
The Myreque

Quick find code: 237-238-899-65245150

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last Deterro said :

Lieutenant's Log
Essianday, Moevyng 25th, 5A 169

Everything fell apart. The brief moment of victory turning to despair as Vanesculea killed Safalaan, and revealed how his blood would empower the Vampyres to be able to cross the salve. That was the last straw. After so much loss, all of it for nothing, all of us killed...I pulled out my blisterwood sickle and charged at her. And she...dodged...then pushed me off of the edge of the tower. This was back in Gilenor, back in Morytania. Knowing I had only one chance left at living, I hurriedly tossed away the sickle and began trying to channel energy desperately into the crystal necklace... worked. My soul was pulled into the crystal, and my survived. When I came to, I was in agony, covered in mud, half-drowned. Some passer-by, a trader, had found me, tampered with the necklace, and back I was. I told him to run. Told them that the vamypres were raising an army and that we were all doomed. Covered in blood and in mangled armour, I suppose it wouldn't been an...unnerving...experience.

I dragged myself to Burgh de Rott. Pulling open most of my wounds in the process, I forecd by battered body through into De'rott, the town emptied slowly but surely as people were kidnapped. Dragging myself through a ghost town, I ended up finding my way to the base there I'd been to a handful of times.

The base was empty, save for a single note, left by a lieutenant which spoke of how the myreque were no more. Since the rest of the base had been abandoned, looted, it seemed a strange thing to leave behind. I looked closer, desperate to find something...and I did. The first letters of each line formed a sentence : "MEET AT PATERDOMUS".

Survivors. There were survivors.

Foolishly, my hopes were raised just a little, and I began clawing my way all the way to the north, to Paterdomus..

[Page 4 of 5]
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

05-Mar-2017 11:33:35 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2017 12:04:41 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last Deterro said :

Lieutenant's Log
Essianday, Moevyng 25th, 5A 169

It felt like it lasted days, weeks even, as I dragged my failing, armour-clad body through the mort myre. Luck must have finally struck as somehow...I made it. That, or everything in the swamps thought I was so dead, I wouldn't be worth the effort. I dragged myself across that bridge, through the barrier, to see a woman rush to my aid. I was barely coherent at that point, and the woman tried to heal me as best she could, damaging herself in the process.

The final scraps of hope died when I heard that there was noone left but her and another. Three members. That's all that remained. I soon found out that there was a fourth one, some newbie who was...less.....than cohesive.

The four of us, once I was healed up, talked. Planned. Tried to figure out what to do next, knowing that we were it. The Myreque, reduced down to a single man with defiance burning in him, a raven-haired mage who hurt herself just to heal me, a smith who beleives she's from another reality, and....myself...whatever I am. The man who was in charge facto leader, I suppose you could say. The highest ranked and most cohesive, at any rate.

Despite the loss, despite the agony, he somehow still pushes on. I don't know if he thinks we'll actually make it, but....he's determined nevertheless. Either a madman or a hero, and I hope I'll live long enough to find out which. Us, a band of four, slowly started to cobble together a plan. Is Calsidiu as our head, we would undo what had been done during the assault. We'd stop the vyres' plans.

The shaking of my hands is starting to return. Best to try and sleep for the night, see if I can rest without being haunted by the visages I see whenever I close my eyes. Unlikely, but best to try rather than not.

[Page 5 of 5]
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

05-Mar-2017 11:44:23 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2017 12:03:55 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last Deterro said :

Lieutenant's Log
Gullday, Moevyng 29th, 5A 169

At Paterdomus, there were only four of us. When I made my way in, barely concious, I met the first, a mage by the name of Elzbeth. Quite a powerful mage at that, but from what I've gathered, she's no ordinary mage. She's already protected the party with a few fire spells, but she's also capable of lunar magics, and also, perculiarly enough, necromancy to varying degrees. I'll have to keep an eye on her, necromancy invariably leads to....trouble.

Calsidiu, a man who's impressively resilient-seeming, is the leader of the group for now. Calsidiu, the founder and leader of the Myreque, of whom stories are told, whispered, all across Meiyerditch. The man's very name is a symbol of hope and freedom in Morytania...I just hope that his actions speak for him. He's got a fair sense of humor, and bears an unsettling resemblance to my father, albeit a bit shorter. He even made a quip about dying his hair red, of all the things. Strange coincidences, hard to completely put them out of my mind.

And finally, Joanna. I....don't even know where to start with her. She claims to be a smith, has the appearance of a blueblood, and is quite the conversationalist. She's incredibly chirpy and upbeat, optimistic to the point of naivety. ...she also believes that she's from another reality or something along those lines. ...regardless, she had money, and still seems to be able to function when she's not coughing up blood or rambling about dimension-hopping.

It's still a harrowing thought, that we're all that's left between the vampyres and Misthalin. Calsidiu headed to Misthalin, but....they refused to send in any aid at all. They don't understand the danger...and they won't until it's far, far too late.

[Page 1 of 4]
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

09-Mar-2017 10:23:16 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2017 11:46:24 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last Deterro said :

Lieutenant's Log
Gullday, Moevyng 29th, 5A 169

I've delayed my writing for a little while because of quite the critical problem - lack of charcoal. Though charcoal is a first-world proble, we're lacking EVERYTHING down here. Supplies of every kind are thin-on-the-ground, or straight up nonexistant.

After we prepared ourselves in Paterdomus, me and Jo making a small trip off to ask for help from a "friend" of hers with very little success....than later, me going out and using all of the group's coin to buy some silver....we were finally ready to head off. to Burgh de Rott. Cal' had apparently scouted the place out, and said it was safe-enough looking.

A short trip through the Mort Myre later, and we were at De'rott. The place is still a ghost town, barely a handful of Meiyerditch refugees present. Why did Drakan's lot take the whole town, person-by-person? I suppose we'll never know now, but it's a reminder of how the place has fallen from grace. Fallen from a rotting, but welcoming town full of hopeful refugess to an empty pile of rotting timber and stone.

Calsidiu's right. The people of Morytania, of the Myreque, need their spirits lifting just as muh as they need arming and feeding, perhaps even moreso than the others. On our trek through to 'de Rott, we found a couple of herbs on the course of a ghast. Nothing too rare or special, but passing through Mort'ton soonafter gave me a thought. What better way to lift spirits than to help cure the town? Grow herbs at the nature grotto, then brew cures for the unfortunate diseased folk of the town.

That would be perfect., for everyone. The people of Mort'ton have another chance at life, our indecisive allies realize that we're back and more determined than ever...even the vyres wouldn't tithe the people of Meiyerditch as badly. Everyone wins.

[Page 2 of 4]
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

09-Mar-2017 10:46:09 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2017 11:46:00 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last Deterro said :

Lieutenant's Log
Gullday, Moevyng 29th, 5A 169

Hope. Hope is what it all boils down to. Hope and planning, that is. Last time, we were blinded by nothing but hope and trust. This time, we know what our goal is, and we know we can achieve it. But we need a spark of hope to set the pyre alight. All it takes is a spark, and the flames will follow. Will curing Mort'ton be enough? Will providing aid to the people of Meiyerditch be enough? Only time will tell. But we need to be ready once people are ready to fight. There's a lot of anger pent up in the people of Meiyerditch, and when they're ready to let it fly, we have to be ready for it.

The mad smith's remaining coin has already been invaluable. Since the Vyres are still in chaos after the assassination, we've got a respite of a few days...perhaps even a week, at best. It was long enough for the forge in 'de Rott to get some usage, anyway. Now I, and the smith, have a silver sickle each, and we've got a couple of bars left over. Additionally, I managed to make a...haphazard, makeshift breastplate for myself. Still, I'm thankful for it.

Making a quick trip to Paterdomus to attempt putting a salve-water "blessing" on my sickle, I quickly heard from Ivan that there was another member of the Myreque, a straggler who'd turned up! Clearly, they hadn't heard the message, but no matter, I went off to greet them and tell them what had transpired since the even that'd shaken everything up.

Shynaria, an albino with pink eyes, stuck out like a sore thumb. Fitting, considering the fact she's a bard. A tracker and a cook too, she sounded like she'd be helpful at 'de Rott to say the least. So after a short conversation, I told her about the remnants of the group. I also found out soonafter that she's a medic, too. Probably only good at physical wounds, not mental ones...

[Page 3 of 4]
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

09-Mar-2017 11:16:01 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2017 11:44:56 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last Deterro said :

Lieutenant's Log
Gullday, Moevyng 29th, 5A 169

With Shynaria en route back to Burgh' once she had everything she needed, I headed back too, to do some more patrolling...which, quite frankly, is a depressing reminder of how empty the place is...before talking to Elzbeth, and brewing up some more plans.

While Cal' may be our "leader", it's pretty informal, and it's more a case of "work on whatever helps the group out". So while the mad smith's off running amok in the swamps, and Calsidiu's....doing whatever a Calsidiu does, me and Elzbeth have been cooking up plans, and she's been doing some research on how to purify soil to help plant growth.

Needing to bless my sickle gave me a bit more of a kick-start to the idea of cleansing Mort'ton - the nature grotto itself, a place completely full of plantlife, it'd be a perfect place to grow the herbs we need, assuming we can scavenge the seeds! Hopefully, any passers-by won't notice the significance of a couple of leafy plants in the middle of the nature-ridden mess that the grotto is.

Still, we need those seeds to begin with, which means venturing into the Mort Myre, scavenging through bushes and fighting ghasts. Something about this nagged at me, though. The vyres are distracted, we can get away with almost anything. So, a new idea came to me. A raid on Phasmatys itself.

Stealing a ship, loaded with supplies for the Burgh, and sailing it all the way back here. Ghosts don't need timber and lumber, after all. I've decided to head off with Elzbeth through the Mort Myre to Phasmatys, to scout the place out, see if there's a ship with something worth taking on it. Along the way, maybe we'll find some seeds. Perhaps we might even be able to snag something more than just construction materials at the port...but we'll see.

The days of piracy privateering are about to pay off...

[Page 4 of 4]
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

09-Mar-2017 11:43:19 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2017 11:59:41 by Last Deterro

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