
Comp Cape Rework Dev Update Thread is locked

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I found interesting some things, and I am agree with almost all. But if you guys want to do a "Insane Cape" or combine in 1 cape all the Max's Tiers (Cosmetic only), with the goal to give "Something else to those players that want to complete all the game" you should include all the achievements. That includes 1k enrage telos, skilling/boss pets, cw, 200 city quests, 1K clues, and more. In that way you also give meaning to the achievements it self, otherwise, why you are going to even make the effort of complete all the achievements if you are not going to get any conmemoration?

If All (Types) of Challenges are not include in the True/insane/master/trimm/tier 3 cape, what is going to be the insane/unique thing of that cape?

11-Apr-2019 06:15:33

Oct Member 2013


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Maczumpa said :
I want to achieve comp mainly for cosmetic purposes cuz it looks really cool, atm im like 100m xp + reaper title off from getting it. Is there any sense to progress knowing theres huge update coming in and all my effort can just end up worthless?

It won't. The currently existing capes will be there to be earned as the (trimmed) legacy comp cape and you will have a set of new ones to work towards. They basically will work like they do for several years now: New content won't be featured on those, except for existing requirements updated (e.g. music, bosses or quests)

As for the new capes you'll likely have completed t1 skills, lore and combat (with some progress towards t2), but you need to fully earn the t1 areas and activities metas to start in the new system. Likewise a trimmer will have some decent coverage in t2 (and even a few t3 ones), but still having a lot of work, just to earn t2 comp. Both under the assumption they just did the stuff for their capes and nothing else.

If you want to start working towards the new capes you might want to complete non-cape achievements that already are ingame. Otherwise it probably wouldn't hurt to look for a true trimmer's list and complete the stuff mentioned on those.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

11-Apr-2019 06:22:03 - Last edited on 11-Apr-2019 06:27:16 by Rikornak

Apr Member 2017


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Obligatory please stop. Please just stop. But of course you arent going to listen to your customers, so more scathing criticisms coming your way.

In your latest design proposal document (which a person has to go through the 3rd party website reddit to reach. why?) you list where your ideas for how you are going to categorize the achievements after you... rework the completionist cape.

The biggest issue I have with it is
" Tier 2 Lore - Complete all Lore achievements (That aren't insane) (Visually the Master Quest Cape)"

Why are you guys so dead-set on lowering the prestige of the MQC? first you wanted to remove it outright and now you want to demote it. Can you please leave the MQC alone? The broken home achievement is already a part of the MQC and the memorial prestige is something most people who have the MQC already have done. just make the MQC the level three tiered lore meta achievement reward or whatever thing you are calling it. Also, why are miniquests not under level 1? you just added a miniquest list, make them a requirement for the quest cape.

Telos if You're Angry 6 (1000% Telos)
making this a requirement for anything constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, especially since you are now locking the BIS combat cape behind it. 500% telos should be the absolute max you are locking an item that everyone is going to grind for behind.
also you should move the GWD2 rep achievements to level 1. these are very easy. move the vorago achievement from level 2 to level 3. if kalgerion commander is your idea of a level 3 achievement then the vorago achievement belongs there.
Move kalgerion commander off level 3 combat, it's very easy to get and has no place next to lumbridge strikes back or 500%/1000% telos. Death effect also really has no place in level 3 also, its more grinding a person is naturally going to complete over time, not something extra they have to go out of their way to complete.


12-Apr-2019 12:27:59

Apr Member 2017


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under exploration you have salty and sandy as level 2 achievements. no. these are the textbook definition of insane. weeks upon weeks of constant grinding, time gated events etc. move them to level 3. also move the goebies max rep achievement to level 3, that one takes a long time of regular grinding to unlock.
Under skills you have "virtual 120s" listed under level 3. absolutely not, this is so lazy. there is zero content between 13m xp and 104m xp in 24/27 of these skills. I wouldn't care all 27 skills were listed in the level 1 achievement if they actually had content contained within that 91m xp. add skills you actually fill with content to level 1 and leave the fake levels out of this. you cant just replace releasing content with making empty levels a requirement.


12-Apr-2019 12:28:21 - Last edited on 12-Apr-2019 12:30:19 by Hupw

Oct Member 2013


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Including a list of missing unlockables/completables. Simple cheevos for fun actions are nice, but actual doable stuff should have priority:


- Earn all possible experience in the Empty Throneroom
- Add achievements for clearing all shortcuts
- Unlock all expert capes
- Learn the 'Cremation' ability
- Build every crossbow hidey-hole and rope rack (Construction)
- Create all boons (Divination)
- Obtain all pets bought from Marmaros or Bryll (Dungeoneering)
- Buy the full Acolyte of Seiryu and Sakadagami sets (Dungeoneering)
- Buy every upgrade and recipe at the Elite Dungeon Reward Shop (Dungeoneering)
- Unlock all pets, titles and personal upgrades at the Player-owned farm (Farming)
- Fully upgrade your Spring cleaner (Invention).
- Discover all Blueprints (Invention)
- Complete the Nexus (Prayer)
- Unlock 'Malevolence', 'Desolation' and 'Affliction' (Prayer)
- Learn all social slayer abilities (Slayer)
- Buy Squidge, Runtstable and Freezy with all his skins (Slayer)
- Finish a ceremonial sword with 80/100 % and earn the one-timed smithing xp rewards (Smithing) (Still a thing?)
- Fully upgrade your loot bag (Thieving)
- Add an achievement for obtaining the sandy title and its sub requirements (Menaphos)


- Complete every course at the combat academy with champion/hero/legend rank
- Earn 50/250/500 boss training points
- Complete 100/200 reaper tasks and earn Death's scythe and Tiny Death
- Defeat the Ragged Abomination 1/5/10/25/50/75/100 times. Include it in Soul Reaper and add a Collection Log, requiring a Dragon Full Helm, Draconic Visage, Abomination Cape and Dragon Javelins. Consider adding a boss pet.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

13-Apr-2019 06:14:48 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2019 06:59:16 by Rikornak

Oct Member 2013


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- Defeat the Giant Mimic 1/5/10/25/50/75/100 times. Add an achievement to defeat it once in elite mode. Add a collection log, which requires the mimic pet, helm, plushie, tongue cape and all six shard tokens.
- Unlock a Revenant pet.
- Fully upgrade your Revenant pet.
- Finish off Vorago in every hardmode rotation and earn the full outfit of omens


- Break the counter in the body room during or after elemental workshop III
- Tell Gwir about all your exploits after Plagues' End
- Tell Derni, Dernu and Miodvetnir about all your exploits after King of the Dwarves
- Tell Ali the Barman about the poisoned drink after The Feud
- Unlock the archmage title


Add fitting sub-categories to activities with a sufficient amount of achievements.

- Earn the ability to purchase Castle Wars flag and kill capes
- Earn the ability to purchase a Castle Wars hobbyist cape
- Unlock every cabbage facepunch ability
- Add Ava's device to the castle wars and soul wars capes (Obsolete?)
- Obtain an abyssal hound pet
- Fully upgrade your anima pet
- Kill 1600 bosses in rumble mode and unlock the extreme dominion medallion
- Survive for 45 minutes in a 4 or 5 player rumble mode in the Dominion Tower
- Unlock all Deathmatch titles and taunts
- Unlock the ability to create ancient teletabs
- Unlock the ability to buy atrocious rogue gloves
- Unlock the ability to buy a supreme hunter's helm
- Unlock every demon flash mobs title
- Purchase every treasure trail title and the blue pet (Treasure trails)
- Train Meg as much as possible (Player-owned port) Commantary: The more often she returns from adventures, the more experienced she gets, being reflected in her examine.
- Unlock every special crew isle in POP (Player-owned port)
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

13-Apr-2019 06:15:48 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2019 07:00:03 by Rikornak

Oct Member 2013


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Since they're no longer required for any comp cape it could be extremely free of how to design.

- Upgrade your completionist cape by using a spirit cape on it (Obsolete?)
- Find every goblin mail hidden in the goblin village
- Complete the book case with all permanent books
- Unlock the full potential of Sliske's Parody
- Open every door in Enakhra's temple
- Earn 'The Real MVP' and 'The Real Struggle' titles from participating in challenge gems
- Earn 15/25 Event cards from participating in JMod-hosted events and claim your free experience lamps
- Complete 500/1000/1500/2000 achievements - Title reward: n, the overachiever
- Add an obligatory 'Over 9000' achievement for RuneScore
- Get the maximum possible discount for recharging crystal items
- Deliver Longramble some tangled toad legs
- Get caught 100 times in the Ape Atoll Prison and receive your reward
- See all doomsayer warning messages often enough to toggle them
- Teleport to each fairy ring once
- Obtain a cornucopia
- Obtain an ectoplasmator
- Obtain a deployable herb burner
- Obtain an adrenaline urn
- Kick your large gnomeball 50/250/500/1000/2000 times and unlock the respective variants. 5 RuneScore per tier
- Have a chat with every NPC formerly involved with a random event. Reward: Ring of Random
- Unfurl all 28 flags in the max guild garden
- Claim the free perfect juju potions from Lady Meilyr
- Watch a stream and obtain Twitchy
- Unlock the 'May-or-may-not-be' title


- Defeat Hollowtoof once. (Combat or Activities)
- Replay Sliske's Endgame and earn your Agent of the Eldest outfit (Misc or Lore)
- Repair 100 light orbs in Dorgesh-kaan and earn your firemaking reward (Firemaking, Lore or Misc).
- Claim all free ushabtis from Aiza (Slayer or misc)
- Unlock Raptor's Basic Outfit (Slayer or Combat)
- Unlock the ability to carry nine black crystals (Slayer or Combat)
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

13-Apr-2019 06:16:22 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2019 07:02:55 by Rikornak

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Most of the stuff is T2 material, albeit some will certainly qualify for T3

Some existing achievements could need adjustments:

- Include the 'The Faraway Place where Things are Kept' dungeon in 'Very Resourceful'. It's a resource dungeon, which grants an one-timed reward for entering it the first time.
- Include the scroll of gathering in 'Scrolling with Power'.
- Change the drop rates of the dungeoneering journals 16-20 to reasonable levels and include them in 'Miscellaneous Notes'
- Change the defeat the phoenix achievement for Lore to 'Talk with the phoenix about Si'morgh' - increase RuneScore reward accordingly. The comp cheevo will remain as is.
- Allow the old diary found in a crate near the odd old man after defeating the skeletal horror once to be added to the bookcase of a POH. Make reading it a requirement of the 'Lovingly Crafted' achievement, as it is also part of the horrors lore.
- Some fix for 'Catching some Rays': Consolidate the regular and ironman variants to a single version, that can be completed by both kinds of players by catching a manta ray either in the fishing trawler minigame or the deep sea fishing hub. As ironmen can catch rays via the hub now, they shouldn't have a different variant of the achievement anymore, which drastically increases the requirements over the regular variant. As the hub is fairly close to ardougne, it also shouldn't collide with the theme of the achievement diary.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

13-Apr-2019 06:17:00 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2019 07:02:31 by Rikornak



Posts: 404 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've read the most recent document with the proposal to seperate the difficult reqs (which currently and only involve high-end bossing) from the grindy requirements into a seperate branch of tiers. And I think this is an excellent proposal.

This way, the elite PVM players who don't want their achievements devalued can get their much-deserved recognition with the trims that are unlocked on each tier of comp cape. While other players (like me), who are simply not going to bother with all this, can still aim for something above max cape.

Now, Jagex said that it's still not clear which requirements are to be placed on these new branches of tiers. But again, I strongly recommend them to put AT LEAST group reaper on this. As high level bossing (which reaper requires you to do) is not a grind, but simply difficult.

All in all, it's great that Jagex is taking both sides to this discussion into account when finding a solution.
'If there is no one left to stand behind, then I will have to stand alone.'

14-Apr-2019 11:04:45

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