
The Myreque

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The Setting

These roleplays will take place in the 5th Age, set between the Myreque quests Lord of Vampyrium and River of Blood. They will cover the events leading up to the confrontation at the Salve as well as any lingering aftermath.



The various vampyric covens and factions have been ruthlessly brought under control of House Drakan by means of assassinations, executions, and bribes. With the death of her brother, Vanescula's word is law, or so she would have everyone think. There is talk of dissent, though it is kept to hushed whispers for fear of being put to the blood-letters... or worse.

The Myreque have been all but eradicated. The few that survived the assault on Drakan's keep were left to languish by Vanescula, who promised to not hunt them down should they simply not interfere with her machinations. However not long after Lowerniel's demise, rumors spread through the marshes that the enigmatic Calsidiu, founder of the Myreque, has come back to fight on the front lines with whoever will join his side.


King Roald III has issued a country-wide conscription, calling upon every Lord and Lady in his hands to deliver an army to Varrock post haste. Only the privileged few know the true meaning of the draft - Morytania is on the march and the Salve can no longer hold them back. Information on the threat is kept a closely guarded secret for fear of mass panic and desertion.

Misthalin's allies have left them standing alone against the vampyric horde, either too embroiled in their own in-fighting or only able to mobilize a small supplementary force in time to aid them. Desperate, King Roald has opened the royal coffers to give an up-front monetary incentive for their Mercenary Protocol in hopes that they help delay Morytania's forces.
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08-Dec-2015 00:09:48 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 04:57:59 by Rologarth

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Other Kingdoms and Territories

Al Kharid/Kharidian Desert:

Al Kharid and Menaphos are at an uneasy ceasefire thanks to Emir Shah, though covert hostilities take place frequently. Spies on both sides work tirelessly to uncover any weaknesses and exploit them. While Menaphos is under a tight quarantine, Al Kharid regularly trades with Kandarin, Misthalin, and Asgarnia.

Unable to divert an army to Misthalin's aid for fear of a Menaphite attack, Emir Shah has sent a small militia of elite soldiers to reinforce Misthalin as a gesture of solidarity and good will. Menaphos' port has seen several ships sail eastward to unknown desitnations.


Asgarnia is embroiled in a fierce cold war between the ruling White Knights and the outcast Kinshra. Both sides of the conflict are ready to be fully mobilized at the drop of a pin. The northern half of the country is firmly under the control of the Kinshra, consolidated into a state called Kinsmarch. The rest of Asgarnia is under the purview of the White Knights, and is subject to their harsh moral codes.

Both the Kinshra and the White Knights are too consumed with their own squabbles to lend any real aid to Misthalin, they are keeping a weary eye on their neighboring country for any troubling developments.

Eastern Lands:

Few ships make it to and from the Eastern Lands, and all of them return with horrible tales of leviathans prowling the oceans and sinking any ship that can't outrun them. There are, however, a few black ships that frequent the eastern ports of Morytania and deal in the most nefarious trades.

Easterners are as varied as they are rare. Aloof, traditional, and neutral. It is not unheard of for House Drakan to employ an eastern assassin to do the dirty work unfit for vyre hands.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:03 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 04:58:15 by Rologarth

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Other Kingdoms and Territories Continued

Feldip Hills:

A land covered in thick jungles filled with all manner of Bandosian beasts from the mighty ogres to humble goblins. There is no coherent government or civilization. In true Bandosian fashion, might makes right. There is a small Kandar presence both in the north and on the far west shore, but they are little more than military outposts seeking to tame the Feldip wilds.

Fremennik Providences:

There are near-constant skirmishes between the various clans of the Fremmennik, as well as clashes on the Kandarin border and the mountain passes to Trollweiss. The remoteness of the providences and the looming threat of the dagganoth keep most Fremmennik out of touch with the rest of the world.


A kingdom with claimed lands larger than Misthalin and Asgarnia combined, Kandarin is bogged down by its own feudal system. Lords wage territorial wars against one another while the Crown is busy expanding its already stretched borders with lavish expeditionary forces.

Misthalin's request for aid has yet to work its way through the backlog of missives and reach King Lathas, though Kandarin's expansive merchant fleet has seen the Mercenary Protocol's call reach nearly every pier and dock in the kingdom.


A haven for merchant ships and pirates, Karamja is nothing more than a collection of unaffiliated settlements ranging from tribal to colonial. The colonial expansion often comes at the expense of the natives who are exploited for cheap labor.

The distance from the fight, as well as the selfish and care-free attitudes of most inhabitants means few Karamjans bother to set sail and join Misthalin's fight.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:07 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 04:58:32 by Rologarth

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Other Kingdoms and Territories Continued

Keldagrim (And other Dwarven Settlements):

Deep under the Trollweiss Mountains between Asgarnia and Kandarin, the dwarves of Keldagrim are hard at work mining the various ore veins housed in their deep chasms. While their ruling Consortium is paralyzed by rivalries, the various companies that make up the Consortium have been getting an unusually high amount of orders for silver.

While the dwarves mostly keep to themselves and think their cities are impervious to the world above, a few miners and forehands have heard the whispers of vampyres from the carters.


Sealed off from the rest of Gielinor by the Arandar Mountains, the elves of Tirannwn are consumed by a bloody civil war perpetrated by the Iowerth clan. Few elves leave the Isafdar Forest, and even fewer care for the plights of the human kingdoms.

Tree Gnome Stronghold/Village (And other Gnomish Settlements)

While reclusive and secretive of their own settlements, gnomes are creatures stricken by wanderlust. Oftentimes if an expeditionary force does not find a gnomish settlement in a land they have recently discovered, one is sure to pop up in short order.

Their curiosity knows no bounds, and even the dark threat of Morytania can hearken to a gnome's sense of adventure. Out of any non-human race, the ingenious and ingenuitive gnomes are the most likely to be found in Misthalin's conflict.

The Wilderness:

With no government, no permanent settlements, and no civilization what-so-ever, the scourge that is the Wilderness produces little more than ruthless bandits and savage warlords.

A wildling might actually find Morytania a refreshing challenge, if they were to even hear of the conflict and make it to Paterdomus alive.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:12 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 04:58:47 by Rologarth

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The followers of Armadyl are few, but devout and just. They strive for peace and the good of all above anything else.

They are considered by other religions to be kind and fair, however Zamorakians and Bandosians often find them too weak and naive.


Bandosians are little more than simpletons and brutes, valuing strength above all else. They will strive to prove themselves against any foe, and kneel to anyone significantly more powerful than them.

They are universally hated by nearly every religion, though Zamorakians can empathize with their belief in strength.


Followers of Guthix strive to maintain the status quo of Gielinor, and will change sides to ensure that balance is met. They value the world and preserving nature, seeking to live in harmony with the elements instead of recklessly harvesting them.

Guthixians are considered wise, but dubious by most religions. Because of their ever-shifting alliances, nobody feels comfortable trusting a Guthixian.


The most populous religion, followers of Saradomin are pious, orderly, and determined. However, the religion's focus on order above benevolence leaves cruel men to come into positions of power. They are sticklers for doctrine and theology, having the strictest social and moral codes among the various religions.

Saradominists are considered by other religions to be intolerant, closed-minded, but ultimately good-hearted. Zamorakians are the antithesis of everything Saradominist, and as such both religions share a vicious hatred for one another.


Few other than elves remember Seren's existence, forgotten by the passage of ages. Those that follow Seren can be easily mistaken for Guthixians at a glance due to their similar views of nature and harmony.

Serenists, when known, are treated with a bit of suspicion due to the relative obscurity of Seren and her goals.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:21 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 05:24:51 by Rologarth

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Religion Continued


Zamorakians come in two flavors - the destructive anarchists that seek to tear down every authoritarian institution to instill chaos all over Gielinor, and the determined, self-sufficient man who seeks to make the most out of himself at any cost. The former is much louder than the latter, and gives the religion a notoriously bad name.

Zamorakians are vilified by nearly every other religion and are typically the cliche antagonists of most fairy tales and legends. While people will reluctantly deal with Guthixians, almost nobody will willingly deal with a Zamorakian.

Zaros (The Empty Lord):

Zaros has not been active upon Gielinor for millennia. Before the Third Age, he was supposedly killed by Zamorak and a coalition of Saradominist, Zamorakian, Armadyllian, and Bandosian forces tore down his empire and burned his name from history leaving only haunting tales of the Empty Lord. Practically nobody knows of the Empty Lord, and those that do only worship him from the shadows. Even using ancient magicks can bring unwanted attention to a Zarosian. The Empty Lord prioritizes fewer, stronger followers over
more numerous but weaker followers, and as such proselytization is nonexistent.

Zarosians, when they make a mistake and make themselves known, are systematically hunted down by most orders of religion. Only Guthixians, Serenists, and some Armadyleans would consider giving quarter to them. Saradominists and Zamorakians alike will ruthlessly pursue any follower of the Empty Lord, and any Bandosian would relish in the opportunity to test their mettle against such an obscure foe.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:25 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 05:38:19 by Rologarth

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The aviansie are anthropomorphic birds with distinct races modeled after mundane species of birds. They are virtually extinct on Gielinor, and what few that may inhabit the lands live in solitude far from other races.

While they are generally gregarious and welcoming of other races, their rarity makes them the target of hostility and suspicion. At best, on first contact an aviansie may be thought to be a nature spirit, and at worst, a harpy or other bipedal bird monster.


Short, stout, and proud, Dwarves are some of the more common and accepted non-humans. Honorable and stalwart, they have a natural affinity with stone and metal that surpasses other races.

Dwarves are often given second-class citizenship in human kingdoms, if not full citizenship with rights. A common human has likely seen a dwarf once or twice in his life, and a cosmopolitan or well-traveled human likely knows a few dwarven drinking songs.


Sleek and secretive with sharp features and long ears, elves keep to themselves. When heading east to deal with the younger races, they often take extreme care to mask their true nature. Only well-connected men in Kandarin know for certain that elves exist.

Elves are considered fairy tales, mythical beings that may have existed in ages prior with awesome magicks and an affinity with nature that would make Guthix blush. Discovering an elf could result in anything from a crowd gathering to present gifts and beg for wishes to a witch-hunt to cleanse the unnatural being from the lands.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:31 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 05:57:50 by Rologarth

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Races Continued


Short, large-headed, and with big, vibrant eyes, gnomes are a child-like race of long-lived humanoids that are famous for their wanderlust. Nearly every kingdom or territory has some sort of gnomish presence on it, and it is not uncommon for explorers to discover a new area only to find gnomes had already settled there years prior.

Gnomes are almost as universally accepted as dwarves, though their secrecy of their major settlements does lead to an air of mistrust that not even gnomish jokes can clear. They are generally considered kind-hearted and daring, if a bit silly. Though, there are some gnomes that betray this stereotype and are quite, quite unpleasant.


The most prolific race on Gielinor, humans have come to dominate the continent thanks to their versatility. They are generally xenophobic by nurture, and often find enough fault in other members of their own race to cast them out and segregate themselves. Though, when raised right, humans can be extremely compassionate and understanding beings.

Humans are considered by other races to be both short-lived, short-sighted, and closed-minded. However, most races will find it hard to not admire human persistance and ingenuity.


Most commonly referred to as angels, Icyene are tall, winged humanoids from a different plane. They are, for all intents and purposes, nonexistent on Gielinor. Noble, proud, and single-minded, they almost exclusively follow Saradomin. They tend to make no attempt to be subtle, and find hiding their nature and form demeaning.

If an Icyene were to be found, they would be treated as if they were an angel - for better or for worse. They could be swept up by a crowd and publicly worshiped, or they could be dragged by their heels into a deep dungeon and harvested for alchemical reagents by dark forces.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:35 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 06:07:46 by Rologarth

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Races Continued

Sea Orphans (And other Orphans)

Sea Orphans are humans afflicted with an unknown genetic disease that causes them to manifest features of various sea creatures. They can be born with scales, gills, tentacles, or even flippers. There are sometimes other types of orphans that manifest characteristics of other, non-marine animals.

Orphans of all types are treated with mistrust and are often outcast from society, if not hunted down and killed for their mutations. They often go through extreme lengths to disguise their nature for fear of being hunted down like an animal.


Seasingers are natives of the Eastern Lands and are completely covered in scales with head ridges instead of hair. Their voices are renowned for their hypnotic qualities. They do not like to travel far from the sea, and only travel outside of the Eastern Lands for good reason.

They are treated poorly outside of the Eastern Lands. Even in port cities, they are only considered slightly above a slave in terms of rights or privileges. Towns farther inland might consider them lake spirits or sea monsters.


Vampyres are the ruling race in Morytania and are vilified the world-round. Fearsome blood-suckers capable of mild shape-shifting and flight, they rule the lands east of the Salve with an iron fist. Cocky and self-confident, vampyres are nearly universally self-serving and irredeemably cruel. Trueborn Vampyres laud over turned Vampyres in the same manner turned Vampyres laud over human cattle.

Vampyres are considered monsters even inside of Morytania, and rightfully so. If one were to surface west of the Salve, it would be relentlessly hunted down and overpowered in its weakened state. Hardly anybody trusts a vampyre, as they can be certain that the vampyre is serving its own agenda and will stab them in the back as soon as it is convenient.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:40 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 06:33:15 by Rologarth

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Races Continued


Proud, territorial, pack-minded, and few in number, werewolves are the vampyres' favorite servants. They are ruthless and long-lived, but notoriously hard to tame. They have a burning hatred for anything Saradominist or Myreque, holding long-lasting grudges for the slights against their race. There is resentment for their vampyric overlords, though it is often kept quiet for fear of their numbers being thinned out even more.

Like vampyres, werewolves are considered monsters everywhere they go. Vampyres consider them to be a client race, or in some cases, pets. There have been instances of werewolves being bred for a family of vampyres over a millennia to suit their aesthetic purposes.
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08-Dec-2015 00:10:44 - Last edited on 23-Jan-2018 06:40:47 by Rologarth

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