3. Invalid argument. Something being terrible in the past doesn't mean it has to be terrible in the future. Furthermore, it is morally reprehensible to punish someone for being better. If one puts in the effort to get 99 HP, they should always have an advantage over the person with 80 HP.
Morally reprehensible? Don't make me laugh. Higher stats still helped out and were key to the fight. All the rules did was strip away the very things that would make the fight easy. The other 2 guys you have to fight I killed easily with my full load out. Final boss was a fight because all the things that made the previous fights easy we stripped way. Just because you personally lack the skill required to kill boss without all the high level gear advantages doesn't make the fight bad.
4. Again, just because the other gathering skills are dull, doesn't mean divination had to be. Div was promised to put a "Sixth Age spin" on the traditional gathering skill. Instead we got just another skill.
Well WTF did you expect it to be? Rubbing Zamorak's private parts for god goo? Gathering skills are dull by definition. Wood cutting, fishing, mining, hunting, farming all dull. Sixth age spin is the gathering of residual energies from Guthix allowing you to twist the physical properties of the world with his god magics.
Feel free to argue that RS hasn't gotten worse, but experts in the industry disagree with you. There is a reason Jagex, despite many nominations in the past, was passed up by the Golden Joystick Awards this year.
Yea if golden joystick is the best you got not really convincing me. Nothing more then another version of the Oscars. And how many good actors/actresses get bypassed with that. Lots.