Anyways, Thank you for your work, running a company may seem easy on the outside, but I know it's tough. You have to choose between satisfying your investors and the players :3
Also what do you mean by passing the baton? Mod pips stated that he won't be taking your place? o.O
Anyways, good luck with your future endeavors and take care
I've been playing this game ever since I was so little back at '07. I can't believe I've lived my Runescape life to see the departure of the Great Mod Mark. I honestly never expected to play this long, oh how time flies so fast.
But, thank you Mod Mark, you've done a spectacular job for the Runescape community! And I wish you very well, that all your feats in life may lead you to your greatest dreams.
Live well and prosper, Mod Mark. I render my snappiest salute for you.
On the other hand, bring home the bacon Mod Pips!
Legate Dragwar
12-Sep-2014 03:12:31
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12-Sep-2014 03:16:39
Thank you for leading this brilliant and unique MMO for the past several years. I appreciate all the work you have put into this game, you, your team, and all of the Jagex staff, and any volunteers who have came and helped out. I just want to give you some advice. When December comes around, and you will officially leave the studio, your entire life is going to change. One day you are the CEO, and the next, you aren't. I would say, start preparing now so that your transition will not be as hard on you as possible.
I am sure you will have loads of memories of the past. Don't forget them, cherish them, and await for better days in the future for wherever life takes you. You, like any other person, are a human being. You work like other humans, you have a career, like other humans, and I am sure you have a family to support.
I pray life grants you ease and may you find success to wherever you walk. Thanks for making RuneScape the way it is today. I hope the game continues to improve and be the best MMO I have ever played for years to come. And also, may Jagex be a successful company and stand out from the rest of the others.
PS/EDIT: Before you leave, maybe try fixing MMOR**, it sensors randomly.
This is a dying game. Everything about it is just gaining XP and levels for a stupid cape, it's not about the unlocks. The skills are broken, combat system is dull and repetitive. And the
12-Sep-2014 03:13:20
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12-Sep-2014 03:15:22
You made a typo he was RUINING not running this once great game.
.And now the end is near its time to raise the final curtain.
Regrets i have a few, but i did it my way.
Personally nothing will compare to the Gower brothers but you brought good to this game with giving us Old School, literally the only good thing i saw from your time here, good luck elsewhere
you mad sis? anywayz people are agressive towards him because he ruined this game , you dont expect people to like him after everything he has been doing...
Mad? No. Amused? Highly.
Mad at him compared to what? Gowers? The guys that quit the board of directors in 2010 and by Dec 2011 sold out all their shares in the company?
2010-2011 BTW is well before many of the commonly used complaints about the game currently.
yet players still seem to idolize them. And yet hate mmg for what he has done. Remember it was Gowers that originally removed wilderness and created the pvp worlds that no one liked. Yet under mmg they have been able to reduce bots to much more manageable levels. They were the ones that set Rune as 99 smithing yet constantly updated game with new gear that far outclassed it. They laid the foundations for many of the to this day annoyances about the game skilling that they never bothered to even attempt to fix.
That hand cannon glitch everyone is ****** at Jagex for finally fixing. Was done and never fixed under Andrew Gower's rule.
Just pointing out the hilariousness of players bitching and moaning about what has happened under mmg's running while at the same time glorifying Andrew Gower despite his **** ups having even further reaching effects. Seriously why the F does a rune plate need 99 smithing but D plate only needs what is it 95 smithing despite Dragon being much better. Thanks Andrew for ******* up mid level melee armor making it overly expensive while at the same time making range and magic armor much more inexpensive and easier to access.
I'm a big entropy fan.
C h a i r
Good riddance - will not be missed. I look forward to seeing less microtransactions in-game.
Prepare to be disappointed. 2 person mod team can churn them out like you do rant posts. Quickly, easily and without requiring much thought.
I'm a big entropy fan.