
Comp Cape Rework Dev Update Thread is locked

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Aunty Shark

Aunty Shark

Posts: 780 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ojacha said :
I've read the most recent document with the proposal to seperate the difficult reqs (which currently and only involve high-end bossing) from the grindy requirements into a seperate branch of tiers. And I think this is an excellent proposal.

This way, the elite PVM players who don't want their achievements devalued can get their much-deserved recognition with the trims that are unlocked on each tier of comp cape. While other players (like me), who are simply not going to bother with all this, can still aim for something above max cape.

Now, Jagex said that it's still not clear which requirements are to be placed on these new branches of tiers. But again, I strongly recommend them to put AT LEAST group reaper on this. As high level bossing (which reaper requires you to do) is not a grind, but simply difficult.

All in all, it's great that Jagex is taking both sides to this discussion into account when finding a solution.

The majority want it shelved.

14-Apr-2019 12:19:01



Posts: 404 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
^ I don't. I've seen enough shelving for a lifetime. I just want this done right for all of us.

Also I'm not sure if it's a majority. Maybe it is. But as neither of us know the numbers, 'a large amount of players' might suffice.
'If there is no one left to stand behind, then I will have to stand alone.'

14-Apr-2019 13:33:58 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2019 13:38:01 by Ojacha

Apr Member 2017


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Ojacha said :
^ I don't. I've seen enough shelving for a lifetime. I just want this done right for all of us.

Also I'm not sure if it's a majority. Maybe it is. But as neither of us know the numbers, 'a large amount of players' might suffice.

well, all I can go off of is the people i've spoken to in-game about this and what I've seen in this thread. I know and talk to a lot of completionists and not a single one of them supports this. Among the completionists I know, this future update might be the most universally reviled update since the removal of free trade.

I think it's pretty clear jagex has built themselves an echo chamber hug box that they are choosing to listen to instead of the actual broader completionist population.
or maybe they don't care about the current completionists and are trying to make the game appeal to casual mobile players at the expensive of decade long subscribers

I think this is really going to come back to bite them in the rear end.

To be quite honest, the only people that should have any say in this are people who currently can wear a completionist cape or MQC.

16-Apr-2019 13:28:59

Aunty Shark

Aunty Shark

Posts: 780 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ojacha said :
^ I don't. I've seen enough shelving for a lifetime. I just want this done right for all of us.

Also I'm not sure if it's a majority. Maybe it is. But as neither of us know the numbers, 'a large amount of players' might suffice.

You have 0 chance of it being done right. I supported this update until I saw the mess they've made of a simple fucking update.

16-Apr-2019 15:31:46



Posts: 1,591 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Throwing in my 2p on the topic.

Firstly, in the argument of reaper/no reaper, I'm very much against reaper being a comp req. My reasoning is that many people earned comp long before reaper was ever mentioned and long before EoC changed combat completely. This means many people put in the hard work to earning it and then a requirement which not everyone can feasibly do was added, negating that work.

The ONLY reason to keep reaper on comp is to bottleneck the amount of people that can wear it, for exclusivity. If people want a challenge, give them another item that recognizes reaper there was no reason it had to be comp. I can't see a single good reason otherwise, feel free to tell me if you think of one.

Secondly, regarding comp cape being the highest stat cape in game, I believe comp stats should be dropped to the same as max cape. You can recover the difference once you complete reaper (Tracked separately to comp) and fuse a newly added item, rewarded for reaper, with your comp.

In this way, a person that has both comp at reaper at present would notice no difference. A person incapable of completing reaper but owns comp would have the cosmetic appearance of a comp but the stats of a max.

This solution allows old comps to keep their cape without maintaining reaper, allows new players to achieve comp without reaper but also rewards any comp players that do complete reaper.

Perhaps I'm tunnel visioned with this but this appears to be a very simple solution compared to all this crap they're designing at the moment.

16-Apr-2019 17:56:43 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2019 17:57:21 by Venoxulous



Posts: 404 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Solivagus I agree a large amount of players, mainly compers, feel this way. Who wants their hard-earned work devalued? I wouldn't. I'm still not sure it's a majority, but let's assume you are right. And let’s assume that you are on that side.

Does that mean they should only listen to this majority? You might think so, but I don’t. And here’s why.

The side that doesn’t get listened to will simply quit playing, regardless which one.

I am right to quit a game where I am required to play content I don’t find fun, costs me millions, takes hundreds of tries, is difficult as hell, gets released way too often, and takes a group that hardly ever still plays, lets me in as a beginner, and yells at me for every mistake I make. Call me lazy all you want. I’m not doing it.

You are right to quit a game where all the hours, all the years of blood, sweat and tears you spent to earn that ultimate token of recognition for doing the impossible, suddenly doesn’t mean a thing anymore.

But in the end, it’s not about my perspective or yours. It’s about Jagex’s. They are a gaming-company that in order to survive, needs as many people as possible playing their game. That’s only logical. Only listening to one side of the playerbase might make that one side happy as a bee, but is a bad marketing-strategy overall when the other side quits.

I am not saying your points aren’t valid. If compers are not happy with this update, Jagex should try harder to make it work. They know there's a lot at stake. But simply canning the whole thing won’t solve anything. Maybe for you, but not for me. And certainly not for the game as a whole.

That’s why I am happy to see Jagex at least try to appeal to both sides of the playerbase. Wether they succeed at this, depends on who you ask of course.

@Aunty Shark It’s fine if you feel that way.
'If there is no one left to stand behind, then I will have to stand alone.'

16-Apr-2019 18:52:01

Mar Member 2013


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Ojacha said :

I'll echo and add a few more gp. Stealing from the design doc,

"These rewards mainly fall into two categories, actives (like the Max Guild teleport) and passives (like Ava’s accumulator). For actives: let’s say you have the Max Guild and Skeletal Horror teleports unlocked, but don’t have the Comp Cape. You’ll have those right-click teleport options on ANY cape you wear, instead of just the Comp Cape."

So effectively ava's device is completely removed from the game? No longer will you be swapping capes for different combat as you level up? What happens to the Range cape in the game?

* * *

If all the new capes are cosmetic overrides, do we really need any new cosmetic capes to be added? Why not just add:

Combat/Skiller/Quest/Explorer/Minigame [ x/y ] if x > n2, then t3, elseif x >n1, then t2, elseif x > c, then t1, null | n2 > n1 > c, where c is some constant > for the minimum t1 achievement completions, y is the max RuneScore in the category.

Just add in a title so people will know the achievements. Everything seems to be going to passives and right-click on "any cape". So capes won't matter at all anymore. You're obby/max/comp/comp(t) + passives + actives unlocked.

"we’re proposing that non-stat benefits are associated with the cape slot rather than any one cape, owning and wearing a Tier-2 or Tier-3 Comp Cape will not give any extra stats or benefits beyond Tier-1."

* * *

Schedule/Grace periods.
No lock down date. Just 30-60 days from the time the new achievement was released. I like updates year around and randomly. If you people feel like adding something new, add it, why wait?

* * *

And again, regarding the current comp/comp(t) people, who battled without perks on weapons and armour, used single hand rune and yew weapons, and have played and paid for 10+ years, they are being "reset" as if they never achieved anything or added anything to the game.
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16-Apr-2019 22:52:44



Posts: 612 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
so from what i understand, tier 1 = current comp, tier 2 = current trim. so if that is true, everyone who has comp, will have all tier 1 done, and those who have trim, will have all tier 2 done? currently the only diff between comp and trim is cosmetics. i believe all achievements past tier 1 (tier 2 and 3) should only have cosmetic rewards to maintain this consistency.

17-Apr-2019 00:28:00



Posts: 612 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i just finished watching the comp design q&a video showing off the potential looks for the new capes and I've got to say im pretty excited for the combat cape with the beast skull (option B). I hope it makes it as the combat cape.

also, please make the particle effects on all the cape recolorable. that would be amazing.

17-Apr-2019 02:18:46

Mar Member 2009


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I think what is a core issue with the rework is that the definition of "insane" means different things to different people. There are requirements that are insane for their time commitment (Castle Wars), and those that are insane due to the level of skill required to achieve them (high enrage Telos). The disconnect is that, it seems, a lot of people who meet many of the rework requirements will, again, be limited to a cape due to bossing-related content. As a trimmed completionist + (almost) mqpc holder myself, I would currently have almost all of the T3 content completed save for a few 120s (if that requirement is chosen) and high enrage Telos. I think herein lies the issue: what is considered arbitrary/mundane to the PvM community is not the same as what other communities deem to be. Yes, I agree that some level of higher bossing content should be required for T2/T3, but I hate when the argument that "It's part of the game so you need to do it for completionist!! Get good!!" is used (referring, e.g., to 500%+ enrage Telos). Like, IFB, 4k Telos, and all boss logs are content in the game, too, so should we make those as T1/T2/T3, respectively? Obviously this is an exaggeration cause very few, if any, players have done this (although this is the exact argument people are making: they want a cape that not everyone can get), but where, then, do we draw the line? 500%+ Telos has their own rewards already with their respective titles, so it seems arbitrary to select that specific requirement for the combat/completionist cape. Why not just make every combat/bossing achievement the requirement for T3? Because few people would want that, and many would argue some requirements are unnecessary--and now we've come full circle.
Moreover, I'm not trying to argue for which requirement should be added to which tier, I'm just trying to say that both sides need to keep an open mind about the requirements, because, at its core, this is all very subjective.

17-Apr-2019 03:23:28

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