
The Myreque

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Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Private/Veteran's personal log
Castileday, Ire of Phyrrys 29th, 6A 3

Well, what can I say, it looks like our leader has influenced me yet again...maybe writing will help ease my mind. There's no harm in at least trying. Of course, if anyone were to ever read this....

....first thing's first. I've got to admit that there's a lot more straight-up action going on here than anywhere I've been before. Not the helix, not the Myreque of the old days, not even the AOH. And it's good, damned good, to be proactive. ...that said, I was involved with one of their members dying after only a few days of me being there, so.... "Proactive" might not be the right wording for it.

On Varr's account, I'll be frank. I don't mourn for him. Not because he was Zamorakian, not because he was a demon (or some variant of demonic creature), but because he was unloyal and untrustworthy to the end. I don't know where I've grown this heartless, but he's a loose end that's been tied up. Or so I hope. Liz' has been seemingly poking around Varr's old "lair", and something tells me the ******* cheated death. I shall have to have a little chat with "Cal'"...honestly, I don't think anyone calls him that anymore after the incident with Vie, except the bald devil-mage who spontaneously combusted.

At my time of writing this, I'm thankful that my associates, allies.... I'm loathed to use the word "friends" as friends exist simply to be lost (Though in saying that, there is one who I have an undeniable weakness for)...well, point is, they have no idea who, no idea what I am. Lizbeth was too weak when I healed her and Cal' not able to put together the pieces as to my senses....Damius, the b****rd, he knows, but he'll keep his mouth shut if he knows what's good for him. The one who was really a threat to me, again, Varr, has been conveniently taken care of. He was a loose end in every way possible, and I'll be glad to see the back of him.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

06-Oct-2015 16:15:41 - Last edited on 06-Oct-2015 16:17:03 by Last Deterro

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Gullday, Ire of Phyrrys 31st, 6A 3

I found the Icyene. The bar was rife with unsavory sorts, all ready to pounce. Somehow, one got onto me and I was forced to make a move, sending a bolt with a message to the Icyene. In the confusion, she was able to escape and meet me. But she was not alone. Connor and Azzada joined the fray, but got in my way. Connor took the Icyene and ran, while Azzada refused to let me do what I had to. When he got in my way and gave me orders, I did what I had to. I shot him in the leg and gave myself a lead on finding Connor and the Icyene.

When I found them, Azzada limped up. We argued over the Icyene, and eventually agreed that she should be contained. Both of them lack commitment. The damn thing refuses to heed reason and stay out of that bar. They must come to terms with killing one to save thousands. I've done it before. I will do it again if I must. Connor took the Icyene away and Ren appeared behind Azzada. The look on Azzada's face when I told him there was a vyrelord right behind him... it was priceless.

We all talked it out, and I got Ren to heal Azzada. We then went to check on Connor and the Icyene and verified that things were going as reported. We left the Icyene at the location and headed back when we ran into Cain and Elzbeth. Azzada returned and Connor left, and one of Cain's men, Kevin, joined us. We all had a small gathering and began talks of a joint-task force to deal with Vanescula's plan, as all parties agreed it was suicidal. Things are going better than planned.

Varr's survival is leaked. Connor was looking over my shoulder while I wrote my last log. I will have to try to keep them apart, Varr and Connor... Speaking of Connor, I had a meeting with him, Dasmius and Dion. It was not very fruitful, but I will hopefully get some supplies out of it. I am now tending to a blind woman who came across the Burgh.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

08-Oct-2015 07:01:06

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Private/Veteran's PERSONAL Log
Gullday, Ire of Phyrrys 31st, 6A 3 - Part 1/4

The world really does have a way of doing this. When I hope for a QUIET couple of days, everything's exploding and everyone's being stabbed, and when I'm practically bloodlusting, there's nothing but boring sodding guard duty. This time, oddly enough, it was the former.

....where to start, where to start...Varr is still alive. Somehow. I honestly don't know how. Ren ripped the b****rd's soul apart, he blew up, yet somehow he survived. I mean, the crater was impressively big, and yeah, I get that Ren, "High-and-mighty-vyre" could've survived, but....Zaros almighty. Now potentially the biggest threat "other half" is back and apparently not happy with me. I hope for her sake the hit-girl he brought along was killed by that monstrous "pet".

It made it worse hearing it from Cal' himself--only after confronting him about it, of course. "Varr's more valuable as a martyr than as a spooky ghost-thing". Honestly, that alone made me think about "re-organising" Cal's untimely demise.

Though I'm starting to loose faith in Cal'. And it's not just me, Azz (I only call him that since I don't remember his full name) is also uncertain of Cal's motivations...let alone his sanity (considering the fact I caught him having a conversation with a robe hanging on the wall, I'm pretty sure he's stark-raving mad at this point.). Before I get onto that, though, I'd be best to recount all of the events of the night while they're still fresh in my memory.

Started with me sending in one of the Helix members who was in the area and owed me a favour to go into the bar in similar gear to mine (I always keep male and female sets of my own armour.) to give Ren the impression that the little "mercenary group" was more than it really is. Anywho, I turned up, started spouting out a whole load of "classified" info, and around that time Cal' showed up outside. Just a bit convenient.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

08-Oct-2015 13:37:25

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Private/Veteran's PERSONAL Log
Gullday, Ire of Phyrrys 31st, 6A 3 - Part 2/4

Seeing that icyene walk into the bar without a care in the world honestly was the most shocking thing I've seen in a long while. Moreover because it happened a mere two days ago. Fight broke out, chaos ensued, and the damned icyene ran into the swamps, embarrassingly enough I lost her, only to find her soon in the custody of Azz-man and Cal', who were bickering like children. From what I gathered, Cal' had seeming shot Azz in the leg without a second thought, just for stopping him from killing the icyene - honestly, Azz rubbed me the wrong way by booting her in the stomach, but I've learned not to judge people from meeting them in stressful scenarios.

Cal's started to loose his mind. He's still deadly with a blade and crossbow, though, that's what worries me. He seems almost relentless and it took me and Azz - well, a little of me and a lot of Azz to ensure that he wouldn't bloodey kill her, or even harm her. She herself is almost clueless - She's under Ren's "protection", though I don't know if he honestly thinks she'll start the "Genocidal Vyre War", or if he's planning on selling her later. A little chat with her revealed that she herself doesn't know his reasons, and doesn't trust him. And doesn't trust Cal. But she trusts me. Why? Because she managed to find out what I am, and knows that she could break down my little masquerade at any moment.

To top it all off, Cal' and Ren were chatting infront of half the myreque - and Cain - as almost close friends, the same man who shot one of his lieutenants in the leg for no reason! Ren seemed to be offering a bounty on someone, a full million . Cal' was instantly drawn to it, and when I told him not to be too trusting, all he said was something along the lines of "don't even trust your friends". Which isn't only indirectly threatening, but implies further he's good friends with our vyrelord " pals ".
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

08-Oct-2015 13:38:16

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Private/Veteran's PERSONAL Log
Gullday, Ire of Phyrrys 31st, 6A 3 - Part 3/4

The saddest thing is, I'm afraid that Cal' is trying to deflect suspicion from him while at the same time push the crosshairs onto me. I don't have anything direct - a conversation half-heard here, a slightly shifty glance there, but it's the small things that count, and I know when something's trying to sum up if it's looking at a predator or ally. Or even prey.

Back to the most troubling part of this - The icyene. She seems to have massive emotional trauma, and only a few of her abilities left, so I doubt she's going to be Ren's pet assassin. Ren seems....disturbingly good-natured, but as with anyone in the myre, it's only a facade. If he's not going to drain her....the possibilities are limited. He could try to sell her. Unfortunately for her, she's the standard, striking icyene-gal type, she'd fetch a high price to the wrong person. Though the fact he's protecting her for now would mean he's only doing it to draw attention to her. And that he's done remarkably well. Even in the pub, the ******* who tithed Dasmius came in, and straight-ahead went to try tithe her, being stopped before he actually could. Perfect way to make an object wanted beforehand to up the price.

I shudder to think of the alternatives. Remembering back to the 5,000,000 GP bounty on that halfbreed, half-vyre half icyene makes me wonder if that's his endgame, create an abomination which would be able to pass the salve, and would be incredibly powerful in the process. Beyond that, what reason could he have? To use to wrap Cal' around his finger? Unlikely, since Cal' very nearly killed her. What in infernus does he need the damned girl for, then? There's no way in the name of a twenty-legged cthonian demon he actually BELIEVES that her blood's going to weaken and kill off vyres... Or whatever Cal' thinks he's convinced them of.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

08-Oct-2015 13:39:10 - Last edited on 08-Oct-2015 13:39:45 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Private/Veteran's PERSONAL Log
Gullday, Ire of Phyrrys 31st, 6A 3 - Part 4/4

Found an odd woman in the well on my way back to the base. Yes, in the well. She has minor difficulties with speaking and her eyes appear to have been burnt out of their very sockets, a little unpleasant to look at, though what she lacks in vision she makes up for in hearing immensely, to the point where she seems to be able to tell if anyone's lying with ease. Yep. YET ANOTHER to add to the list of people who I may very well have to kill to keep my true nature hidden. Sod it, I'll update the list.

-Varr: One of the biggest threats. Magical auras and bloodmarks might have worked for a little while, but he's clever. And cunning. And hates me. So the moment he has proof of what who I am, he'll have the myreque execute me.

-Liz'beth: The only time I let down the facade infront of her was when she was bleeding to death and almost passed out. I had her close her eyes and tried to hide the sound, to be safe. I have a feeling Cal' wants her to keep a close eye on me. Shall have to "behave". Probably not worth killing.

-Blind woman (still need to figure out name): Seems to know I'm more than human. Doesn't know what. Seems trustworthy enough for now.

-Eryn (Icyenic girl): Knows directly, I guess bloodmarks don't work on icyene. Could let the information slip or hold it over me as blackmail to have the myreque kill me. If I can't keep her quiet, I'll have to kill her.

-Dasmius: Knows directly, but isn't coming into the myre. After the disintegraion of his order of the myreque, meetings with him should be nonexistant

-Cal': Suspicious, but doesn't know precisely what of. Have to make sure I keep my wits about me and "behave" when he's around. Not too hard.

-Ren: Anything he knows will be from his pet icyene. But. He's a vyre. An OLD vyre. The bloodmark won't fool him much longer. And once he finds out, I'll be forced to obey.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

08-Oct-2015 13:40:20

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Twiblick, Ire of Phyrrys 33rd, 6A 3

The Iycne continues to snub our kindness and endanger the west. She was captured by some unsavory sort, and I had to pull a lot of strings to get her back. Even after booting her back to Misthalin, she came right back. I will kill her next time I see her, no matter what the circumstances.

And so I have taken to scouting the bar in Canifis more often, stalking the windows with my crossbow at the ready. Shot a clown. Well, his hat. Nobody cared. I guess nobody likes clowns.

Marko, the void knight, and Elzbeth ran into trouble on the way back to Burgh de Rott from their rounds in Canifis. A vyrelord taught them that they are not ready at all for a real fight. Luckily for them, that vyrelord is already in my pocket and did not wish to harm them. But I cannot let them know.

To top it all, another woman wandered into the Burgh. A greenhorn calling herself Athena. There is almost a feeling of community here once more... complete with social drama. Tensions are high between Connor, Elzbeth and I. I know he is hiding something. I know he has his own agenda. And it worries me with how... secretive and involved he is in vampyre affairs. My eyes are on him. I will find out what he is hiding.

For now, everyone is off with Marko learning how to fish or with Connor making rounds around Burgh de Rott. I am currently in Northern Meiyerditch, ready to cross over into Darkmeyer. It's been a few days since I've made an appearance, and I have to keep the guise up.
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

10-Oct-2015 21:05:37

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Please read when you have a second - Connor

I've come to a conclusion. The myreque are horrendously badly armed. Well, it's time to change that. I've got St. Rimmington's (as a sort of "well, we promised it, and though you screwed us over we'll give it to you anyway" gift) working on sending over steel and silver. In ingots, obviously, since weaponary would be just a little TOO....obvious.

Last time I was at sanguinesti, The Smith was still around. Odd guy, barely capable of speech, but he supports the myreque to the bitter end. And, of course, he has a working forge and anvil. So, I'm going to need two recruits to lug silver and steel all the way up to the northern end of the Sanguinesti and have them keep the man safe while he gets us a lovely new set of steel weapons and silver bolts. If we're lucky, Saint. Rimmington's may yet bring along a little mithril, too.

Either way, I'm going to need to drag along Marko and the newbie...Athena, or whatever she said her name is. Though the recent stunt of stupidity from the owls gave me an idea. The ghouls have been ripping up the corpses of there's bound to be a few sets of saradominist templar armour in there. I'm going to see if we can salvage even a single piece. If we can, then we'll be heading on a much larger grave-robbing expedition in the future. Dirty work, I know, but armour and weaponary is ALWAYS useful.

Though I ought to know so you can write it down in that logbook of yours. Or the other one where you keep track of all planned and active missions. Hopefully shall see you soon, and intact.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

11-Oct-2015 04:40:09

Henry Rich

Henry Rich

Posts: 36 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- This letter would be found, With it's seal broken upon the main table within the Myreque hide-out. -

Dear Friends, The Vyrewatch did not take kindly to Dions crossing, And has it stands the occurrence in Meiyerditch appears to have been the last straw.

The House Myrmel, As desided they wish to enforce a mandatory search and possible arrest, Or worse depending on the Vyre in question conducting this 'Search' On, Any none Vyre carrying Silver, Mithril, And any combinations of these two metals.. It is possible this will expand to holy-water and other substances and acting Rude/Cheeky upon this law will mostlightly end in a fight.

I there for recommend staying within Forxy owned lands unlees absolutely necessary, They have yet to agreed to such an agreement although they'l mostlightly tithe and otherwise rule with an ironfist, They will be as likely as to discover your origins.

This letter has been written in good faith that you'l not distrust nor strike me down the day I deside to walk amongst you. Have faith in your new hope and strive for a better future and allways keep both eyes open the world allways have more then one future for you, One with Vyres and one with out make your choice.

Tell Calsidiu that the devil will have his dues, In the meantime he will just need to clench his teeth and weather the storm.

- There was an odd mess of lines painted in blood along the bottom half of the letter, Taking more then half of it's surface not a single line overlaped from top to bottom, Its meaning unclear until its riddle was solved. -

11-Oct-2015 22:40:57

Oct Member 2023


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Rologarth said :

Lieutenant's Log
Castileday, Ire of Phyrrys 35th, 6A 3

Kivan's little report is no longer a problem. I had to journey long to set things right, but now the Crown has seen the error of his ways. With him and his meddling out of the way, my name is cleared and I may once again use Paterdomus. I hope the b****rd has learned his lesson. I will not be as nice the second time around.

Something's up with Connor. He's got all the vyrewatch south of Canifis seeking out anyone carrying banned items with his reckless use of my own men. He's even gotten Marko severely injured and portions of Meiyerditch raided. And to top it all off, we found him dead clutching the pendant he always wore.

Knowing he was too secretive to die so easily from a fight with vyrewatch, we put the pendant on him. Not surprisingly, it seemed to revive him. Says it is an old demonic trinket. I am right to not trust him. He plays with life and death, just like Elzbeth. I will have hum fully debriefed once he is done coughing up dirt and blood.

Athena isn't who she says she is either. One of Connor's accomplices. Took and hid his body when Gwen wanted to make a funeral pyre for him. Apparently also has experience beyond the wall, despite saying otherwise.

These newcomers are quickly becoming too much trouble for their worth. Unless they turn themselves around, I may have to take preventative measures. If these untrustworthy sorts keep seeking me out, I will have to initiate protocols to "clean house."
Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

13-Oct-2015 18:35:10 - Last edited on 13-Oct-2015 18:41:06 by Rologarth

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