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- I personally do not see battlestaves (and even moreso mystic staves as its direct upgrade) as good main tier items as they're fairly (battle) / extremely (mystic) expensive for their tier. It also won't fix the issue the issue that the game is lacking staves on such a big scale
I guess I didn't explain myself correctly. I do speak about buffing them a tier up, making ALL mystic items to be tier 50(which is part of the problem, in my opinion). These suggestions aren't alternatives, but add up to create a complete system.
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The staves additionally are used for p2p crafting training and could have some unpredictable effect on that, while I think shifting them into gap tiers could make for a good membership benefit.
Battlestaves were used for that, there is a reason why GE price had fallen below the 7k.
I believe it would actually raise their cost, as lots of F2P would seek them.
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Making staves the same way as books and wands
work, but staves made from cloth are somewhat weird to be honest - and it would lack a tier 40 one still.
Taking a look feature wise I also think it wouldn't hurt giving fletching something more than just ranged weapons and ammo (and scrimshaws on high levels), while crafting already offers tons of features.
Well, I might have agreed, but when you make a book out of wool cloth, I feel staves made of hides sounds plausible. Also, Hopefully all of the magical hides would (hopefully) become part of runecrafting later, so I don't think it would hurt.
Also logically, there is no reason why a oak stick would have better
features than any simple tree.
However, how about this: Staves would require a wooden base, beside of cloth. the process would require crafting and fletching levels, and give xp in both? I feel this might work well.
Also, many thanks for the respond
14-Jan-2018 03:33:09