Hey, just letting you know im a bridder (use all 3 combats) in eoc [do full armor, pray, wep switches] and not to be cocky, really, really good at it.
I personally think p2p combat is crap because it comes down to moneyscape. In F2P, everyone can gain access to the same tier of armor + weps, so there is more of a mental game. With hits not being as op, combat in f2p is actually fun because you have to strategize when to use anticipation, freedom, stuns, thresholds, and ultimates [ still think the prayer smashing mechanic is bs, especially for magic]. Yea, I know halberds are superior because they have a larger hit radius.
Main reason I say knives are trash in eoc is because, if the opponent does bind stun on you, then u r gg'ed. They can move outside of the 5 space radius and sweep with gravite shortbow + gravite staff. Some might then argue to use freedom but that will lead to even more cancerous dps with vulnerability to asphy, destroy, slaughter [rapid fire is still a joke to me]. Only dual handed range wep that has longer range is the javelin, but that is tier 50 not tier 55.
Yea i made countless threads, to patch it up but people do not care. It applies to current members being able to abuse the system and use tier 75 in f2p. BTW, I was the first person in 2013 and 2014 to make the forum posts to patch up the warp.
As for the tier 1 to 40, as an ironman player I totally support including those things.
27-Jan-2017 06:16:53