It's no secret that I and many other players were and continue to be unhappy with the manner in which you chose to handle our game. Nor is it a secret that your duplicity and sometimes downright dishonesty in presenting certain consequences of your managerial style severely crippled your credibility with us, the players.
What's done is done. I haven't played regularly in some time now, for one because I'm tired of a game that has had to be relearnt every few weeks since EoC came out (too early, as you admitted too late). I've not been paying attention recently; perhaps you've finally gotten it settled down to workable before you bow out. At least you had the strength here in your farewell to admit that you hadn't always got it right. Still, that's a bit of an understatement looking back at particularly the last couple of years.
Odd that I should come back to check the news just in time to find this farewell. I well remember being excited at seeing you come in, and what you
then struck just the right chord with me and many other honest, committed players of the game. And then horrified to see the difference between what you had originally said, and what you actually did. At this changeover, I can't say that I'll be either reassured or excited about Pips taking the helm.
However, I wish no ill to anyone, and that includes you Mark Gerhard. Good luck in whatever is next for you, and may you find easier subject matter that will allow you to more accurately spin whatever it is that you will be spinning, and a more receptive audience that will readily give you the adulation you have so clearly sought.
15-Sep-2014 21:54:33