
The Myreque

Quick find code: 237-238-899-65245150

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Erysail, Wintumber 3, 6A 2

Two days ago I sent Kaij to check up on Stacie's claim that purple-robed humans were using the tunnels under Canifis. When he reported back, he confirmed that previously unidentified humans were infact inhabiting the tunnels. However he did find an error in Stacie's testimony, their robes were magenta.

H.A.M.M.R. is what they call themselves. The Humans Against Monsters - Morytania Recovery division is the long of it. From what Kaij and several of the mercenaries in my employ tell me, these folks are bad news. They say that they are radical Saradominists who wish to wipe out all non-human life and now they've set their sights on Morytania, wishing to see it united under a Saradominist banner.

While not exactly contrary to our goals, they seem to have taken things a step beyond what we have planned. I personally believe that they have no idea what they're up against and have given orders to my men to convince them to retreat across the Salve while they still can. I want to do this quick and clean, bloodshed is not necessary.

I have been patrolling Canifis and its outlying areas, keeping an eye peeled for the flamboyant shade that these H.A.M.M.R. folk seem to wear. So far they have evaded my watchful gaze, however I did forcibly remove an insane human bard from the Hair of the Dog. Had to throw him over the Salve to get him to stop babbling.

Today I went into Canifis to ask the locals some questions. From what I gather, these H.A.M.M.R.s are quite sneaky for wearing such conspicuous colors. Not a single werewolf has seen one of these oddly dressed humans. I suppose I could go down into the tunnels myself, but I do not wish to arouse any more suspicion.

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29-Nov-2014 01:09:26

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Wintumber 4, 6A 2

Under these circumstances, I thought my headaches would wane into nonexistence. However they still remain, gnawing at my consciousness like a Ghast at a fresh meal. I suppose I should get to the meat of it, then.

Stacie, the inexplicably nosy werewolf, is finally no longer of my concern. Her mind, bristling with sensitive, ill-gotten Myreque knowledge, has been silenced. She came wandering through Burgh de Rott and happened upon me, telling me she was bound for the Grotto. This made me suspicious, as nobody I know has told her of its presence. I had Francine escort her to the Grotto after she gave me some tall tale of a manbatwolf. I was rather surprised when a short while later Francine returned looking harried.

She said that they were set upon by some ethereal being that controlled awful magicks. I mustered up Kivan and the three of us approached the area in question with our druid pouches at the ready. However, whatever that being was, it was immune to the effects of the pouch. It spoke to us in our minds, trying to goad us into betrayal. It let slip that Stacie was its prisoner, and after a brief search, we found her. Kivan set her free, however the being too offense to our meddling and began dragging the werewolf away.

With far more lives than just ours at risk, I made a call. Stacie was unrecoverable and a sensitive asset that we could not lose to whatever this thing was. I ordered Kivan to kill her, and he did just that. Impaled through the chest, quick and easy. With her secrets sealed, we made our retreat back to Burgh de Rott.

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29-Nov-2014 17:42:23

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Wintumber 4, 6A 2

Once we arrived, I dismissed both Francine and Kivan as I searched for Stacie's fiance Victor to give him the bad news. When I did find him, I chose to lie to him. To tell him it was the being's trickery that had his love killed. He is far too valuable and dangerous to have pitted against us. I am doing what is right- what I /have/ to do to keep all of us safe. At least that is what I tell myself so that I may sleep at night.

I am unsure if I will be able to forgive myself, or if my actions will be excused by Saradomin when my final hour comes. I am not certain whether that even matters in this world gone mad, where gods die like flies and good men do nothing while evil prospers. The only thing I /am/ certain of is that I must do all that is in my power to keep my men alive and bring freedom to the peoples of Morytania. Sometimes I have to abandon my morals for the greater good. Rob one man of a lover to spare the lovers of hundreds. Make choices that, in all honesty, I should have no right to make.

My mind is weary, my hand trembling. I will bid this journal farewell for now and partake in something... anything to get my mind off of the blood on my hands. Perhaps I will go to the shore and cast a net. I suppose my sickle could use a sharpening. More likely than not I will end up at the pub ruins above and drink from my private reserves. Saradomin have mercy on me.

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29-Nov-2014 17:53:25

Rey Andralla

Rey Andralla

Posts: 280 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Screen-Name: Rey Andralla

Time Zone: GMT : +10:00 (AustralianEasternStandardTime)

Character Name: Ralutus Elensar

Character Race: Human

Valuable Skills: Scouting, Crafting, Potion Making.

Last Myreque Quest Done: Legacy of Seergaze

Brief History: Ralutus was born an urchin, living off scraps of food in the streets of Varrock was hardly a childhood, but survival burned through his blood from an early age determination picking him up when his spirits fell, doing some work for the Phoenix Gang gave him enough coin to survive, but Ralutus yearned for something more, he wanted to live instead of simple surviving, so off in search of adventure he went at the tender age of 16. Journeying to the west he past Gunnarsgrunn, to Taverly, here the druids took care of the child but peace and balance were not his goals, however coin was needed to fund any life he wanted to live, so a year long apprenticeship to an Apothecary started to turn his life around, changing professions to be apprenticed to a Craftsman for another year. After the two years of working live Ralutus was fed up with the humble life, and tagged along with a traveler who was headed to "Dark Lands" to fight "Evil Creatures" at 18 this was the calling of a lifetime for Ralutus and he followed the traveler in blind search of adventure. Traveling east through Varrock and through the temple across the river salve, Ralutus saw the daunting land of Morytania for the first time and considered going back to his humble life, the air itself seemed dead in this scarred land, making camp north-east of Canifis, the traveler told Ralutus of creatures that stalked the endless night on this land, creatures of leathery wings and wolf beasts, two nights is all his companion lasted before the attention they drew was too much, while Ralutus was in Canifis collecting supplies from the townsfolk, he returned to his companion drained of all life force, Ralutus stumbled from the camp, seeking help in the town..

30-Nov-2014 04:44:59 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2014 04:31:47 by Rey Andralla

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 8,316 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rey Andralla said :
Screen-Name: Rey Andralla

Time Zone: GMT : +10:00 (AustralianEasternStandardTime)

Character Name: Ralutus Elensar

Character Race: Human

Valuable Skills: Scouting, Crafting, Potion Making.

Last Myreque Quest Done: Legacy of Seergaze

Sounds good, Rey. We can get Ralutus acquainted with the Myreque soon.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

01-Dec-2014 04:46:33

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 8,316 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Ivanday, Wintumber 6, 6A 2

This past Essainday was eventful, to say the least. I was taking a tour of the Mort Myre, laying stray Ghasts to rest when I was tracked down by the Draculea J**inate Cain. He delivered to me news that H.A.M.M.R. attempted to clear out the Hair of the Dog and claim Canifis as their own. As I would expect, their jaunt was hilariously short-lived. Also unsurprisingly, none of the locals even thought to interrogate the braggarts before they slaughtered them. I do suppose that is for the best, they do not need to know that their infestation lies right under their noses.

Cain and I traveled separately to the pub, him for a distraction and I to check the area for signs of H.A.M.M.R.. By the time I arrived, Cain and Ibraham the Cannibal Vampyre were up-in-arms. As it would turn out, one of Drakan's lackeys, an Emissary to the For** Coven, had taken a human hostage and had caused a bit of a fuss. Feeling threatened, the beast used the girl as a human shield and threatened to snap her neck. Before we could make an attempt to save her, the beast ended her before our eyes.

We leaped into action, my volley of holy water and a bolt unsurprisingly missing. Ibraham and Cain had more luck scoring blows on the murderer and weakening him considerably. It was then that Kaij entered the pub, tracking me there after seeing me be accosted by a vampyre. The next moments seem to be a blur, all I could focus on was ending the beast. Kaij and I charged while the two vampyres launched volleys of spells or projectiles. Just as the wretch attempted to mist out of the window, I sprayed it with enough holy water to force it back into a corporeal form.

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Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

01-Dec-2014 16:49:59 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2014 17:29:40 by Rologarth

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