
Comp Cape Rework Dev Update Thread is locked

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Mar Member 2013


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Rikornak said :
You can be fairly sure that the new comp cape still certainly won't be something everybody will have. Sure - most players will have an handful of t1 (or even 2) capes, but I would bet that a lot of the legacy compers (and maybe even trimmed compers) will initially fail at having the new comp fulfilled - simply for the fact they just did whatever the capes said them to do: And if they just did the plain minimum they will lack a lot of content - simply for the reason legacy comp ignored a lot of stuff released in all those years.

As for reference: T1 Skilling will be more than the max cape (they said more achievements than just all 99s) …

That's the thing, we lack your optimism. We are not fairly sure. The point of this rework is to let everyone have it. In your opening paragraph, you state, "Sure - most players..." Should most players have the max cape without max stats? Doesn't feel right... Having better stats than the Max cape, but doing less, spending less time in the game, doesn't seem right.

The comp cape is as much part of the game as Guthix, Saradomin, and Zammy ( although Zaros is the bomb ), with the Godless having the comp cape.

There is no reason that comp and comp(t) cannot have more requirements added as time goes on. Eventually everything becomes the kbd/barrows bros. Solak will eventually go this was as well. Just let the PVMers get a combat cape, better than max, but with less time than max.
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22-Mar-2019 12:47:48 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2019 12:50:10 by Uncl

Lord Drakan
Sep Member 2010

Lord Drakan

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Uncl said :
The point of this rework is to let everyone have it.

There is no reason that comp and comp(t) cannot have more requirements added as time goes on.

i) Erm... not really, no.

ii) Indeed, except comp cape owners start whining like three-year-olds when faced with the prospect of losing their cape. Heck, look at the responses in this thread. A lot of "d0n't touch mY c4p3 plz Jigglex u iz TEH w0rst".
Bizarre Boron Fusswell, scryer extraordinaire. OSRS: POH ideas & RS3 minigames & achievement ideas !

Perhaps you're half right; perhaps we can't win. But we can fight.
— Zanik

22-Mar-2019 13:07:05

Cute Brat
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Lord Drakan said :
Uncl said :
The point of this rework is to let everyone have it.

There is no reason that comp and comp(t) cannot have more requirements added as time goes on.

i) Erm... not really, no.

ii) Indeed, except comp cape owners start whining like three-year-olds when faced with the prospect of losing their cape. Heck, look at the responses in this thread. A lot of "d0n't touch mY c4p3 plz Jigglex u iz TEH w0rst".

What should we do sit here and say nothing about a cape we've worked years for? I dont think so. And yes it would have been as easy as more reqs and add a pvm cape, they didnt have to legacy mode our capes thats alot of crap.
Princess of World 98 =p~

22-Mar-2019 13:13:13

Oct Member 2013


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Uncl said :

If you think the current comp is actually a comp cape - sorry nope. As I said - I am more than sure there will be enough players who will be able to run around with a legacy comp cape, but have initially failed to obtain the new t1 one - you act like like every noob will be running around with t1 comp, I just doubt it, see alone those outcries in the RGU forum when certain players failed at that new quest. I guess it will be a more common sight eventually, but t2 should be rarer - not to speak of t3 - of course not assuming they mess it entirely up.

The following stuff was acknowledged on their design documents and a reddit Q&A so you can take it for granted for now. Stuff in brackets is my commentary and speculation:

Lore Tier 1: Literally QPC
Lore Tier 2: Quests + Post Quest Stuff + Miniquests
Lore Tier 3: Most likely MQC (whatever this 'most likely' is supposed to mean)
Skills Tier 1: Max cape + x (whatever that 'x' will be, you will have max before that seemingly though)
Combat Tier 1: Something that will be less than reaper (whatever is cut from it should be up to debate of course - I just doubt they'll set on the cut below GWD2, it might also go into a different direction and demand fulfilling achievements at those bosses - not plainly killing them - of course once more just speculation)
Combat Tier 2: Reaper (+x?)

So it will leave minigames, exploration and misc stuff fully up to speculation, but since those won't unlock perks I think it is save to assume it will not be as yielding as the other three categories, so they won't award neither stat bonuses or a passive effect like for lore and skills.

If the tiers are used right a player who completed a t1 meta shouldn't be too close to complete the next tier (if that happens the player did it either deliberately or a distinct cheevo was poorly classified).
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

22-Mar-2019 13:25:28 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2019 13:36:33 by Rikornak

Unlucky Cody
Jun Member 2008

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This is my first and more than likely my last post on the rs3 forums.

The comp rework in general wasn't a bad idea. I simple solution would have been adding a "combat cape" that had the same stats as the current completion cape, without the added bonus. (Ie, max guild teleport, Ava's, spirit cape, adding 3 skill capes)

Instead, the proposed solution to the "comp cape problem" was too negate the hard work many players, myself included, and give in the majority of players that want something powerful without actually working torwards it.

The idea that comp owners complain with each new update is a bit insane to me. I admire updates that require me to do the new content. It keeps me up to date with everything, especially if I've been abesnt from the game for a while. As a matter of fact, I voted to add new requirements to the comp cape.

With all that said, the current solutions have made me lose faith. They are doing this rework all wrong in my eyes, and I'm moving on. Thank you for wasting most of my life.

22-Mar-2019 13:29:10

Oct Member 2013


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The Lore achievements are extremely good sketched already since we got the MQC, which was - in contrary to (trimmed) comp - designed by having guidelines. Sure there may be a low amount of content missing, but it hasn't got random non-completables added for whatever reason. The only difference to the current state is that those will suddenly be required for something that calls itself completionist cape (tier 2 and 3 respectively, full quest completion + a handful of miniquests was required for (trimmed) comp after all).

Yes it might actually help if something like this would be at least roughly sketched for the other categories as well. Will you need skilling pets for t3 skilling? Will you need boss collections for t3 combat? It's not really clear and I do agree with you on that aspect. But you really shouldn't act like that you'll have t1 combat done with a few mole and KBD kills for instance. Yes we do not know how it will look like in detail, but a tiny bit of common sense doesn't hurt in here.

And all in all - if t1 comp is too easy for you - aim for t2. If you've mastered that one show the world you're the best and get t3. If you got this - get those t4 titles.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

22-Mar-2019 13:35:38 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2019 13:47:23 by Rikornak

Aqua Star

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Rikornak said :
The Lore achievements are extremely good sketched already since we got the MQC, which was - in contrary to (trimmed) comp - designed by having guidelines. Sure there may be a low amount of content missing, but it hasn't got random non-completables added for whatever reason. The only difference to the current state is that those will suddenly be required for something that calls itself completionist cape (tier 2 and 3 respectively, full quest completion + a handful of miniquests was required for (trimmed) comp after all).

Yes it might actually help if something like this would be at least roughly sketched for the other categories as well. Will you need skilling pets for t3 skilling? Will you need boss collections for t3 combat? It's not really clear and I do agree with you on that aspect. But you really shouldn't act like that you'll have t1 combat done with a few mole and KBD kills for instance. Yes we do not know how it will look like in detail, but a tiny bit of common sense doesn't hurt in here.

And all in all - if t1 comp is too easy for you - aim for t2. If you've mastered that one show the world you're the best and get t3. If you got this - get those t4 titles.

Ye it sounds like Jagex needs their mental health checked.
Now what's an unfun environment when you talk to people and see nonsense being said and stuff like that

22-Mar-2019 14:24:04

Mar Member 2013


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Rikornak said :

Unless we have requirements, this is just a bad idea. No one wears their 1/5/10 years capes and crowns - cosmetics are great and all, but it's about the cape. It shows dedication to the game.

What if everyone got 50m to start the game? How about we all get 50m at level 50-60 in all skills ( not counting invention )? Say you need a RuneScore of 7k too. This is balanced because skillers often don't make any GP. It just doesn't feel right, but we all like free stuff.

There is a zero reason why more achievements cannot be added to comp cape. Add them all, all at once, and give 6 months to keep the cape before the loss. There are a few things which could be added to comp cape reqs - no one is saying there shouldn't be. I'd like to get a phoenix pet, but my PoH needs an Aviary room, and maybe a few other pet rooms for my animals to play and live

If anything is going to be buffed, it should be the comp(t) and IFB with passives ( that work in all PVP ). Passives and Frank just feel like they go together well... also, Elite Achievement outfit could stand a buff, considering the requirements, but this is off-topic.

There are quite a few voices saying, yeah sure, let's have a PVMer cape, but not at the cost of a comp/comp(t)/qpc/mqc. So it's not that people are opposed to the idea, just the process and how to get there.
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

22-Mar-2019 14:47:40 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2019 14:57:06 by Uncl

Mar Member 2013


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Not that I'm coming to your side, but there should also be some stipulation that existing comp and comp(t) people will be Freely given at least t2 capes, with a 6 month period before losing them.

Of course, the groups which require the comp cape, will then require the t2 capes, maybe even make the groups more nuanced in who they select.
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

22-Mar-2019 15:02:09 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2019 15:05:29 by Uncl

Oct Member 2013


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Now that's precious:

- One of the problems with legacy comp is, that it has no guidelines of what has to be added and what not. This won't be fixed by keeping the old stuff and just bump on 'forgotten' content of the last 5 years. As a bare minimum everything that would just be an achievement (and not a completable) should be degraded to achievements (in the fitting categories) in addition. The problem goes in both directions after all if we're just checking for completables and unlocks.
- I guess we can agree that t1 comp and legacy comp won't be subsets of one another (don't forget - the latter will still be there to be achieved and maintained): With a bit of speculation I'd guess a barely fulfilled legacy comp would roughly be worth tier 1 lore (you've done all quests, but post quest stuff is trimmed), tier 1 skilling (with progress towards tier 2), tier 1 exploration (if that is less than all elites done it'll be a joke in comparison to quest and skills) and tier 2 combat - you basically haven't shown any competence in minigames at all (unless those parts where you had to do them for a quest or task list) - and well misc will be something more special anyway (hard to say how to translate it into the new system, but I guess most misc stuff would be trimmed anyway, regular comp is more focused). How is that worth a free voucher for a t2 comp cape? Trimmed legacy comp doesn't look that much better btw - I guess it's worth some progress towards t1 minigame (well with a single requirement, which goes way past that), t2 lore and a lot of misc stuff for once. Once again - a trimmed comp, that is barely fulfilled by its wearer.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

22-Mar-2019 16:48:37 - Last edited on 22-Mar-2019 16:55:14 by Rikornak

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