
Content Poll - Prestige

Quick find code: 294-295-289-65183445



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Miagexy said :
I can't wait for the second round of the prestige idea to transpire. :P
Hope it will be soon and gear towards every one and not just for high level players.
The entire prestige subject needs to be revamp... O_o

I second this :)

This poll was a chance to finally have our voices heard and for Jagex to wake up, smell the coffee, and realize that it would be more beneficial to work closely with the community when implementing these game changing updates, instead of subjecting us to a forceful change that ends up having more negative consequences than positives. History over the last couple years shows that the community input is crucial in the face of these game changing updates, vital to the survival of this game. It is nice to see Jagex is finally catching on.

Although I voted 'NO' for prestige, I am not opposed at all to the idea of opening up competition at the end game, and finding a way to keep early/low level content relevant even at higher levels. Jagex will surely bring this idea back to the table, but with the necessary revisions made, and with the possibility for community input to shape the update and how it is implemented into the game. A drastic game change like the prestige system needs to be very thoroughly explored and discussed, as rushing to implement such a system would surely spell disaster like we've seen with similar updates in the past. I'm really happy Jagex threw the brakes on this one for now.

I know a lot of people are very upset and angry about the results of this poll, but don't waste your time harboring resentment for something that is actually a big step forward for us as paying subscribers. All the positive aspects of the prestige concept are not lost, but we now have the opportunity to redevelop the idea to perfection, and a state where it is fair for everybody! :)

20-Oct-2013 20:41:26

Oct Member 2010


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Stop it Jagex!!!! I dont want your prestige or anything similiar to it. I dont want to be forced to play your game all my life. I don't want to be forced to developed an unhealthy gameplay or waste my entire life just trying to play catch up to those who are years ahead of me!! I might developed an attention deficient disorder cause of this and might end up suing you guys. So please don't ruin my favorite game!!!! The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein

20-Oct-2013 22:33:45

Sep Member 2011


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted NO, vanity boards have been a mainstay of games for a long time. But having players regrind the experience is a bad idea. Look for a way to show current xp perhaps daily, weekly and monthly tables so the efforts being put forth currently are reflected on the boards. Effort would be better spent on fixing quests and implementing continuity through out the interfaces. If I was to see a plan for an overhaul of existing quests, tasks, etc i would open a new account and test the improvements. As things are now there is not much reason to encourage anyone to try the game.

21-Oct-2013 00:55:50

Shojo Dagger
Mar Member 2012

Shojo Dagger

Posts: 544 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted yes because, although I am personally not interested in ever resetting my skills, I recognize that there are players other than myself , who would like the challenge & I think that just because it isn't my "cup of tea" isn't a reason to deny others from having it available to them.

Obviously ppl who want to use it will vote "yes", however...
I hope that before voting for "no" ppl will ask themselves these questions:

1) do I understand just exactly what prestige will & won't entail?
2) am I voting "no" because I imagine prestige will do a thing, when it will actually not do that thing at all, meaning that my criticism of this imaginary thing is not valid?
3) am I voting selfishly just because I don't want to use prestige myself?
4) will having this option available to others negatively effect me?
5) am I voting selfishly because I have 99's & like to harass players who don't have any 99's & this prestige will make my trolling worthless?
6) am I voting selfishly because I'm on the high scores list, & I'm so egotistical & narcissistic that I can't abide the notion of another player possibly earning a spot on "my" scoreboard?
7) am I voting selfishly for any reason, or do I have legitimate criticisms that are not being addressed by the dev team?
8) if the dev team addressed these criticisms, would I vote differently?
9) am I voting "no" because some other players might have fun from using prestige mode & I do not want any other players to have fun playing this game?

Just some food for thought....please examine your motives before voting, whether you plan to vote "yes" or "no".
What we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly, it's dearness only that gives everything it's value.

21-Oct-2013 03:40:42

baka lemon

baka lemon

Posts: 137 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted yes based on the fact this game dies after max combat the only thing keeping me going is 99 slayer, this game needs a massive combat injection especially with lv 90 gear out now, next is 99 and then what? im not saying we NEED lv 120 combat stats but something has to be done about the limited weapons and armour, take a page from other mmo's and rpg's each weapon and armour piece is unique and worth something.

Also there should be xp capes. this should fix the the need for a prestige system.

99 cape then 20m, 30m, 50m, 75m ect.

21-Oct-2013 03:46:33

Shojo Dagger
Mar Member 2012

Shojo Dagger

Posts: 544 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Trixter II:
"Stop it Jagex!!!! I dont want your prestige or anything similiar to it. I dont want to be forced to play your game all my life. I don't want to be forced to developed an unhealthy gameplay or waste my entire life just trying to play catch up to those who are years ahead of me!! I might developed an attention deficient disorder cause of this and might end up suing you guys. So please don't ruin my favorite game!!!! "
^This is exactly the kind of nonsense I'm talking about; Jagex isn't "forcing" you to use prestige or any of what you're complaining about here. Prestige is meant to give newer players a place on the high scores who would probably never have a chance to get on it otherwise, while still recognizing the accomplishments of the veteran players who are already on the high scores.
Also, if you really have ADD, you already had it before playing this, or any, video game. ADD is a neurological imbalance, not a contagious disease.

"I voted NO, vanity boards have been a mainstay of games for a long time. But having players regrind the experience is a bad idea. Look for a way to show current xp perhaps daily, weekly and monthly tables so the efforts being put forth currently are reflected on the boards. Effort would be better spent on fixing quests and implementing continuity through out the interfaces."
^This is the first legitimate criticism I have seen so far of the prestige system. Notice how he explains why he thinks prestige wouldn't improve the game & is suggesting what he thinks would improve the game instead. This is educated, constructive criticism, & tho my vote was opposite of his, I respect his opinion & he's given me something interesting to consider. Thank you for your thoughts, RT.
What we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly, it's dearness only that gives everything it's value.

21-Oct-2013 04:04:40

Zhuge Liang
Feb Member 2020

Zhuge Liang

Posts: 199 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I gotta say... personally I would love seeing all skills go to 120 with their respective capes and whatnot, however I also realize that for some people it would seem like a very hard goal and even overwhelming if all of them went to 120, although the extra content Jagex would be able to add would be incredible... I can't see it happening anytime soon.

HOWEVER... XP MILESTONE CAPES... now that is something I would love to see. 50m in a skill actually isn't very hard to do and if someone loves to train that specific skill, and there were new capes offered as xp milestones (50m, 100m, 150m, 200m, or whatever it may be) I feel it would be less overwhelming to new players but at the same time seem like a possible goal for a lot of people. It would also give more motivation to a lot of people to train to 200m because as it is right now, people only go for 200m for that highscore rank, which is why there's a lot of high level players disagreeing with the prestige idea. (I'm also sure if our highscores remained as the MAIN highscore board instead of being replaced by prestige there would also be a lot less complaints from the higher level community aswell). It's difficult for people who haven't gotten a 200m yet to understand why so many people would be against this update. It may look selfish but when it comes down to it... if you've spent half a year of your life training the same thing for hours everyday on end ONLY to set your highscore rank in stone forever, and then the idea of prestige comes along.. it's tough to swallow even if it's a completely different high score board.. and from reading this entire thread it's obvious a lot of the people who are raging really have no idea how the high level players who have played their asses off feel about this at all.

All I can say is, if you've got a 200m you know what I'm saying. If you don't you gotta imagine all that work and xp gained was wasted since there isn't additional xp gained after 200m. XP MILESTONE CAPES.. yes

21-Oct-2013 04:23:04

Sep Member 2003


Posts: 790 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have 200 mil xp in a skill. If you have the ability to apply the 200 mil to prestige levels, then I have no objection, but since I'd lose it all (Mod Crow is dumb if he thinks people don't see switching back to your old 99 doesn't lose you xp) the current set up for prestige earns a resounding 'no'.

21-Oct-2013 05:24:15

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