The Hook ( 3rd region ) crew are a lot stronger. When you get to Scythe, the level zero crew blow away your level 7 previous crew in no time.
After your first week of Pincers, it will no longer be Always possible to get 100% success. Before the Pincers region, and after you’ve just started PoP. You can Always achieve 100% success on voyages. The goal is always to get level 10 crew. However, as you’re constantly going to new regions, this isn’t always possible. When you get to Pincers though, your crew will be maxed.
Finally, when you have two ships, see if you can stack one trait, and end with a free crew slot. This can be used for a merchant/plamist OR to TRAIN a crew with a different stat <- better choice.
Awesome Traits:
M: Leader (+1%), Awe-Inspiring (+100 )
C: Tactician ( +1% ), Slayer ( +100 )
S: SeaFRIEND ( +1% ), SeaFarer ( +100 )
MCS: Multi-talented ( +50/50/50 ).
Captain Trait Voyages:
Keep on eye on your captains and don’t be afraid to add in one or two new captains. By the hook region, you’ll end up just going for the 2.5k captains. Replacing any other captains you might have had.
Pick your trait voyages wisely, as each captain can only have 4. Later on ( 5-6 months+ ), there is a chance to remove traits from captains, but by then, you’ll have replaced quite a few.
Use Wikia to check for which traits you want. You can have a captain with the same four traits if you desire. I tend to reroll any voyage that doesn't give a stat boost to my captain. For example, quick-footed will just level up the captain faster, but you'll be replacing them anyway.
Captains level up at half the rate of crew. Despite this, by the time I was at the Bowl, I had gone through a good 10 captains.
Take note of the starting stats of all your Captains ( use an excel spreadsheet ). Sometimes, you'll get a random 100 or 2.5k captain which has better starting stats, and hence will be better at higher levels.
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2
03-Dec-2015 19:46:07
- Last edited on
09-Dec-2015 08:50:01