
Content Poll - Prestige

Quick find code: 294-295-289-65183445

Jan Member 2007


Posts: 3,479 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just because people voted "No" doesn't mean we didn't understand or read. Maybe it is you that doesn't understand us and our reasoning. We are entitled to our opinions just as much, hence the votes.

I voted "No"; and to those who posted "Yes" because it is "optional", this is why: To be optional is being able to choose which hiscores would be available to me by default, but Jagex was choosing the new Prestige to be the "new" hiscores and our current hiscores can be viewed "optionally" as "old" hiscores. (Source: Mod Slayer & Mod Jack, Recent Game Updates > Prestige - Questions Answered). That is the main reason I voted "No".

17-Oct-2013 16:54:21



Posts: 248 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cancelled my membership and not buying from sgs again. I'll use that extra money to support games that are pushing boundaries and being creative, they truly deserve it.

Not going to be stuck playing only the highest level content over and over while the rest of the game content sits around nearly completely unused. Almost all I hear about from other people is maxing, completionist, whatever...and it always comes with the undertone of work and not fun.

Yay lets hurry to 99 and max, and then play the same 1% of content over and over to get on some 200m hiscores board that measures nothing except your willingness to spam the same single fastest exp method over and over.

Gonna be left with nothing except some extremely high levels/exp and nobody new playing hardly, doesn't take a genius to see this coming.

17-Oct-2013 16:54:25

Majin Buuu

Majin Buuu

Posts: 40 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yt-Haar said :
Alexander V said :
Pristeige would also be hugely unfair to the majority of players who have not yet maxed their skill(s). The prices of items would inflate hugely (this has already happened to some) and this would penalise the average player from achieving their goals as skills would become more expensive to train.

While seemingly a good idea to stimulate the economy, it really is benefiting higher/maxed players at the expensive of your average RS player.


I rarely see lower levelled players in rs all i usually see are max/comps or ppl above 2300 total

This game rarely attracts new players and alot of players have quit most of the ones who stayed behind are the ones who feel like they put to much work into the game to quit it despite disliking the way the game is going (mostl of those people have high stats is why)

17-Oct-2013 16:55:04 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2013 16:55:54 by Majin Buuu

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 142 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It seems that what most people are complaining about is xp past 99. It would be better if, for example, if you prestiged with 50M xp, as soon as you hit lvl 99 on prestige 1, you would jump to 50M xp immediately. But if it required, for instance, 60M to reach 99, they would stay at 60M xp when they get 99.

Maybe remove the cash required to unprestige or be a small-ish number like 500K, add some cool Prestige Skill Capes and Prestige Max Cape if you get 99(s) again, and it's be a great update.

17-Oct-2013 16:55:12

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 464 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Crow said :
Alexander V said :
Many thanks for the opportunity to allow us to vote. I voted 'no' simply because I have invested so much of my time already into this game, and don't have the time to do it all over again.

The aim of Prestige was to make it entirely optional as to whether you choose to do it again and also give you the option to just 'switch back' to your stats if you got tired of re-levelling them. You wouldn't have been forced into doing it or locked into training again if you chose to do so.

Mod Crow, I support this. This game needs a boost badly. You explained this very well but unfortunately, players do not understand what it exactly means. It might take a video demonstration so that players can actually see what it would be like. With the polling results as of now, I have a bad feeling that we won't have the chance of seeing this update come to fruition. :(

17-Oct-2013 16:55:18

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 545 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Voted 'yes'.

Idk why the heck they even put this to vote. Every update people whine about ruining the game, im quitting , etc. For every one person having a buttfit on the forums theres 9 more that dont really mind/care about it.

'I grinded to 200m , this will devalue my accomplishment!!'

You will still have same ranking based on regular hiscores. So theres a new hiscores you wont be super awesome ranked in unless you grind more? Whoop de do, your lifes over.

If you find yourself depressed , angry, unmotivated because your not at or maintaining some status or rank on a game, then you have an unhealthy obsession and need help.

Prestige changes nothing about the game. At all. All it does is add a second hiscores for people to compete on basically. If people wanna get a 99 ten times over, then who cares, lettem. They can have a shiny separate table to show how awesome they are. Givem a little addition to their 99 cape if they want. I dont know why people feel that if someone has accomplished slightly more in an area, they feel they have to go 'omg' and showem up and do better. Be happy with your own accomplishments.

I also dont know why everyone think's this will 'devalue' their accomplishments. IF SoF, Lazybands, and everything else granting easy/free exp hasnt made virtually every past respectable 99 devalued (rc,farm etc) i dont know what has. You got 99 in a skill, most people respect that. So now you get to brag you got 99 again!! Woohoo!!! i could care less. If thats what floats your boat, hell, go for it. I got my 99 im done.

Just dont **** with max cape and comp cape and ill be happy.
Shek for Admin!

17-Oct-2013 16:55:24 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2013 16:57:48 by Kalashekov

Black Redox

Black Redox

Posts: 245 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lord G Rahl said :
If skills go beyond 99, I will quit. Those asking for skills to go to 120 and with content, but saying prestige can cause unhealthy game play? Prestige is not forced because there is no in game advantages, yet 120 skills would force people to train to 120 for the advantage, encouraging unhealthy game play.

I will quit though if the suggestion for 120 skills happens that gives in game advantage. I have no desire to train skills to 100mil exp, and with prestige, only dungeon would have over 100 mil in the skill. All

People will always quit when a new idea shows up, new 120 levels will open a new window for ingame content. both options encourage unhealthy gameplay, the best is 120 levels because they can actually add new bosses, minigames, more world events for the game.

17-Oct-2013 16:56:00

Not Even

Not Even

Posts: 411 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No to Prestige
No to more 120 skills

Just lift the cap on xp in all skills, with no limit. That's more than enough for the max'rs and completionists who actually care about being at the top to shoot for rank and showcase their avatars near the front of the pack. No need to tramp on the little guys with this discombobulated approach to whatever your unstated goals really are. I smell rats... lots of em.

If economic considerations are being mixed into this recipe, as one might surmise, then most certainly it is a bad idea all around. You can't ruin the economy by giving away xp and gold, then do a run-around the back side and try to patch up the damage done by devising a scheme to ensure demand for low level junk. You would have been better off not instituting the hurry-up offense on leveling for all players in the first place.

You guys seem to have an amazing ability to look back and see the shortcomings of your developments, but a very poor ability of looking forward and anticipating the unmanageable damage you are doing. So, more and more elaborate fixes are being considered and put forth. How long till you can't fix it???

Keep it simple, keep it clean, keep it fun. Good luck.

17-Oct-2013 16:58:26

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