
The Myreque

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Myreque Roleplay Guide

Game Masters :

With these new rules, someone has to keep track of them. This necessitates the Game Master, a player who runs a certain scenario for everyone. They can be playing in it themselves, or simply spectating and guiding the story. The Game Master is usually the one who Flips (detailed below) and determines if an action succeeds or fails with impartiality.

Flipping :

The biggest change from conventional roleplay is that now a flip of the Coin of Balance is required for determining the degree of an action's success or failure.

Attack: 1 (Critical Failure, like shooting yourself in the foot or dropping your weapon.)

Constitution: 2

Mining: 3

Strength: 4

Agility: 5

Smithing: 6

Defense: 7

Herblore: 8

Fishing: 9

Ranged: 10

Thieving: 11

Cooking: 12

Prayer: 13

Crafting: 14

Firemaking: 15

Magic: 16

Fletching: 17

Woodcutting: 18

Runecrafting: 19

Slayer: 20 (Critical Success, like shooting a fly out of the air with an arrow.)

Farming, Construction, Hunter, Summoning, Dungeoneering, Divination, Invention: Reflip

Difficulty Class :

Alongside the new flip system, a Difficulty Class (or DC) system will be in place. This is a way of setting the bar for completing a task. Generally, DC's are done in increments of five:

DC: 1 - Extremely easy. Most of the time, you don't even flip for these. An example is opening an unlocked door outside of combat.

DC: 5 - An easy task, like hopping a low wall.

DC: 10 - A normal task, like hitting an unarmored man.

DC: 15 - A hard task, like picking a secure lock under pressure.

DC: 20 - An extremely hard task, like shooting an arrow through a butterfly net... at over 100 yards.
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27-Nov-2014 00:19:53 - Last edited on 29-Feb-2016 07:06:09 by Rologarth

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Combat :

Combat is overhauled in this new format. It is heavily based off of DnD rules to give each encounter a feeling of urgency and risk instead of it being pedantic arguments told through combat.


Combat is divided into rounds. Rounds are the equivalent of six seconds of real-time, so consider that when acting. Each character has one turn per round, and their sequence is determined before the first round begins (usually with the Coin of Balance modified by their Agility.).

In their turn, characters may take up to:

- One Standard Action and one Move Action

- Two Standard Actions (This requires 2 flips.)

- Two Move Actions.

- One Full-Round Action.

These will be detailed further in the guide.

Standard Action

This is generally your most important action in a round. A standard action can be:

- An attack

- Doing something that requires effort
(Like trying to parkour or climb a low wall.)

- Reloading

-Drawing a Weapon
(If not moving.)

Hitting the Enemy

The success of your action depends on whether or not your flip has hit the DC, or Armor CLass (AC), of the enemy. For example, an unarmored man has a DC of 10. If you flip at least Ranged (10), you hit the man. These flips are augmented by your skill in your chosen damage type: Attack for Melee, Ranged for Ranged, and Magic for Magic. Damage is calculated by another flip, this time it only goes up to 10.
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27-Nov-2014 00:19:58 - Last edited on 29-Feb-2016 16:50:28 by Rologarth

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Getting Hit

Sometimes you will be facing opponents capable of hurting you, a lot. It will be just as important to keep them from hitting you as it is to hit them. Your base Armor Class (AC) is 10+Defense or Agility. Certain types of armor can increase Defense at the expense of Agility, making you a bit tankier. Likewise, dressing light can leave your Agility as-is, but you'll be a bit squishy. For example:

No Armor: This is your standard clothing and mage armor. This has +0 AC and Agility.

Light Armor: This is stuff like leather, or wearing just metal vambraces and greaves. It adds +2 to AC and 0 Agility.

Medium Armor: This is standard chainmail and platelegs. It gives +4 AC, but -2 Agility.

Heavy Armor: This is your typical full platemail, It gives +6 AC, but -3 Agility.

Shields: These give up to +4 AC and -2 Agility, depending on size and make.

Defenders: These are weapons that are designed for defense. They give up to +2 AC and 0 Agility.

A Move Action

A move action allows you to move up to 2 squares, or 4 if using your whole round to move. You can also Run, which lets you move up to 8 squares, but you cannot do any other action that round. generally, you do not have to flip if moving on normal terrain. Mud, ice, water, and other odd terrain may necessitate a flip.

Moving also subjects you to being open for attack. Moving to a square adjacent to an opponent can give them a chance to hit you, so move carefully. Moving 8 squares away from an opponent or fight ends the combat and allows you to attempt to escape.

Move actions also encompass taking flight and drawing a weapon if standing still.

Please note that fancy moves, like parkour or climbing, are considered Standard Actions.
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27-Nov-2014 00:20:03 - Last edited on 29-Feb-2016 16:50:04 by Rologarth

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Full Round Actions

Full round actions are actions that dominate your round, allowing you to do nothing but that action and move 1 square . These actions either require a lot of concentration or effort, like charging a spell or aiming a bow or crossbow for a better chance to hit the next round. While these actions tend to be highly rewarding, they carry the risk of being disrupted by attackers. If you take a hit in the round you are making this action, you must call on the Coin to see if you keep your concentration or lose the action.

Examples of Full Round Actions are:

- Charging a Spell

- Firing a Spell

- Aiming a Ranged Weapon

- Shape-shifting

- Picking an Easy Lock

- Climbing a Normal Wall

- Full Defense: You can forgo attacking or moving in a round to do everything you can to avoid being hit. This reduces the opponents chance to hit you, allowing you to add a temporary +4 to your Defense or Agility for one round.

Free Actions

Free actions are actions that require so little time, you can take them in addition to anything you do that round. The Game Master can determine how many you can take per round, depending on the circumstances. Examples of Free Actions are:

- Speaking (Up to six words)

- Stop Charging a Spell

- Drop an Item

- Go Prone

- (If Moving) Draw a Weapon
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27-Nov-2014 00:20:07 - Last edited on 01-Mar-2016 00:28:12 by Rologarth

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Magic is a very powerful combat style with the capability of destroying opponents in one blast. The downfalls are that it takes time to build that power, runes to fuel it, and even then you may miss. Spells come in different Tiers, depending on how much you charge your spell.

- Tier 0: (Instantly Fired) This is just a parlor trick at best. A gust of wind, a snap of flame, a drizzle or mist, or a small rock. Better for distractions or stunning an opponent.

- Tier 1: (One Round charge) This is your standard attack, akin to a straight-forward blow with a sword. It does normal damage up to 10 points.

- Tier 2: (Two Round Charge) This has some oomph to it. It does 2x damage, and has no ill effects on you.

- Tier 3: (Three Round Charge) This is the limit of regular mages. This attack does 3x damage, and has no ill effects on you.

- Tier 4: (Four Round Charge) This is an overcharged spell. It deals up to 4x damage, but can hurt you for up to 10 damage.

- Tier 5: (Five Round Charge) This is the limit of mortal magic. This does 5x damage, and has the potential to hit more than one target. However, if you are below level 10, you take half the damage delt.

Magic can be dual-wielded, however each spell charges only half a tier each round. For example, charging two spells to Tier 4 makes each spell a Tier 2, allowing you to potentially mortally wound two enemies.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

27-Nov-2014 00:20:14 - Last edited on 01-Mar-2016 00:21:06 by Rologarth

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It takes a full round to charge and release a spell. Charging a spell requires a Magic check of 10 + 2x the Tier of the spell that round. So first round charging takes a 10, the second round takes 12, and so on to Tier 5 with 20.

Your spell fires just before your next round, so damage taken between your two turns risks dispelling your spell. You must make a Constitution check of 10 + Damage Taken + Spell Tier to keep it.


Ranged combat is very effective in taking out out-of-reach targets, or picking off the unaware. It can be fired off as a Standard Action, unlike Magic. However, being too far away can make things tough. If you are using a one-handed ranged weapon, you can fire up to 4 squares before taking a -2 penalty. A 2h weapon gives you until 6 squares.


A bit of aiming can help. Using a Full-Round Action you can concentrate (Using your Ranged skill) on aiming, removing a -2 penalty per round aimed. The base DC is 10 and adds 2 per round held. You fire your arrow just before your next turn. This can be disrupted by taking damage between your two turn. To keep the aim, you must make a Constitution check of 10 + Damage Taken + Rounds Aimed. This functions the same way as Charging in Magic.

The Combat Triangle

Combat weaknesses and strengths are the same as they are in-game. Magic beats Melee beats Ranged beats Magic. The jist of it is that style you're strong against will take 1.5x damage from you, someone using the same style takes 1x damage, and someone using the style you're weak against takes .5x damage. For example:

Bill is using magic and casts a spell and hits. He does 10 damage, including modifiers.

A Warrior takes 15 damage.

A Mage takes 10 damage.

A Ranger takes 5 damage.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

27-Nov-2014 00:20:18 - Last edited on 01-Mar-2016 00:33:56 by Rologarth

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Character Leveling :

These new rules mean that you can now "level up" and gain proficiency in skills much like in-game. Leveling up is up to the Game Master to determine, and grants additional skill points for the player to spend on skills. There are a few things to keep in mind:

You can level up to a max level of 15.

Every level you get 8 Skill Points to spend. A Level 1 gets 30 Skills Points to start off with.

You can only put your Level + 3 in a skill.
(Ex: A Level 1 will have a max of 4 in a skill, a Level 2 will have a max of 5, and so on.)

Character Experience :

Leveling up is hard, and only gets harder. You earn experience from doing Missions. This base experience is divided by your Character Level. So a Mission worth 100xp will get a Level 2 character 50% to Level 3.

Skills :

For the most part, skills work exactly the same as in-game. Meaning: you can summon spirits with Summoning, bind essence with Runecrafting, carve arrows with Fletching, remain hidden with Thieving, ect. If you can do it in-game, then it is very likely you can do it here.

Agility : How swift you are on your feet, in the air, and the water. This also determines how fats you act in a round and is counted in your Armor Class with defense. You can lose your agility bonus to defense if you are pinned, grappled, or otherwise cannot move.

Attack : How accurate you are with melee weapons. Damage is modified by Strength.

Constitution : How healthy you are and how well you take care of yourself. For each +1 you gain 2 Health. A starting character gets 10 Health. This is also used to concentrate on aiming or charging spells, as well as how charming you are to other people.

Construction : How good you are at making building materials and constructing things with them.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

27-Nov-2014 00:20:23 - Last edited on 01-Mar-2016 17:03:51 by Rologarth

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Cooking : You ability to cook food.

Crafting : How good you are at making things.

Defense : How hardy you are. Defense adds to your Armor Class and makes you harder to hit.

Divination : Your ability to sync with the Anima Mundi and harness its power.

Dungeoneering : How adept you are at delving into dark reaches and coming back alive.

Farming : Your ability to nurture nature.

Firemaking : How well you can light fires.

Fishing : Your ability to catch things in the water.

Fletching : Your skill at making projectiles. Modifies Ranged damage.

Herblore : Your ability to identify herbs and make potions.

Hunter : How well you can track animals and people. Also your ability to survive in the wilderness.

Invention (Needs +5 in 2 of Crafting/Smithing/Divination): How easy you can develop new technology.

Magic : Your ability to use spells. Damage is modified by Runecrafting.

Mining : How well you can prospect and extract ore from rocks.

Prayer : How pious you are and how likely the gods are to hear you.

Ranged : Your skill with a bow and arrow. Damage modified by Fletching.

Runecrafting : Your ability to imbue magic and craft runes. Modifies Magic damage.

Slayer : Your ability to identify unfamiliar opponents and their potential weaknesses.

Smithing : How well you can work metal.

Strength : How strong you are. Modifies Melee damage. Also used for grappling and any heavy lifting.

Summoning : How in-tune you are with spirits, as well as your ability to call upon them.

Thieving : Your ability to steal from people as well as your ability to remain undetected.

Woodcutting : How good you are at felling trees and recovering usable wood.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

27-Nov-2014 00:20:27 - Last edited on 01-Mar-2016 17:01:20 by Rologarth

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To keep things simple, damage will be standardized according to 2-hand and dual-wield.


- 2-Hand: Up to 10 + Strength

Dual Wield: ((Up to 5) x 2) + Strength


- 2-Hand: ((Up to 10) x Tier) + Runecrafting

Dual Wield: (((Up to 5) x Tier) x 2) + Runecrafting


- 2-Hand: Up to 10 + Fletching

Dual Wield: ((Up to 5) x 2) + Fletching

Critical Hits

Flipping a 20 (Slayer) is a critical hit. Bonuses that put you from blow 20 to it or beyond are not critical hits. A critical hit means that you deal twice the damage you would have, including modifiers. So a melee hit of 10 with a Strength of 4 hits 28 instead of 14. Critical hits can end fights quickly, putting you at the top... or leaving you on the ground.


Everyone gets 10 Health at Level 1, and for each point you put into Constitution you get 5 health. For example, at Level 2, you can put up to 5 points into Constitution, bringing your health to 35.

Reaching 0 health is not the end of the world... but it is the start. At 0 health, your character falls unconscious and is bleeding out. They are helpless, and unless you pass a Constitution flip of 15 (Firemaking), you keep bleeding out and lose 1 health per turn. At -10 health, your character dies.

You can naturally recover 10 health per day, or 15 if someone is tending to you the whole time.


There is no real resurrection in Runescape. Even a god needs a specific artifact to do so, and can still mess it up bad. If you hit 0 health and do not get resuscitated (like a magical shock to get the heart going) by a teammate for several minutes they are gone for good. Sure, the body can be raised with necromancy but the soul is long gone.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

27-Nov-2014 00:20:31 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2016 07:16:21 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Character Sheet :

Info :

Name :

Level : (% to Next Level)

Max Skill (Level +3):

Total Skill Points (30 + (((Level-1)+Int Mod) x 8)):

Health (10 + (Constitution x 5)):

Armor Class (10 + (Defense/2)+Dex Mod):

Initiative : (Dex Mod)

Prayer Points : (10+(Prayer x 5))

Summoning Points : (10+(Summoning x 5))

Ability Scores :

Strength :

Dexterity :

Constitution :

Intelligence :

Wisdom :

Charisma :

Skills :

Agility (Dex) : +

Attack (Dex) : +

Constitution (Con) : +

Construction (Dex) : +

Cooking (Wis) : +

Crafting (Int) : +

Defense (Con) : +

Divination (Wis) : +

Dungeoneering (Wis) : +

Farming (Wis) : +

Firemaking (Wis) : +

Fishing (Dex) : +

Fletching (Dex) : +

Herblore (Int) : +

Hunter (Wis) : +

Invention (Int) (Needs +5 in 2 of Crafting/Smithing/Divination): +

Magic (Wis) : +

Mining (Str) : +

Prayer (Cha) : +

Ranged (Dex) : +

Runecrafting (Int) : +

Slayer (Wis) : +

Smithing (Str) : +

Strength (Str) : +

Summoning (Cha) : +

Thieving (Dex) : +

Woodcutting (Str) : +

Special :

This section is for any abilities your character might have. Generally, you can have 1 Special Ability per 3 levels past level 1. For example: Level 4 has 1, 7 has 2, 10 has 3. Racial abilities don't count against this. You must talk with a Game Master about the viability of your special attributes. Examples can be found here.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

27-Nov-2014 00:20:36 - Last edited on 04-Mar-2016 05:45:49 by Rologarth

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