
Local Moderation - thePurpose?

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Posts: 8,010 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello everyone,

So, I've been trying to put off posting this thread, however I've felt that I've had no choice but to now raise this.

Before anyone shouts "FMR FMR FMR" - this topic isn't necessarily about disputing the legitimacy of the actions against the standards that FMR may or may not hold them up to (I suspect that FMR may uphold them). This thread is about addressing the spirit behind the actions and setting those against the standards of the 2017 forum rules, which FMR at times does lack in addressing and can go back on those.

Now here are a few points:

1.) Local Moderation was introduced to deal with FMR and receive JMod backgrounds. However, this never came to fruition and I do not see why Jagex have not resolved this many years ago.

2.) What is the current purpose of Local Moderation outside of that of standard Forum Moderation that green posters provide? I've heard that LMods produce a report daily that is emailed to CM. I've also heard that they spearhead some initiatives on the forums. Could Jagex (or maybe FMods or LMods themselves) perhaps demonstrate some more specifics on the recent initiatives and emails?

3.) One of my issues with paying for external local moderation is that, I believe, paying an external company may comes with problems in that it could encourage over-moderation, in order to make it look like some good is coming from the money being paid to the external providers (subconciously perhaps; this is not an attack on anybody).

I believe there are concerns when it comes to Local Moderation, which cannot necessarily be addressed through FMR. If Jagex wish to maintain that moderation stance which, to be frank, at times tends to go back to the pre-2017 moderation era and to my knowledge most FMods at present do not moderate towards, then I believe that Jagex should allow us to have a thread voicing opinions on this.

This does not mean Jagex has to agree with these points, but rather allow polite discussion.

03-Sep-2020 01:57:05



Posts: 8,010 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I therefore am leaving this thread here. I suspect I may not have many people agree with me, which is absolutely fine. However, I do believe that it is within the spirit of the regulations to allow forumers to discuss any aspect of Jagex's processes (as opposed to specific people) and allow for polite, mature discussion on that amongst themselves. We all should remember the spirit behind the current rules and that heavy handedness or actions which could be interpreted as a bit totalitarian are not supported by the ruleset.

Please feel free to engage me on discussing Jagex's stance on this matter, as to me it seems rather clear that Jagex approves of the stance, hence we can therefore discuss said stance (as opposed to argue specific actions, which is not what we are doing here remember). I know many of you may not agree with my on this topic, but I do wish to speak my mind on this and feel I need to leave my feedback here.

In summary, at times I believe that borderline posts and threads are being removed unnecessarily (and some posts not even being borderline but because they have slight references to things which could be interpreted in negative ways, get entirely removed). LMods should have had their JMod powers by now (on condition that the original spirit of the forum rules are being kept to). I think LMods could do with taking on some additional forum duties too, such as perhaps managing forum competitions and other sticky threads, etc. I would like to know more about what they do outside of moderation to......

Thank you

03-Sep-2020 01:57:13



Posts: 8,010 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sure :|

Just so my posts don't get called out as spam either: on topic, I feel that local moderation needs to be looked at and could be beneficial for some additional information about their current duties to be given to the general forumer base.

03-Sep-2020 04:56:04

Stoat King

Stoat King

Posts: 5,075 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't think we need additional information lol.

I have noticed one interesting phenomenon regarding the difference between the moderation from the green vs the purple mods.
There is a specific action that a purple mod will take that I have never seen a green mod take (possibly for obvious reasons):
'Post hidden for making up a narrative' or words to that effect.
Sounds reasonable?
Except that in many cases, this 'made up narrative' is something that actually happened here on the forums. Something many of the posters here will remember all too well.
Anything, basically, that happened in the time before the purple mods arrived.
"If I didn't witness it, it didn't happen. My arrival was year zero. Post hidden for breaking the timeline."

Bizarre and extremely counterproductive.
A straight out denial of events that many of us have witnessed first-hand is going to have a predictable and negative effect.
Worse, the period of 'forbidden history' in question represents the majority of the lifetime of these forums.
Some of the egregious acts of bad faith that Jagex have engaged in over the years are not particularly comfortable to remember. But denying they happened is less comfortable still.
It smacks of some kind of 'ministry of truth' mindset.
"We have always been at war with Eastasia".
Makes me dread what this place would become if these purple mods were elevated to gold mods, per the original intention.

Ironically, I fully expect this post to be hidden for exactly the same reason.

My thoughts on this subject in general are pretty much detailed in "Frequency of FMR responses"

03-Sep-2020 07:46:24

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Firstly, I quite like and liked some of the Purples; they seem like nice enough people and a few actively engage on an amiable level.

But at this stage I don't really know why they're here any more. They were supposed, in due course, to get Gold and take over the obviously dreadfully onerous task of running FMR seeing as JMods (a series of them) are incapable of servicing it in a timely manner. That never happened and looks like it never will.

Prior to their arrival the Greenies did a perfectly fine job of the daily management of the RSOF, they didn't need reinforcements; FMR needed shoring up.

Given that the Greenies cope admirably on their own and FMR is still unattended regularly - why pay Purple people? Seems like a waste of money really. Nothing personal against the Purples but that's just fact.

I don't buy this weekly reporting to CM spiel - I've not seen anything change much on the RSOF which could be as of a result of any such initiative. The only notable change was the removal of Politics which was as a result of direct intervention by Mod Kari and it doesn't take a Purple to be able to contact her inside or outside the RSOF.

I have to agree there have been one or two odd decisions by Purples; suppression of references to things which have historically happened on the RSOF being one example. I've never seen a Greenie do this, possibly because they themselves have been around for donkey's years and know the difference between fact and fabrication.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

03-Sep-2020 08:51:00

Mr Brushie

Mr Brushie

Posts: 1,161 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As far as the FMR thing goes, if this forum only had a reallllly basic function called "Report" on each post made, there wouldn't be a need for such a silly and outmoded thing.

I mean, go check out the free (and even paid) forum softwares out there. They all pretty much incorporate this function outright, or have mods/extensions to do this.

Someone makes a post promoting the Rebel Alliance flaming someone, all anyone has to do is click the "Report" button. A drop down box appears, saying to select the reason, and a confirm/cancel button. Once reported, a "!" icon or somesuch can appear indicating it is already reported, and the "Report" button ghosted out so it can't be clicked again and, thereby, eliminating 120,423,011 reports on the same troublesome post.

But noooo . Jagex won't do that. The RSOF is like a 1933 Buick that, inexplicably, has kept running and was built so long ago that the people who built it are dead; i.e. the Jmods who wrote the software are long since moved on (and, hopefully, alive).

But hey, what do I know?

03-Sep-2020 10:20:29

Stoat King

Stoat King

Posts: 5,075 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
That sounds a lot like the 'Highlight' thing that was once in place.
After a while, people started to wonder why these 'highlight' reports seemed to have no effect and were never dealt with.
A JMod eventually admitted that no-one ever looked at them and the 'feature' was removed.

Let hope this post doesn't get hidden for 'making up a narrative' too - what do i know - I only witnessed it. No doubt our purple 'guardians of history' know better. Making such determinations is clearly a part of their role.

03-Sep-2020 10:48:32

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