
A letter to the RS community

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Eva Element

Eva Element

Posts: 14,751 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
XTL said :
Ashxin said :
Seriously, I'm so happy that MMG is leaving! You ruined RuneScape.

Go hang your head in shame and choke on all the cheap dollars you earned.

People like you should be muted. Permanently.

Now I realize that you do not like some of the decisions that MMG has made, although can't you at least be polite enough to... Well be polite??? He has dedicated more of his life to RuneScape than you have probably even known about the game for.


No they can't be. And that is the sad part.
I'm a big entropy fan.

All subtlety and nuance of a napalm enema

12-Sep-2014 05:05:50



Posts: 1,177 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PeteVenerate said :
Regardless of morality, more money = more employees = more content. I agree, it was silly when they threw sizzling summer in our face as an excuse for no actual content for an entire summer, but the journey from 2008 - now has made runescape a far more enjoyable game in my opinion. The monthly content released is as good as ever, so what if there's a gimmick for treasure hunter each week. They wouldn't have it if no one paid for it or wanted to pay for it.

Surely your not defending this guy who lost us 1000's of players
and many friends.
Said SOF wouldn't give the better off an unfair advantage etc.
Microtransactions has made it easier for the better off
something HE PROMISED wouldn't happen.
If you was a new player i'd understand.
December can't come quick enough.
Lets hope Paul Gower and Ian Gower are coming back.
.And now the end is near its time to raise the final curtain.
Regrets i have a few, but i did it my way.

Proud 10 year veteran
Hate Botters and key abusers.

12-Sep-2014 05:06:01



Posts: 6,865 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Eva Element said :
XTL said :
Ashxin said :
Seriously, I'm so happy that MMG is leaving! You ruined RuneScape.

Go hang your head in shame and choke on all the cheap dollars you earned.

People like you should be muted. Permanently.

Now I realize that you do not like some of the decisions that MMG has made, although can't you at least be polite enough to... Well be polite??? He has dedicated more of his life to RuneScape than you have probably even known about the game for.


No they can't be. And that is the sad part.


Join Decent Today!

12-Sep-2014 05:07:11

Dec Member 2010


Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
XTL said :
Ashxin said :
Seriously, I'm so happy that MMG is leaving! You ruined RuneScape.

Go hang your head in shame and choke on all the cheap dollars you earned.

People like you should be muted. Permanently.

Now I realize that you do not like some of the decisions that MMG has made, although can't you at least be polite enough to... Well be polite??? He has dedicated more of his life to RuneScape than you have probably even known about the game for.


I made my first account for this game in 2002. I would say the game peaked between 2007-2009, and suddenly went downhill beginning in 2010 and became painstakingly worse in 2012. MMG is to blame for all of this due to his selfish, greedy, "business-minded" ways.

12-Sep-2014 05:08:43

Eva Element

Eva Element

Posts: 14,751 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Shaunmcfc said :
PeteVenerate said :
Regardless of morality, more money = more employees = more content. I agree, it was silly when they threw sizzling summer in our face as an excuse for no actual content for an entire summer, but the journey from 2008 - now has made runescape a far more enjoyable game in my opinion. The monthly content released is as good as ever, so what if there's a gimmick for treasure hunter each week. They wouldn't have it if no one paid for it or wanted to pay for it.

Surely your not defending this guy who lost us 1000's of players
and many friends.
Said SOF wouldn't give the better off an unfair advantage etc.
Microtransactions has made it easier for the better off
something HE PROMISED wouldn't happen.
If you was a new player i'd understand.
December can't come quick enough.
Lets hope Paul Gower and Ian Gower are coming back.

Yea how dare they ban the 1000's of bots in the game.
SoF/Micro transactions don't make the game any easier. The game makes the game easier.

Why would you want the Gower's back. Haven't they ****** up the game enough that Jagex still hasn't been able to fix it all. Yea real smart idea lets create Rune armor as best smithing level. Then go on to release more and more content above it with out reworking the skill at all to take it into account.

Lets balance the game around level 60 weapons this ignore it hard as can be while they continue to release higher and higher level weapons. Constantly having to patch and band aid the combat system to allow higher level weapons into the game and more and more difficult bosses.
I'm a big entropy fan.

All subtlety and nuance of a napalm enema

12-Sep-2014 05:09:53

Hank Rearden

Hank Rearden

Posts: 14,052 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. What "that" happens to be is a statement by MMG. He said MTX allowed Jagex to hire twice the number of developers. Somehow we have still seen fewer quests, and about the same number of dead-on-release minigames (see generally the poll on Barbarian Assault, where most players didn't bother to try the update; see also Heist, a minigame which has become an AFK-fest).

2. Actually, there was an epic battle for Ardy about half-way through the quest. The so-called war between the Knights and Paladins was less impressive than the Battle of Lumbridge. At the very least, Jagex should have added EoC abilities to the combatants, and perhaps had a few more of them, scaled to the player's level. One-hitting five guys is not enjoyable content.

Furthermore, that puzzle was not "challenging" in the least. There was only ever one way to solve it - working backwards from the end location, one could get the puzzle correct on their first try, every time. Only a halfwit would find it hard.

3. Invalid argument. Something being terrible in the past doesn't mean it has to be terrible in the future. Furthermore, it is morally reprehensible to punish someone for being better. If one puts in the effort to get 99 HP, they should always have an advantage over the person with 80 HP.

4. Again, just because the other gathering skills are dull, doesn't mean divination had to be. Div was promised to put a "Sixth Age spin" on the traditional gathering skill. Instead we got just another skill.

Feel free to argue that RS hasn't gotten worse, but experts in the industry disagree with you. There is a reason Jagex, despite many nominations in the past, was passed up by the Golden Joystick Awards this year.

12-Sep-2014 05:10:31 - Last edited on 12-Sep-2014 05:11:52 by Hank Rearden

Galahad Sir
Feb Member 2006

Galahad Sir

Posts: 4,594 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Fat SquirreI said :
"Thank you for promising to tone down the amount of SoF and Solomon promotions, then in fact increasing them."

Lol thats a fake statement you pulled out of your ass. SoF was way way WAY nerfed and the promotions are far less invasive than before, this is simple you making **** up.

Whereas you are going to back up your assertion that it's fake, with a detailed analysis of the number of promotions before and after the statement, right? Oh no wait, you're just pulling it out of *your* ass.

Fat SquirreI said :
Thank you for having a strong focus on bots and thank you for that 0 tolerance policy that has led so many to be banned!

I have fought against the gold farming menace as well, PKing bots, tagging their dragons and stealing the loot, closing doors in their way and more! Because I know that the company backs me up! My efforts have stalled and easily prevented millions of coins from ending up in gold farming hands. I was proud to do so because I knew we had a CEO that hated bots as much as I did!

There's one of yours that is blatantly untrue, a simple search will let you find MMG's announcement that they were not going to ban the 40% of players who broke the rules by buying gold. Not to mention allowing botters to get a foothold again by bringing back unbalanced trade before they had any hope of stopping botting. This is not even close to a zero tolerance policy. You are the one making stuff up.

12-Sep-2014 05:13:05 - Last edited on 12-Sep-2014 05:16:02 by Galahad Sir

Fat SquirreI
Aug Member 2023

Fat SquirreI

Posts: 1,138 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"and perhaps had a few more of them, scaled to the player's level. "

"If one puts in the effort to get 99 HP, they should always have an advantage over the person with 80 HP"

So do you want the difficulty scaled or not??
Ask-Kinshra-Slave on

In character Runescape Ask/Story blog

12-Sep-2014 05:16:35

Jun Member 2022


Posts: 8,062 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You have undoubtedly put in more time to Runescape in the last 7 years than I have even dedicated to 'playing' it (me and nearly anyone else for that matter)...and for this we say 'Thanks'.

Good luck with everything in the future.

12-Sep-2014 05:18:26 - Last edited on 12-Sep-2014 05:20:53 by aSp

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