As a dedicated pure F2P, I admit I was irked at first that the GPH could be assembled by P2P only. I mean, I feel that F2P is part of the growth of RS, and should have been included in this.
But I get it. Also, it actually works to the advantage of anyone who managed to make or buy one of these hats. Because of the restriction to creation by P2P, the numbers of GPH's out there is probably a fraction of what it would be if everyone could have made one. So, for instance, I bought one at 401m on Dec. 21st (they were 394m on the GE at the time), and it is already at 516m! I never came close to a 115m profit on anything in that short a time... less than two weeks!
As for the discussion about the relative investment between the GPH and the GSH, I agree with the almost unanimous consensus in this thread that the GSH is a short term investment, as they will probably re-release them; while for the GPH, the sky is the limit, as it was a (we hope) one time release for the 20th celebrations. Of course that could change, if the policies change on these.
In any case, I would suggest people scrap their nickels together and get a GPH, because IMHO they will surpass a billion pretty soon. Me I'm holding onto mine like Grim Death!
Happy New Year!
04-Jan-2022 18:00:52