Good luck to you in your future ventures. For the most part, things aren't too bad around here, and I would view your six year tenure as mostly positive as well. Thanks for the efforts, and good luck to the new leadership!!!
I don´t always like the way Jagex does things, but I genuinely think you have been been an amazing CEO - because you were clearly interested in, the game itself, not just in business. And that´s something that can*t be said about all game CEO´s/managers. Thanks for the good things that you´ve done, and I hope ´Pips´ will be a worthy replacement.
So the promised 'nuke bot' was a success .......FAIL
Smithing needs raising agreed but whats MMG done about it in
ALL his years. Nothing... FAIL
Go green drags with eyes open play spot the bot,most
of those 1000's were real players bots have never left.
You obviously in favour of spins and it seems to me that we play
a different RS,he favoured RL Cash over LOYALTY
We managed as well if not better before SGS/SOF.
-Bot nuke failed. How ever the bot detection programs work wonderfully. They don't prevent bots from forming in main game. But they tag them and then bag them randomly later.
- Smithing problem laid down by Gowers. There is actually a smithing rework in the planning stage. How ever they(growers) let a ***ton of items into the game without thinking about consequences.
-Actually most of those 1000's of players that left were bots and secondary accounts of a single player.
-Your claim is funny because it is an ass pull with no facts to back it up. Along with a fair amount of childish ignorance. Jagex is a business. In any business loyalty = money.
- You have 0.0% proof to your claim. Just the same as you have 0.0% proof of any real negative effects they had on the game. All you have is opinions. And opinions are like ass holes. Everybody has one.[/quote]
The only Crap i can smell is yours, as each word is BS.
Trolling all threads,think only your opinions right and swear when you've
no answer what a sad BOY.
Show me your stats then Knowitall, I Bet they came from that other
loser MMG who plucked figures out of thin air usually 90%.
You think SOF/TH does no harm or gives players an advantage over
others,your not dumb but dumber.
LOYALTY is paying to play, not playing to pay.
.And now the end is near its time to raise the final curtain.
Regrets i have a few, but i did it my way.
Proud 10 year veteran
Hate Botters and key abusers.
12-Sep-2014 18:49:36
- Last edited on
12-Sep-2014 18:51:29
I responded to a couple people early on in the thread, but I never posted my own reply to the actual thread.
Dear MMG,
I cannot say I was entirely happy with all the decisions you have made, but being as someone who actually KNOWS a thing or two about how companies ACTUALLY work (I am planning on majoring in Business Management,) it is blatantly apparent you are not a sole culprit.
You did good with EoC, Bots and bringing back Free Trade. And while I hate to admit this, I see the necessity in bonds, even if I do not entirely agree with the concept.
What you did not do so well was, in my opinion, Microtransactions (in perpetuity. The apparent breach of morality is inexcusable,) Legacy, and OSRS. I still do not understand why you cater to such an incredible minority of whiners and nostalgists, but perhaps you have a better perspective than I do.
So, like I said, mixed opinion of your time. Good luck in your future quests!
-Ascertes, Final King of Hallowvale.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.