
The Myreque

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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Ivanday, Wintumber 6, 6A 2

With the beast wounded and cornered, I introduced it to a little side project of mine. I, with the help of Victor, bore a hole in the handle of my sil*thril sickle. I forged a chain of pure silver and he helped me fashion a sturdy clip for the handle of my sickle. Wrapping the chain around my hand a few times, I could use the slack and the sickle as a flail to counter the vile premonition those monsters have. I hooked it straight through the back as it tried to clamber out of one of the windows and brought it to the ground with little effort. I pinned the beast down with its arms under my knees and used the chains wrapped around my fist to bludgeon it to death. Kaij has since informed me I spent a considerable amount of time punching the body of the beast before I was removed from it so that the others could take a turn.

It was only after I was pulled off of the corpse of the monster that I even noticed that Victor was in our vicinity. It seemed that he had walked in while we have the beast chase across the bar and all of us failed to notice him. He disinfected the wounds on my hand from my supposed excessive use of force and quickly packed the body of the vampyre into a sack for later study. As we were leaving, we met up with an addled Francine who must have wandered aimlessly to Canifis. Her head injuries seem to have left her a bit... fractured. She was cradling a swamp lizard like a baby and couldn't seem to coordinate herself all too well.

Without wasting much more time, we retreated back to Burgh de Rott where we found Vie cooking us a real meal. As my men ate their fill, an unexpected stranger approached us from the front gates.

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01-Dec-2014 16:50:39 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2014 17:29:23 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Ivanday, Wintumber 6, 6A 2

The man introduced himself as Ralutus, an artisan from the west. We tested him with silver and holy water, and when he passed, we let him in on our feast. He mentioned he had traveled to these lands with a companion, who was slain by vampyres while he was away and by seeking revenge, found his way to us. He humbly offered us his skills, and I assigned him to be apprentice to Victor so that he can learn how to craft the weapons that will bring down the beasts that have caused him such loss.

It was not long after that I was summoned to the base by Kivan. When I arrived, Vie was waiting for me. She inquired about the day's events and eventually, about Kivan. After a bit of goading, I let him show her his... infection. She was surprised, but not revolted as most usually are. She asked if there was any idea for a cure. I had been thinking of one for a while now, and decided now was as good a time as any to detail it.

We would infect him with the Sanguinesti Affliction that plagues Mort'ton. It is curable and it renders the host's blood poisonous to even the hardiest of creatures. When fully incubated, the Affliction should kill off the parasites in his body. Kivan was less than enthusiastic about my seemingly insane plan. He spouted off some regrettable things and let me in a huff as he went to start his watch shift.

It is now that I write this after calming myself a bit. Vie has instructed me not to overwork myself. However, according to the beast I slayed today, I may have played a direct part in starting a Vamp**ic Civil War. I am far too excited to rest.

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01-Dec-2014 17:10:20 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2014 17:24:28 by Rologarth



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Today had begun rather relaxed. I awoke pretty early, and snuck out for a bit of patrolling around the town. Spoke with a few of the locals as well. I don't think the harbor any sort of trust in me just yet. Soon enough though. After my time patrolling I offed out of the town and into the swamps. I've always enjoyed the peace of the wilds, even if it is a dead land like the swamps. I did however manage to find more herbs hidden about the mesh of other plants. Once they're cleaned I place them to proper use.

Hours later I made my way back to town. With a good stock of herbs to clean. I was just about to fetch a bucket of water from the well when Isaac came rushing along. I inquired about the happenings, only to find out we'll be departing. We're not safe right now and relocating will help us survive better.

I asked Isaac if he wished me to go scout ahead, and with support, I headed off. Of course the route was clear, as it normally is, besides the infestation of those pesky little snails. I made sure to stop and check over our ending destination, as to know for sure it was clear. After which I then begun my run back to report in my results to Isaac.

As I got back to the base... Things got a bit...crazy. Cain was there, and he went right to attacking us all. Isaac luckily pulled me away in time, and we escaped through the back of the ruined building safely. Even more lucky, we were not tailed by Cain. Isaac then informed me that someone had created a portal in the town, and that we had to rid of it first.

I easily hatched up an idea and informed Isaac. With not much effort we located the portal. I'm glad more than ever I took to learning magic. I charged a teleportation block and aimed it into the core of the portal. To my pleasure, it broke the portal's functions and caused it to collapse into nothing. With that matter settled all we had to was move out. I pray we can keep safe, all of us, just for a little while.

''Lié par le Sang - Linked by the Blood''

04-Dec-2014 18:16:03 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2014 18:17:25 by Devouress

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Erysail, Wintumber 10, 6A 2

I am not at liberty to write down too many details, as I am not sure of who I can trust nor am I sure that these logs remain uncompromised. I accepted an offer to assassinate a vyrelady to help advance the plans of one of my informants. However the information they gave me was incomplete, failing to mention this vyress had an amulet capable of outlandish feats. It was able to escape my trap, however Kaij and I were able to detain its summoned protector. I confiscated his weapons and buried them out in the swamps in case they can track them. We can always dig them up should the need arise.

We immediately headed back to our base, only to have my informant track me down and tell me that one of our own, Victor King, has taken to the side of the vyress and her allies. The informant also warned me that Victor has somehow created a portal to Burgh de Rott and was in the process of moving his resources out. Upon arrival to the town, I had all remaining Myreque members silently evacuate back to the Grotto. It will serve as our base of operations for the foreseeable future. However, all mercenaries will remain in Burgh de Rott for their own safety and the safety of the townsfolk.

I had Vie and Kaij help me neutralize the threat Victor's portal caused and razed his tent to the ground. After Kaij and I thoroughly stomped on the ashes, Vie teleblocked the ground once more just to play it safe. We then moved ourselves over to the Grotto and have been keeping a close eye on the surrounding area since.

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05-Dec-2014 21:09:55

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Erysail, Wintumber 10, 6A 2

However I have had plans set in motion that cannot be postponed. I heard that Draculea claimed the ghostly port to the east, and decided to stop by to try to find an old friend of mine. I was not surprised when I found Ren wandering about the ruined port, gawking at it like a child with a new toy. Then I did something I have never done before... I asked a vampyre for a favor. A dangerous favor. One that could land both he and I in the gallows in an instant. I asked him for a blood mark.

I have heard rumors from Veliaf of an adventurer, Vanstrom's Assassin nonetheless, who used a blood mark to help disguise himself among the vamp**ic hordes. Seeking to emulate his tactics, I bargained with the coven leader. After a bit of prompting, Ren granted my request. As a forewarning to any non-vampyre who may come across these pages... do not get a blood mark. It felt as if I was branded by a hot runtie poker and the pain lasted a considerable amount of time. It was only with Vie's healing abilities that I was able to make it back to the Grotto on my own two feet.

It has also recently come to my attention that the vyress who escaped my trap has been slain by one of her own. The only loose end in the matter is now Victor King. I have issued a kill-on-sight order for all of my men. Victor is too dangerous to let live, and must be put down like his beast fiance. The information he possesses and the techniques he knows cannot be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

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05-Dec-2014 21:24:11

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Wintumber 11, 6A 2

Someone has been spinning a web and pulling strings right underneath my nose. I noticed a large gathering of various odds and ends deep in the woods of Morytania while performing some reconnaissance on the area. They all seemed drawn to the large, gated-off manor that lay in front of them. Curious, I found my way into the manor's grounds by way of a gap in its ancient fencing. Once inside its yard, magical traps began going off causing both the odd party and I to make a hasty advance toward the manor proper. I crept along the parameter and made entry via the back door instead of following the others inside.

Eventually, I found a hole in the wall that allowed me to spy on the other entrants. A ringing voice echoed through the house, goading them to press onward. The only door before them seemed to be trapped with another magical rune. When the brutes tried to blast through the door it brought the entire floor above them down on their heads. Luckily for them, they seemed to be a hardy bunch and shook off the trap without much effort.

As they progressed on, I fumbled my way around until I found a closet in a kitchen that shared a thin wall with the new room they were in. I could hear them speaking about how something else was here and how it had vicious claws. It was not long after that the progressed to the room I had passed through to enter the kitchen. Not wanting to be caught by these presumed beasts, I readied myself to break through the kitchen window for an escape.

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07-Dec-2014 00:20:00 - Last edited on 07-Aug-2015 21:20:34 by Rologarth

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Wintumber 11, 6A 2

It did not take them long to find the door the kitchen, however it seemed that they could not breach the door despite their best efforts. Odd, since I did not lock the door. I tried it from my side, and it indeed was unlocked. Eventually they lost interest and moved on. Every now and then the voice would taunt them. It knew I was there, and knew that they were too incompetent to reach me.

I gave myself a few moments before I left the kitchen, tailing the group until I saw them enter the stairs to the basement I passed when I entered the building. I crept my way over and his myself near the top, keeping an eye on the lot. They appeared to be speaking with something at the other end of the oddly well-lit basement. I could not rightfully see it from my angle, however one of the more addled looking beings cast a glance back in my direction. I rolled over and waited for it to lose interest before returning my gaze to them with a prone position.

Now I could see what they were talking to... it seemed to be a man. However, they seemed threatened by him. They were all getting agitated and seemed to be taking sides. Then I saw the man look right at me. I could feel that he knew I was here all along, something none of the other beasts could do. When he called all of their attention in my direction, I took that as my chance to leave. I made my way out of that cursed building and back into familiar marshes as fast as I could.

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07-Dec-2014 00:33:04

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

The Myreque

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Wintumber 11, 6A 2

I approached the Grotto and found Vie keeping her vigil on the grounds. I gave her the short of what I just detailed here, but I tried my best to not let on how worried I am about these events. Whoever... nay, whatever that man is... I can tell he is rotten. Whatever he is planning cannot be good for anyone east of the Salve. Not the werewolves. Not the vampyres. And definitely not the humans. I am going to do everything within my power to keep myself and my men out of whatever machinations this being is setting into motion. I will not be tricked again.

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07-Dec-2014 00:36:41 - Last edited on 07-Aug-2015 21:43:15 by Rologarth

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