Eva Element
Regardless of morality, more money = more employees = more content. I agree, it was silly when they threw sizzling summer in our face as an excuse for no actual content for an entire summer, but the journey from 2008. The monthly content released is as good as ever, so what if there's a gimmick for treasure hunter each week.
Surely your not defending this guy who lost us 1000's of players
and many friends.
Said SOF wouldn't give the better off an unfair advantage etc.
Microtransactions has made it easier for the better off
something HE PROMISED wouldn't happen.
If you was a new player i'd understand.
December can't come quick enough.
Lets hope Paul Gower and Ian Gower are coming back.
Yea how dare they ban the 1000's of bots in the game.
SoF/Micro transactions don't make the game any easier. The game makes the game easier.
Why would you want the Gower's back. Haven't they ****** up the game enough that Jagex still hasn't been able to fix it all. Yea real smart idea lets create Rune armor as best smithing level. Then go on to release more and more content above it with out reworking the skill at all to take it into account.
Lets balance the game around level 60 weapons this ignore it hard as can be while they continue to release higher and higher level weapons. Constantly having to patch and band aid the combat system to allow higher level weapons into the game and more and more difficult bosses.
So the promised 'nuke bot' was a success .......FAIL
Smithing needs raising agreed but whats MMG done about it in
ALL his years. Nothing... FAIL
Go green drags with eyes open play spot the bot,most
of those 1000's were real players bots have never left.
You obviously in favour of spins and it seems to me that we play
a different RS,he favoured RL Cash over LOYALTY
We managed as well if not better before SGS/SOF.
.And now the end is near its time to raise the final curtain.
Regrets i have a few, but i did it my way.
Anti Swag
What I liked the most about MMG was that anybody can run a company, but it takes someone special to run it into the ground.
MMG went the extra mile to be that special someone.
True. Not everyone has the ability to lose so many customers in so little time. He has overdone himself in this matter.