It's not only the rules, it's the topics themselves a lot of times, as well. If you don't have anything
to say on a topic, don't post at all.
If this is sounding more like a rant, well, it is ... certain people's recent activity on forums being what I'm talking about, posting on every single topic for no apparent reason without adding any discussion value. You can look at the first couple pages or so of this forum to see who I'm talking about.
Mod Chrisso
With regards to using the search term to see if a thread already exists, that is to look for a thread to see if your question is answered already. The problem with using a 3 month old thread (which hasn't been posted on for as long) is that a lot of the original issues won't be relevant, particularly here.
If a thread is still relevant it's not grave bumping, if it's just being 'bumped' to keep Chewy from eating it even though the discussion has ended, that's just taking up valuable space for more relevant threads.
To be honest if there's a thread which hasn't been posted on for 3 months, it probably isn't going to have any discussion left in it.
Hmm, the thing is, a thread's value isn't necessarily in its potential for further discussion. Sometimes it might be as a reference for useful information and once that's slipped down a few pages, it can be easy to forget that resource is there, unless it's bumped.
(Continued below)
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
It could also be when a suggestion has been made, and through much discussion, further refined to be a strong and workable idea that the community would like to see happen. Most of the discussion would already have taken place to get it where it is, people have already made the contributions to the suggestion that they wish to make and are happy where things stand, but the suggestion itself along with all the possible details for implementation is still one that the community would like to see implemented and would like to keep before the eyes of the web devs for that reason. To just let it die after all that input would be a shocking waste, unless it got a gold post saying either that the suggestion had been noted/considered or it was impossible that it could be implemented at any time, in which case its purpose would have been fulfilled. The thread is still relevant until its purpose is achieved, but it could well slip quite a long way down the pages in between bumps. I'm thinking of one particular thread, but the situation is one that can be applied to others too.
So currently, we have:
Please do not grave bump threads - if no-one has posted on a thread for a long time, the discussion has likely run its course or been answered elsewhere.
Could the emphasis perhaps be put on relevancy, rather than discussion value? That would allow for the two types of threads I have mentioned above to still be bumped for as long as they were still relevant.
Something like:
Please do not to bump older threads without good reason (grave bumping). Make sure threads are still useful and relevant before bumping them.
That's a bit closer to what you currently have Chrisso than what I suggested before. It would still stop people bumping just for the sake of it, but allow the older though still relevant and useful threads to continue without people being afraid of being accused of 'grave bumping'.
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
Anyway, I'm away for a few days from tomorrow so probably won't be around on the forums or in game during that time. Keep it nice n cosy in here for when I get back will ya? I shall expect a roaring fire, toasted crumpets and a mug of hot chocolate ready and waiting for me. The forecast is dark clouds or rain all week, so I'll need it!
Oh, and Cyanide, guess I'll have to forgive you then
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!