
The Myreque

Quick find code: 237-238-899-65245150

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Myreque Communique
Duneday, Novtumber 26, 6A 2

Tensions are high in Burgh de Rott. The citizens are even more frightful than usual and Veliaf is out for my hide after the base was nearly burned to a crisp. In a bid to cheer up my men and distract myself from the incoming storm, I decided to bring Kaij and Kivan along on my run to check my crawfish traps and teach them some essentials of swampland survival.

We chose to take the route passing by the Mort Ridge Mine, taking a moment to practice some techniques on the feral vyres that lurk the area. We wound our way through the road out of Mort'ton to the Mort Myre, passing by the grotto to pick up druid pouches for the both of them. I had introduced Kivan to the concept before, but I never had the time to instruct Kaij. Getting over his godless nature took a few tries, but before the end of the night he was able to focus the aura of his sickle and bring life to the dead swamps.

After a brief discourse on Ghast-slaying, I taught them what we are most renowned for: to hide in the myre. I showed them how to cut reeds into breathing tubes and how to hide themselves under the murky surfaces of the many bogs. While less than excited to be coated in muck and grime, they seemed to appreciate the lesson. We went about checking the traps, then I showed them the river that runs down by Mort'ton. Luckily, Paddlehorn left his boat on our side and we were able to paddle back down to Mort'ton fairly easily.

It did not take us long to get back to Burgh de Rott, cook up the shellfish, and share our bounty. After our brief meal and rest I showed them the various vantage points of the town. Hopefully this will help us be more prepared next time trouble knocks at our door.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

12-Nov-2014 18:19:20



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Screen-Name: SuzunExalted

Time Zone: GMT-4 I think.

Character Name: Francine Moffet

Valuable Skills: She can drink swamp water and not get sick She's a decent leatherworker.

Last Myreque Quest Done: Branches of Darkmeyer

Character Race: Human

Brief History:Francine grew up on the outskirts of Canifis. When her little husband-to-be was killed, she set out to join the Myreque.
Leopard slugs.

14-Nov-2014 00:13:28

Oct Member 2023


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Salwamander said :
Screen-Name: SuzunExalted

Time Zone: GMT-4 I think.

Character Name: Francine Moffet

Valuable Skills: She can drink swamp water and not get sick She's a decent leatherworker.

Last Myreque Quest Done: Branches of Darkmeyer

Character Race: Human

Brief History:Francine grew up on the outskirts of Canifis. When her little husband-to-be was killed, she set out to join the Myreque.

Sounds good. We'll meet up in-game and see if Mrs. Moffet is right for the Myreque.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

14-Nov-2014 01:07:01

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Myreque Communique
Ivanday, Novtumber 31, 6A 2

It has been a busy past few days. I have been showing some of the other privates how to hide and survive out in the Mort Myre. While out training Wollup, we happened upon a refugee lost out in the swamps. She introduced herself as Francine Moffet and expressed interest in joining our cause. I was skeptical at first, but she outshone Wollup in all of the survival exercises. She was also a natural with a sickle, quickly striking down a ghast... under controlled conditions, of course.

Shynaria and Maranack have both been returned to us, both in near-perfect health. While I am grateful for that blessing, the time we have lost to their captors has proven to be irreplaceable. Our deadline to move into Meiyerditch is upon us. I had promoted Kaij to Second Lieutenant and left him in charge while I went over to the Meiyerditch base to speak with Vertida about relaxing our move-in date. While he was not willing to allow us a setback, he did agree to moving in the privates in pairs.

The first two to go will be Kaij and Kivan. They are my strongest and most skilled men, and I doubt that they will have any trouble traversing the ghetto. Next will be Aravel and Maranack, both of whom have run into some trouble with vampyres during their training. While I am somewhat worried for them, I believe together they will be able to make it through to the base alive. After them will be Shynaria and Wollup. Those two will not get far on their own, but by that time Kaij should be able to guide them through. Lastly I will bring Ms. Moffet into Meiyerditch myself. It will take a few extra days, but will finally be able to get to work as the Meiyerditch Auxiliary.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

18-Nov-2014 01:01:04

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Myreque Communique
Duneday, Novtumber 33, 6A 2

It is with a heavy heart that I pen this next entry. We have gained a lot of unwanted attention from the vampyres around the Mort Myre, and it has taken its toll. My men have been mauled, beaten, kidnapped, and now this...

I sent Kivan, Kaij, and Francine out to collect some bark from the hollow trees in the Haunted Woods. A simple task, or so I thought. When only Kivan returned, winded and panicking, I knew things went south. According to his report, they were accosted by a blood tither who demanded their silver contraband or the local tithes would be tripled. Before they could do anything about this man, a vampyre dropped from the sky and began toying with them. In the resulting confrontation, the blood tither was killed by Kivan, Francine fled into the marshes, and Kaij split off to lead the vampyre on a wild kebbit chase.

Kivan and I immediately set out to find Kaij. It took us a while, but eventually we happened upon him and the vampyre who was tailing him. I nearly couldn't believe my eyes, it was Ibraham the Cannibal. It had been a long time since I last saw him, and he most definitely wasn't a vampyre then. I was able to diffuse the situation and get everyone back to the base safely. However, their preserved well-being would not last as long as I hoped.

The next day Kivan went out toward Mort'ton to investigate the sound of beating wings... on his own. He found Shynaria out on her own being hassled by a vampyre and in a fit of passion, took on the beast to help free her. He should have gone back to Burgh de Rott for reinforcements... He was mauled and barely escaped with his life, retreating to the Grotto to heal himself.

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19-Nov-2014 16:40:36 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2014 17:00:53 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Myreque Communique
Duneday, Novtumber 33, 6A 2

I took the bark I had Kivan, Kaij, and Francine collect to the grotto. Passing adventurers had spread rumors that it helps connect one to the divines if burned, and I figured it could help amplify the meditation techniques Kaij has been teaching me. Before I could get around to burning the bark and meditating, I happened upon Kivan and he informed me of those earlier events.

I began growing suspicious of him when he kept looking behind me, and he mentioned that Shynaria may have been inflicted with vamp**ism. After some prodding, he let loose that Shynaria was here with us. I told him we had to be sure and that we needed to coax her out into the open. Eventually, Shynaria showed herself and Kivan convinced her to let him check her for signs of vamp**ism. They did so in private, then came to me with the results. She had indeed been turned by the vampyre in Mort'ton.

I have carried a strange vial with me for a long while now. One that was given to me long ago by a friend long gone, one that contained a mixture that could save those who were recently turned. I gave it to Kivan, knowing he had the better chance to get her to take it. I did not lie to them. I knew that the potion could carry deadly side-effects, but it was our only option.

He convinced her to take it. It was an awful ordeal. The screaming and writhing... then the deafening silence only broken by the sobs of a man who has lost everything. For a while now I have suspected that Kivan harbored feelings for her, but seeing him lose himself over her still body was all the proof in Gileinor.

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19-Nov-2014 17:00:41

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Myreque Communique
Duneday, Novtumber 33, 6A 2

I left him alone with his grief, taking watch outside the Grotto to ensure no more unexpected visitors would drop by. After a while, he emerged with Shynaria asking where would be the proper place to bury her. I told him she did not belong to the swamps, that she likely had family over the Salve. I guided him as we brought her up to Paterdomus, keeping the Ghasts at bay.

He handed her body over to Drezel along with her name. I am sure he will find her next of kin so that they may put her to rest. I waited outside on the bank of the Salve to be alone with my thoughts. We have experienced so much evil, and only done a little good. Another has died in my care, despite my vows otherwise. Am I ready to lead again? I doubt Veliaf and Vertida will think so after so much suffering and loss. I have failed them, as well as my own men. I should have trained them more, taught them to be more cautious.

I will be heading to Meiyerditch soon. I have to inform Vertida that I cannot in good conscience move my men over. Not yet. None of them are ready. I have been lying to myself, pretending that they can handle the horrors of this land. I fully expect to be stripped of my rank, or even exiled from the order for my failings as a leader. I do not know what will befall my men should I be removed, but I hope they take it upon themselves to escape Morytania with their lives while they can.

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Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

19-Nov-2014 17:09:31

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Myreque Communique
Essainday, Novtumber 37, 6A 2

It has been a busy last few days, and I will be keeping this log short. I spent much of the last few days in Meiyerditch, speaking with Vertida. I convinced him that my men are not yet ready for crossing the wall and he agreed to let us regain our independence. I will neither confirm nor deny whether or not this deal was supplemented by a year's worth of scavenged alcohol.

We keep gaining notoriety, for better and oftentimes for worse. The Misthalin Mercenary Protocol has sent a few extra blades our way, and we even had an accomplished smith and herbalist on our doorstep. I found the anvil-working herbalist in a tent on the south side of Burgh de Rott when I returned from Meiyerditch. He introduced himself as Victor King. He was accompanied by an assistant whose name escapes me at this moment.

I spent the remainder of the day watching and practicing the art of smithing sil*thril with this newcomer. He must come from some noble background given his experience working with such expensive and exotic metals. At the end of the day, we had three sil*thril sickles ready to be shaved, sharpened, and balanced.

Xegis, one of the new blades from out west, also reported Kivan being kidnapped by a ripper demon. This makes about four kidnappings in two weeks. I will be having some serious talks with my men about "stranger danger."

For now, I will be trying to move my men back out into the Mort Myre and get everyone up-to-speed with their training. I just hope that they don't get carted off before I can see them again.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

24-Nov-2014 04:44:39

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Myreque Communique
Duneday, Wintumber 1, 6A 2

It has been a few days since I last wrote. Kivan clawed his way back to us in bad shape. The parasites that infest his body mutated him into a truly gruesome form that gave everyone who saw him a fright. Mysani, the tracker who has been obsessed with him, helped administer some first aid to him. In the days since he has regained some of his normal form but still has much trouble speaking. Whatever they did to him, it must have been awful.

I was training several recruits the other day when Victor told me that his fiance Stacie made her way down to the Burgh. He introduced us with a certain nonchalance that gave me some concern. Kivan, who was observing the training nearby and in no shape to participate, goaded me to screen Stacie to see if she had any adverse reaction to silver.

It was then that Victor revealed that she was a werewolf, albeit a friendly one. I was less than enthused to find this out /after/ she arrived in Burgh de Rott. She was greeted with much suspicion, and at first I worried it was just us being paranoid. However, after today's events, her sincerity has been called into question. Lucian and I made our way to Canifis through the secret tunnels under the town and found Stacie outside of the pub. After a brief conversation, she headed to the tunnels without prompting. I have not told anyone outside of my Order of these tunnels save Lucian.

Either someone is telling her sensitive information or she is eavesdropping on some of my more trusting men. Either way, this is a breach of security that I cannot tolerate. I must address this issue before it develops into a problem.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

26-Nov-2014 20:42:01 - Last edited on 07-Aug-2015 20:57:52 by Rologarth

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