To Mod Mmg:
I want to say a sincere thank you for all your have done for RuneScape, Jagex, and the community.
I have seen a great decline in the number of bots in game, which is wonderful and a great success you can be proud of, and one of my favourite updates besides Player Owned Ports which I love, is Bonds, which allows me to pay for my membership through in game wealth. Not only am I able to have one character as a member, but two, and for a short time three, which I could not have afforded without Bonds.
I enjoyed your humour on Twitter and especially the Sailing Skill April fools joke, which was so fun to train on Old School for a short time. I would like to see Sailing as its own skill or possibly an entire game built around it, and I think if done well sailing or as I like to call it, Seafaring, could be a great success, being profitable for Jagex and fun for players.
The Jagex tanks have been iconic, and imagine if the Dwarves built some sort of tanks for in game, that would be fun.
Whatever you do as you move on, I want you to know your work is appreciated and you have always tried to make the game both fun for players and profitable for Jagex.
May you and your family have great success in your future.
12-Sep-2014 01:07:26