
Too many login attempts

Quick find code: 278-279-698-66169545

Jan Member 2005


Posts: 137 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Double XP LIVE is LIVE!

Nice if you cant log in

too many login attempts"

this is a very bad bug - it is like a random virtual IP ban on a significant portion of your total player population

I pay for this shit?

Not much longer i think!!!!
:@ :@ :@

09-Nov-2020 01:40:40

Undead Mario
Mar Member 2022

Undead Mario

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i had same problem i loged out from beeing afk and when loged in got too many attemtps message in game. and on website it said wrong password, i created a completly new account and new email and even that new account same in game and same on website couldnt log in.
therefore i disconnected router and connect back to get new ip automaticaly and now it works normal. and i can log in normaly on both and on website. hope this helps . this proves its an automatic ip ban since i made complete new account wich didnt let me use either. the ip ban is not triggered for security reasons as my pc is perfect secured and i dont log in on fake/scam sites ever etc. is definatly a bug on the security system they got.

09-Nov-2020 13:15:09

Ownage Omg

Ownage Omg

Posts: 14,364 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gonna just echo my own post here because it is a lot more sinister than it seems atm.
Original message details are unavailable.
Think the easiest solution here is to just block IP's/MAC Addresses as opposed to locking the whole account out. Can't believe Jagex are allowing people to get locked out of their accounts and giving away login names upon request.

12-Nov-2020 17:35:16

Mar Member 2013


Posts: 5,894 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey everyone. As said before in here some of us have made a discord in regards to this specific problem. If you're RS3 there will be a way to work around and it bypass it and it will most likely also work for you! If you're osrs our best advice is to use VPN which is far from a 100% solution sadly, but we have a few osrs people on our discord as well that you can share tips/tricks with.

Invitation link is in my signature.
Hope to see some of you there and hope to grow big enough to have jagex actually care about this one day.
I know it can be scary to just join some strange guy's discord especially when already suffering from an issue like this. But believe me - we are on the SAME side! :)

Edit: It seems that a lot of people are unaware how serious this actually is. On our discord we have also shared a few youtube videos from our rs-youtubers who've started to shine some light on this issue. This goes WAY beyond what you could imagine if you don't know/haven't watched yet.
Rank #56 Overall. 8000/1****? Hard caskets stacked. 7000/8****? Elite caskets stacked.
31/37 boss logs completed - Ultimate Slayer achieved
Would you trust a Price-checking service that has bots running in W2 advertising themselves constantly? I wouldn't!

13-Nov-2020 12:34:15 - Last edited on 13-Nov-2020 12:37:43 by LovveL

Fish Kitten
Sep Member 2013

Fish Kitten

Posts: 1,199 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Lyon said :

That said, there is nothing to "fix". The system is working as intended and while frustrating for the small group of users who do see themselves blocked, the vast majority do not experience this.

That's a terrible business perspective. Even if this affected just *one* player, that one player is denied access to a product they've paid for. Jagex is essentially saying it's not a significant issue because it hasn't risen to a level that demands any action; the "fix" you're saying is unnecessary. That only begs the question, what is the threshold where Jagex actually bothers to care ?

Fix this, please. There very much IS something to fix.

14-Nov-2020 03:50:43

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