If you're intent on keeping RS at least a small part of your life, I would look at other activities you can cut down on.
Think about your own example of playing piano and maintaining a high level of skill and competence by practicing 8-12 hours a week. Now think in reverse.
How much time do you spend a week that you could redirect to something else? How much TV are you watching? How much time do you spend browsing websites and articles online reading up on sports, news, etc.? How much time do you spend scrolling through your social media outlet of choice?
The TV example might not be as relevant if you watch while doing something else like playing RS. But I'll use it as an example and illustrate how it played out for me: I work full-time and attend grad school full-time. In between semesters, I had a few weeks of no school so I wanted to unwind and be a little lazy... what did I end up doing? Watching TV for longer and longer.
When I realized I can do without so many of the programs I was mindlessly watching and not even too interested in, I prioritized what my can't-miss shows were. I also kept it small. So instead of watching 3+ hours a night every night, I started only tuning in for about 3-4 hours a week just to catch my favorite shows. Lots of time saved and I'm not missing anything by making this change.
Essentially, dig deep down and critically analyze what you do with your time. Find the things you can do without and exclude them from your daily routine. At the minimum, reduce how much time you spend on unnecessary things.
27-Jul-2016 00:55:37