
The Myreque

Quick find code: 237-238-899-65245150

Neon Knights

Neon Knights

Posts: 671 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Application Form:

Screen-Name: TemplarGabe

Time Zone: Eastern time

Character Name: Draven AxeBorn

Character Race: Human

Valuable Skills: Knows the land of morytania well. Great fighter always carrying two curved throwing axes and his backup axe. Is an experienced slayer. Confident and optimistic (Though if this is a valuble skill its arguable.)

Last Myreque Quest Done: Legacy of the Seergaze

Brief History: Draven was born in a small town of the Dharok Tribe. Growing up he had always been a vain and overconfident fellow boasting a huge ego. Like all Dharok tribesmen he went to bring back to the tribe the head of a beast he thought worthy. Draven being the overconfident sod seeked out the head of a creature never slain by anyone in his village. Draven never found a creature his tribe has not slain however and walked back slowly to the village sulking his pride lessened. He then saw the smoke in the distance and knew what was happening. He ran quickly to find his village in ruins and flames, no trace of people left his whole family and village gone. He then vowed two things: To fight vyres the rest of his life, and find whoever did that to his village, his pride, and his family.

17-Feb-2016 15:51:33

Neon Knights

Neon Knights

Posts: 671 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Journal entry one~

I have finally found the myreque meeting two of them at the gate. I can see that they are a mighty distrustful bunch though after my test today I feel I have earned the trust of the one named Elzbeth. My test was this, simply go with Elzbeth (Or as I knew her at the time as woman or E) and be her bodyguard while we walked through a new much more dangerous path.We passed through morton, nothing happened, went below the walls of that damned vyre castle...Nothing happened there either, I was beginning to doubt that this path actually was dangerous. We then walked past some cute small green is muddish colored things, again nothing happened. We walked a little while more and then came near a cave where web was everywhere, then something happened! A beast known as an araxyte was behind us, I heard the acid spit and I quickly rolled both me and Elzbeth out of the way. I then (in all my magnificance and glory) Threw one of my best throwing axes at it, slightly cleaving into the chitin leaving a wound for elzbeth to use a spell. I then charged at it my huge axe in hand, it spit acid once again and using my axe and my chestplate I blocked the acid and cleaved the araxyte with a downward slash. My axe now weakened from acid and my chestplate also I used my strength to keep the thing down in place, I was stronger then the spider! It quickly died under the weight and force I gave my axe and I screamed in victory. We then had to hurry off to the boat. We soon arrived at paterdomus picked up the chest, went back to the boat and made it back to the burgh safe and sound, a perfect mission! And a perfect day in the life of Draven.

~In the distance as if magicly the screams of a mad game master could be heard as the opponent won the coin flip 3 times in a row killing the araxyte instantly....Draven may be facing the wrath of Isaac Stark soon.~ (I love you bae, please no grudgerino. Draven cant beat 2 vyrewatch alone with a silver spoon...Or can he?)

18-Feb-2016 15:22:19

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 8,316 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rologarth said :

Calsidiu's Log
Erysail, Moevyng 10th

Well, I don't know what to say. I guess I'll try to keep this short. I've been busy for almost 2 months doing dirty work across the wall. My men have kept up without my interference and things seemed to have calmed down in my absence. There was little interaction from the Inquisitor's forces while I was away.

However, since I've come back, there's been: an explosion at the barrows, a slaughtering of vyrewatch patrols, a ripper demon loosed upon the Burgh, new recruits killing araxytes with brute strength, people getting hurt, new supply routes being tested, rat necromancers infesting mines, magic skulls delivering letters, and a f**king lamb running around my base.

I almost miss being across the wall.

As for who's still around, we have Proteus, Elzbeth, and Connor. Guther's in bad, and one of his fanatics from the Barrows, Draven, has come to join us. Billy's here right now. Him and Proteus are working on an axe for Draven after his got messed up. Oh. Here comes Gwen.

Can't earn Slayer xp anymore.

19-Feb-2016 06:14:34 - Last edited on 19-Feb-2016 06:17:54 by Rologarth

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Materials logging


Reasoning - Theft





Mithril bars:


Silver Bars:


Silver dust:


Silver sickle:


Silverized smokebombs:

12, all tampered with, each with no silver or explosives

Ancient Zarosian Runite Armour

Averaged market value - 4,000,000 coins
Only the chestplate, damaged quite badly, was saved. Approximate value - 200k

Current Resources




Guthix Balance Potion:


Holy Water:

Holy Oil:

Mithril bars:

Red Spider's Eggs:

Silver Bars:

Silver Dust:

Silver Sickles:


Silverized Smokebombs:
- all tampered with

Steel Plate:
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

19-Feb-2016 09:52:35

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Latest Reports/Missions

The First Steps

Connor seems to have some kind of contingency plan, should the myreque fall, and Vyrekind breach the salve. The first steps are truly securing allies. There's a half-written list of things to do and who to reach out to, Connor can be contacted for more details.

Aiding Allies
Barrows Tribes - Free the trapped tribesmen
Temple Knights - Work together to recover talismans, aid with other works
White Knights - Presumably aid with Kinshra assaults

Forming Allies

Guardians of Armadyl
Renderra Family
The main militant forces of all the major powerhouses, for example-
-Relleka (?)
Combatant's guild (?)
Moirai syndicate (If they exist?)
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

19-Feb-2016 13:22:06 - Last edited on 20-Feb-2016 23:57:03 by Last Deterro

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Materials logging


Reasoning - New Equipment (Plates re-forged)

Steel Plate:


Current Resources

Coins :

Garlic :

Gunpowder :

Guthix Balance Potion :

Harralander :

Holy Water :

Holy Oil :

Red Spider's Eggs :

Smokebombs :

Steel Plate :
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

23-Feb-2016 05:35:44



Posts: 536 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last Deterro said :
A stack of newspapers would be sitting in the myreque base, the front page visible for all...bearing highly disturbing news.
(Read it here)

Wu would pick up the paper and have a read of it. He would then proceed to be amazed that he managed to sleep through that.
"I am true divinity! I am the father of nations and peoples! I am the thing you merely pretend to be! I am God, and I am King, and you can never defeat me!" ~Galath, Infinity Blade

25-Feb-2016 02:12:36

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Connor's log
17 Moevy**, Part 1/9

It has been far too long since I last took my thoughts to the quill, as they say. So much has happened, and it's vital that I record it while details are still sharp in my mind.

First and foremost, though this book will be useful should some wannabe-mage try and wipe my mind, after the recent incident with a piece of sh*t scum thief stealing everything, up to and including the kitchen sink (oh, if only we had one), I dare not write classified or otherwise..."mission-critial" information between these pages. To be safe, I've left my old journal at my hidey-hole, and no vampyre from darkmeyer to canifis, nor human, has a hope in infernus of finding it sealed away there.

So. Where to begin? I suppose that would be with the "Love day ceremony". A small thing that only I and Elzbeth turned up to, it was basically the madman Conrad talking about some old story which me and Elzbeth saw as tragic and he saw as uplifting. He then proceeded to give me a fragment of a blade, which I believe to be a fabled piece of one of the godswords...and he gave Elzbeth a magical amulet, supposedly with the soul of a dragon within it.
Dragon. That reminds me. We still need to investigate the dead dragon's disappearance.

Either way. Supplies have been getting lower and lower, and we're at a point of panic, at least we were. We've still had no reply back from Athena, who went off to the helix to get some newfangled "augmentations" for our weaponary. After her capture and torture...she needed a break. And it took a LOT of favours to break her out of darkmeyer, so best she's not seen in morytania for long enough that the heat dies down.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

25-Feb-2016 13:10:42

Last Deterro
Nov Member 2013

Last Deterro

Posts: 512 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Connor's log
17 Moevy**, Part 2/9

Next, a ghost of sorts from Proteus's past has turned up. A frail, pale woman who calls herself Elizabeth, and seems to be an exceedingly powerful, if unstable ice mage. Or meteor-mage, whatever the terminology is. There have been...hints, shall we say, that my brother's been in with a rogue group of mercenaries...who stemmed from my order.

Indeed, I've been attemting to avoid writing of it until my blood's cooled, but even the thought of an order dedicated to training and honing skills being twisted and ********* into a band of cri minals MAKES ME SICK!

..Strinthas betrayed me. He took his branch of the Order Of The Draconic Visage and twisted it into a little gang of his own. People in high places, everywhere, all working under his rule. And, of course, he now owns a book called "The Salvebreaker". The news came plastered along with some rookie temple knight called "Strife", who seems intend on taking up my role of quartermaster. At least it would be an official title. was around this time that Calsidiu finally returned from over the wall, or whatever vacation he was really on. Just as well, too, because a short while after he showed up, Guther basically came running to the myreque for help, saying that the cult of madmen known as "The Cult Of Akrisae" had finally decided to pull an outright malicious action ; turning a barrows wight into a servant of theirs.

The team was Cal', me, Elzbeth and Kailisa, the newbie mage. Unfortunately, once we were there, we were too late to stop the madman leading the ritual, as we soon discovered that the wight had already been "corrupted". What's worse is that the madman decided to fill the coffin full of explosives, planning to lure us down there and detonate them. And it almost worked.
Thoughtcrime doesn't entail death. Thoughtcrime IS death.

25-Feb-2016 13:10:59

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