I AM STILL UNABLE TO USE MY ACCOUNT. Really really hope Mod Kelvin makes his way back to this thread. :fingers crossed:
10-Oct-2014 13:14:56
- Last edited on
11-Oct-2014 16:58:21
The offences are on my actual account Anoobass5 (Ingame; 'Pepper). I just created this account to try and reach you guys as well as my friends on my account Pepper.
The way you worded that it sounds like you just told a Mod you are account sharing..
Its Predator
The offences are on my actual account Anoobass5 (Ingame; 'Pepper). I just created this account to try and reach you guys as well as my friends on my account Pepper.
The way you worded that it sounds like you just told a Mod you are account sharing..
Jagex is Love
I had reread my post a few times to understand what you meant. I doubt most people took what I said in the same context you did. TO CLARIFY!! I made this account to reach Jagex and also to reach my friends ingame( that I had added on my account, Pepper.) No account sharing, tbh, i dont really have a playable account AT ALL. lol. sorry for any confusion.
@mod Kelvin I very much appreciate you looking into my account (Anoobass5//Pepper) and hopefully correcting a few debilitating errors. OF course I understand you are VERY busy so this is a prethank you for whenever you get around to doing so.
yea hi idk where to post this at but on 10/10/2014 in world 14 people lagged out and i was in a boss fight and died loseing items i worked hard for: bandos chest plate bandos tassets bandos boots mercanary gloves dragon rider necklace and my might slayer helmet. WOULD love a reset for my items back since the server was at fault and not myself other wise i wouldnt be posting this.
your loyal customer
Tainted Fire
A.K.A. The Lone Potato
Flat Earth Z
Much love to all of Jagex, and my deepest gratitude to those who looked into my account.
I apologize for my fierce behavior and frustrated ranting earlier, I was never given an explanation as to what occured.
I can't wait until this glitch is massively wiped from the accounts affected.
I wish I could directly contribue funds to enhancing the accuracy of the Software used to detect code injected into the game, I however continue to see false ban threads and regardless of when what occured- believe things can still be overlooked.
Grats mate! I really really hope I do not have to wait 18 months for Jagex to admit that they mightve made a mistake with banning my account (anoobass5// Pepper) Especially considering I get redeployed back to the middle east in 73 days. (legally cant say where exactly) But with how crazy it is over there, shoot, there is honestly a chance I dont make it back at all. So once again, Jagex, please, you made a mistake perm banning my account. I would like to play oldschool rs, at least until its terrorist huntin season! (your welcome)
Quoted cause im still hoping a mod will help me out too!