To MMG, I know that over the last few years especially we have not seen eye to eye on many topics, but I kept my lips shut for these many years I've played in all but the most extreme cases. Coming from the fifth age, and the years I played before the sixth, I was very wary of what the future may bring, but I knew that at the root of all your decisions you would never (purposely) hurt this game that so many of us (myself, and of course yourself included) have long loved and supported. Although not all content and not all updates have agreed with my personal views for how RS should move ahead, it is still standing and is still afloat as one of the biggest and tightest knit communities of all the Multi-Million-Online-Role-Playing-Game's. May you have the best of luck on your road ahead and as a dear old friend always told me, "May the road rise to meet you, and may the wind be always at your back." Thank you for all that you have done for this amazing world, and all the support I know you will continue to give even after your departure.
~~Every story always has at least two sides, and all do not always agree with you
12-Sep-2014 03:48:59