
The Myreque

Quick find code: 237-238-899-65245150

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Private/Veteran's Log
Sod the date

The situation here over the last few days has been drastically...dramatic. Using my death as a cover, I managed to recover the other sword of my father's...I think people were more focused on me being dead than the spare sword on my back. Just like the white blade, it appears innocent enough. For the time being.

Surprisingly, rending my soul into the crystal didn't hurt. Though it's left me feeling utterly drained for now, and was an extreme risk to begin with, as I'm no real mage, I managed to pull it off. Thank Zaros for my brother's little trinkets. A trick like that is a thing I daren't use again, and hopefully the need for secrecy should soon be gone. Once my blood's been completely sanctified and vyre-proofed, I should be set to be honest.

...then again. Calsidiu has been seeming worse and worse these days, and part of me wonders if he's slipping into the clutches of insanity. If so, any advantages I've got I HAVE to keep to myself...I need to find Azz, see if he's intact, or if Cal has "disposed" of him like I almost thought necessary in earlier days. I see now these people are friends. Perhaps allies. Lead by a madman.

Calsidiu impressed me at first. Now the little facade of his impresses me. If he's truly the broken, beaten, loopy man I fear he is, I need to keep a close eye on everyone to keep them safe...especially Athena. She and I left ways for good reasons, if he goes ahead and drags her into this....well, we'll see how much magic it'll take to fry him to a crisp.

Elzbeth seems to be waking. She attempted to heal me, and because of it appears to be temporarily blind....I need her, now of all times. If I could just protect my blood, I'd be free to roam the myre without...inhibition.

Oh, and Marko's alive-and-fine.
No word from Varr, so he's probably planning the most inconvenient time to come back.
Ren's been awfully quiet...and Eryn I have yet to contact.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

14-Oct-2015 12:19:36

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Private/Veteran's personal log
Ivanday, Novtumber, 2nd, 6A 3

The past few days have been quiet. Head-down working quiet, little conversation. Calsidiu's gone again, big surprise, and things seem to be relatively...calm. I'm still almost weaponless after the "abduction", but at least I've got /that/ blade. And it's apparent twin.

Speaking of that accursed blade, that brings me to a valid point. Even as I sit here in the torchlight, I can't help but think about those little attempts with the holy water, and I know that even I don't know what I am anymore. The fight with Drakan changed me...I knew as much. Using a leeching blade on a thing like that...there were the initial things, complete scentlessness, heightened perceptions (though they were already decent enough as it was), but....things started to Just a little worse.

Holy water, for one. Before, I could feel it, yes, I knew it was there but I, unlike most others, didn't even react to it. makes me uneasy. Only very slightly, but still unease.

Another thing that worries me is taste. Blood, more specifically. Before, blood was, though? Now I can start to taste it...the very emotions...I've heard of this, in pure-blooded vyres...but it's not as if...'s obviously been "inherited" from Drakan...of course, I didn't kill him, but...I still seem to have taken something from him.
...maybe it will prove useful. Either way, I must go about sanctifying my blood as SOON as possible, with as little notice as possible....I just hope that Ren is still in contact with Eryn, perhaps our deal remains...and I can have a little something extra.

I'm so close to the completion of the burial sites. A few of the talismans are in posession of various people, but most are dead-and buried. Soon we'll be armed to the teeth. If that's a good thing.

Damned torch is going out again...had best hope nobody's awake-and-snooping, I shall finish this entry soon, after I just re-douse --
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

19-Oct-2015 11:36:51

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 8,316 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rologarth said :

Calsidiu's Log
Erysail, Wintumber 9th, 6A 3

Since the 39th of the Ire of Phyrrus I have been trapped out west. It was only yesterday I was able to return over the Salve. I haven't much to say of my time over the river other than nothing meaningful was accomplished and my hatred for politics has been renewed ten-fold.

Since coming back, I have rejoined my men and have made contact with a group of settlers claiming the grounds of the Barrows. Guther, the man I spoke with, either was obviously lying about his true numbers or is horrendously bad at math. From what I could read from him, it could equally be either.

These folk are odd ones. The settlement is divided into six, one for each brother buried. I assume each group takes up in their brother's image and profession. I will have to keep my eyes on them, they could prove very useful if they've managed to get things going so well for themselves.

However, I feel that their success is no random chance. They are so close to Meiyerditch and Darkmeyer. There is no way they have gone unnoticed. The vyres may still be drinking deep of the wells of Vampyrium, but I have a feeling they are but a harvest sown by the vyres' hand and have a reaping destined in their future.

For now I need to get my bearings straight and get caught up with the others, or lack thereof. We still have a lot of work ahead of us if we are going to make the vampyres pay for their transgressions. They should be lulled into a sense of security with how quiet it has been as of late. The time of reckoning is nigh.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

04-Dec-2015 06:55:39

Neon Knights

Neon Knights

Posts: 671 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rologarth said :
Rologarth said :

Calsidiu's Log
Erysail, Wintumber 9th, 6A 3

Since the 39th of the Ire of Phyrrus I have been trapped out west. It was only yesterday I was able to return over the Salve. I haven't much to say of my time over the river other than nothing meaningful was accomplished and my hatred for politics has been renewed ten-fold.

Since coming back, I have rejoined my men and have made contact with a group of settlers claiming the grounds of the Barrows. Guther, the man I spoke with, either was obviously lying about his true numbers or is horrendously bad at math. From what I could read from him, it could equally be either.

These folk are odd ones. The settlement is divided into six, one for each brother buried. I assume each group takes up in their brother's image and profession. I will have to keep my eyes on them, they could prove very useful if they've managed to get things going so well for themselves.

However, I feel that their success is no random chance. They are so close to Meiyerditch and Darkmeyer. There is no way they have gone unnoticed. The vyres may still be drinking deep of the wells of Vampyrium, but I have a feeling they are but a harvest sown by the vyres' hand and have a reaping destined in their future.

For now I need to get my bearings straight and get caught up with the others, or lack thereof. We still have a lot of work ahead of us if we are going to make the vampyres pay for their transgressions. They should be lulled into a sense of security with how quiet it has been as of late. The time of reckoning is nigh.

Guther always wins! :3 :3 :3 (( Not really. I can dream though))

04-Dec-2015 14:16:55 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2015 14:18:10 by Neon Knights

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Connor's Personal Journal
Essianday, 11 Wintumber, 6th Age
Part 1/2

Progress has been awfully slow. If it weren't for Athena, and her new training sessions, I doubt I'd spend any time at Burgh other than to fill in my patrol time. My little hidey-hole up north has been a blessing. Privacy to send letters, communiques, all manner of damning information that needs to be kept away from prying eyes, be it my colleagues here or otherwise. Even so, what little time I've spent at Burgh has seen it as an empty ghost-town.

But, of course, Calsidiu's back, if I'm to listen to the rumors which are about. I can't be certain, and won't be until I return to Burgh' for good... I can't say I'm exactly happy leaving my little base-of-operations...I still intend to visit, of course, but I won't be here anywhere near as often. On the bright side, I'll have more...
I'll have to find a bright side to returning to Burgh' full-time.

Well, regardless, things were quiet up at the base. Seems like The Order is handling itself rather well. That said, I'm going to skin Strinthas alive, maybe even demote him from white mask to mithril. If he can't keep track of a single, heavy-duty temple knight who's gone AWOL then he's really not making use of the resources he's been afforded. So unless he finds this damned "temple knight", or unless his acolyte can bring back the temple knights, he's really little more than an imbecile in a dragon mask.

And finally, I come back to pondering my own sanity. What I am. Or rather, what I'm becoming. There would've been a time when being stronger, faster, more perceptive...sounded like a good thing. But considering the mental changes, and what's.../inside/'s just a worrisome factor of what I fear could be a metamorphosis. Zaros willing that I'm wrong on that.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

06-Dec-2015 11:55:36

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Connor's Personal Journal
Essianday, 11 Wintumber, 6th Age
Part 2/2

On note of the "excavations" I've been doing, only five talismans remain. There's one which Embyr is certain is across the salve, in Ardougne, or thereabouts. Which means there are simply four talismans left...perhaps Calsidiu would actually accompany me in finding them. If so, then I would certain have a benefit to returning to Burgh'. Of course, returning the talismans once I'm finally done with them will be the work of a lifetime...but I've little doubt I can find help in that particular matter. What I'm not looking forwards to is if there are other talismans across the salve which I need to recover that Embyr can't get to. For some reason, my stomach gets upset every time I cross over the salve, and that's not to mention the migraines...still. What has to be done has to be done.

On the other artifacts, no news. It's been unfortunately quiet as of late, but still, I have hope that we'll find more in due time. Perhaps even a few in morytania. Having an active myreque would certainly be advantageous.

Speaking of the myreque, I wonder how Calsidiu will react when he finds a set of Zarosian runite armour sitting in the storage room under a sheet, along with the other runite suits. Maybe selling one or two should bring in enough coin to get some quality weaponry around there, and I also must make sure that I can set in motion several smaller operations within the swamps..gathering weaponry and food, reliably, that kind of thing.

If nothing else, I'll be glad to be around Athena a little more, make sure she's taking care of herself, carry on training her.. I worry for her. The others, I fear, mistrust her for reasons out of her control. It's not her fault she had to change her name, she's just trying to live a new life, and I'll be damned to infernus if I get in the way of that.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

06-Dec-2015 12:11:20



Posts: 943 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Eirz said :
Application Form:

Screen-Name: Eirz (subject to change)
Time Zone: Central, USA
Character Name: Sylar Sloane
Character Race: Human
Valuable Skills: Adequate Tracker/Hunter, Adept Craftsman, Sailor
Last Myreque Quest Done: None. This is a new account, I am currently building the stats for these quests. I should be able to enter Burgh de Rott later tonight after I raise both my agility and crafting levels. Completed: In Aid of the Myreque. Working on Darkness of Hallowvale.
Brief History:
- Sylar was born on Mos Le'Harmless from two Burgh de Rott refugees.
- These various crafts include: rope-making, carpentry, trap-making, etc.
- In his teens, his family's financial situation took a dive. He took up smuggling- later piracy.
- Sylar's misfortune continued. His being a pirate distanced himself from his family.
- A few years ago Sylar fought against the Customs and Excise Office.
- Unfortunately, his ship sunk in battle. For weeks, he struggled to survive on wreckage.
- Injured and concussed, Sylar drifted along the Salve to Mort Myre.
- Two months later, Sylar struggles to survive with concussive memory loss. Who will find him?

- Joined The Myreque as a private. Went his own way when the group temporarily disbanded.


06-Dec-2015 22:24:58

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 8,316 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Eirz said :
Eirz said :
Application Form:

Screen-Name: Eirz (subject to change)
Time Zone: Central, USA
Character Name: Sylar Sloane
Character Race: Human
Valuable Skills: Adequate Tracker/Hunter, Adept Craftsman, Sailor
Last Myreque Quest Done: None. This is a new account, I am currently building the stats for these quests. I should be able to enter Burgh de Rott later tonight after I raise both my agility and crafting levels. Completed: In Aid of the Myreque. Working on Darkness of Hallowvale.
Brief History:
- Sylar was born on Mos Le'Harmless from two Burgh de Rott refugees.
- These various crafts include: rope-making, carpentry, trap-making, etc.
- In his teens, his family's financial situation took a dive. He took up smuggling- later piracy.
- Sylar's misfortune continued. His being a pirate distanced himself from his family.
- A few years ago Sylar fought against the Customs and Excise Office.
- Unfortunately, his ship sunk in battle. For weeks, he struggled to survive on wreckage.
- Injured and concussed, Sylar drifted along the Salve to Mort Myre.
- Two months later, Sylar struggles to survive with concussive memory loss. Who will find him?

- Joined The Myreque as a private. Went his own way when the group temporarily disbanded.

Welcome back, Eirz.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

08-Dec-2015 00:04:51

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 8,316 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rologarth said :

Calsidiu's Log
Castileday, Wintumber 13th, 6A 3

I gathered the two remaining Myreque I could find, Connor and Elzbeth, and we headed into Meiyerditch to find Azzada and his men. Unfortunately, after hours of searching, we turned up nothing on them. However, it was not a fruitless effort. We managed to reclaim a long lost asset...

Sylar is back. We extracted him from the 'Ditch, drunk, unshaven, and anemic. A fate I was suffering not that long ago. We dragged him to the Vyrewall and sobered him up before bringing him back to the Burgh. He reclaimed his gear and has reconfirmed his pledge to the sickle. He, and the rest of us still have a lot of work ahead of us.

I appointed Elzbeth as liaison between us and the Barrows community. They are indeed a strange lot, but they seem to have their hearts in the right place. Guther has invited us to visit his capitol for some sort of welcoming feast. I wonder what could possibly be on the menu to have a feast out here, even with outside help...

Connor's in charge of handling patrol reports and the various oddities that come with keeping an eye on our borders. Sylar's got all the upkeep, and he's working on gutting some of the unused shacks for supplies.

Speaking of supplies, we do have a mound of rather... sensitive and questionable items. I do not even know where to begin on that. I've never seen anything like it in my whole life, let alone what to actually do with it. I will have to put it up to a vote between those who know of it.

For now, I have some organizing to do. If we are going to make it with so few people, we need to function like a well-oiled clock. The odds are not in our favor, but I will make us manage.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

08-Dec-2015 00:09:22 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2015 03:31:33 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 8,316 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rologarth said :

Calsidiu's Log
Gullday, Wintumber 15th, 6A 3

I wrote my last log a bit too soon. Not long after I penned it, Elzbeth and Sylar came back after investigating reports of a man assaulting people with rotten fruit outside of Mort'ton. They said it was a vampyre wanna-be farmer who has a gross misunderstanding of western culture. They brought me the book it used. It was so vile I had it burned. Even still, I can feel the evil of those pages on my eyes.

The vampyre itself managed to escape the pair. Luckily, it seems to be lost in madness and is innocuous for now. I will permit it to live for the time being, seeing as we now have a much bigger, and more imminent threat looming over us. Ripper demons.

I investigated the scratches along our fences, only to find a stunted ripper demon to be the cause. Elzbeth bound it and I killed it, but those things run in packs. There must be more where it came from. And the signs point to the Abandoned Mine. The marks are most intense on the western side of town.

There has been a set of assassinations in Mort'ton as well. I was suspicious they involved the demons, but so far the clues lead away from them. Whatever killed the people did so expertly, and drained the blood then planted the bodies in their home.

The victims gave reports of a shack near the Slayer Tower. Connor and I searched the premises, only to find that it, and the secret room under it, were already ransacked. I stole the painting that was the trigger to open the room and have it hidden away for later analysis. Perhaps it contains a clue or two.

Right now I am keeping an eye on the west side of town, looking up every few words. Patrols are now to be carried out in pairs. Marko's got the other half of town right now. The mine and its surrounding areas are a no-travel zone. I've already alerted Guther and his people and invited him to help hunt the rippers. Now we gather our strength.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

08-Dec-2015 00:09:28 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2015 03:30:58 by Rologarth

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