
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

Quick find code: 48-49-508-65714630

Mar Member 2013


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18 Jan 2016

Loop - 0%

Finally made it through the Pincers. One thing I learned in this region is, don't accidentally buy a figurehead. For most of this region I was playing catch up on Clues and Scrolls. Turns out, Clue Voyages give XP, but no distance. When I started this region, I never sent out a Clue before, so a lot of time was spent/wasted, playing catch up. As You Do More Clues, You Get a Higher Chance of Scroll Voyages....

...So I'm kind of wondering if I should have re-written this guide. Since Clues and Scrolls don't add distance, it could be useful to wait, as I was able to get my Pincer crew to have more xp ( higher levels ) rather than Scythe or Bowl...

As it turns out, except for that one ill purchased morale figurehead, I have not purchased anything but crew with my steel. Now that I'm in the Loop, I might break down and get the upgrades where I can. No doubt the combat hull will be a vast improvement over the 900 bowl region hull.

Other notes include:

Your Judge of Dice ( JoD ) is the replacement for your Sea Witch, Golem, and whatever else had multi traits.

The Oxface is marginally useful, if only for triple trait voyages solely. At level 9, I get an MCS total of 2860, two stat total of 1905 ( 950 ea trait ). Compare this to the JoD at 3600 MCS and 2400 ( 1200 per ) for two traits. No doubt I'll be doing the special voyage for whatever is next.

Whilst the other multi-trait crew had higher single favored stats, the oxface is really balanced. The difference is 2-4 crew spots used up via the crew with MC, MS, CS, and the Ox with MCS. Sometimes, that extra 400 in one trait over another helps, but I gambled and went with the single trait crew.

So now I need to figure out if I want to/or how, to either upgrade my ship and/or my port. I think I have time though.
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

18-Jan-2016 20:16:54

Mar Member 2013


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Trait . . . . Max. . . . . . .Per. . . ( Capt + Crew ) / 5
Moral . . .12354 . . .12353 . 2469
Combat .12052 . . .12051 . 2409
Sea . . . . .12478 . . .12477 . 2494
M+C . . . 14361 . . . . 7179 . 1434
M+S . . . .13996 . . . .6997 . 1398
C+S . . . . 14322 . . . . 7160 . 1431
M+C+S . 17333 . . . . 5776 . 1154

Ship. . . . Max. . . . . . .Per. . . ( Capt + Crew + Ship ) / 5
Moral . . 17253 . . . . . 17252 . 3449
Combat 16427 . . . . .16426 . 3284
Sea . . . . 16877 . . . . . 16877 . 3374
M+C . . . 19990 . . . . . 9994 . 1997
M+S . . . 20170 . . . . .10084 . 2015
C+S . . . .18805 . . . . . .9401 . 1879
M+C+S .23996 . . . . . .7997 . 1598

8 M, 3 Bowl 10/10/10, 5 Pincers 8/9/10/10/10
6 C, 1 Bowl 10, 5 Pincers 8/9/10/10/10
8 S, 3 Bowl 10/10/10, 5 Pincers 8/9/10/10/10
2 MCS JoD 10/10
1 MCS Oxface 9

200k Chimes
13k Bamboo
23k Smoke/Gunpowder
2.1k Slate
40k Cherrywood
19k Jade
18k Steel
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

18-Jan-2016 20:17:01 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2016 20:42:14 by Uncl

Mar Member 2013


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So overall ( ship, captains, crew, ports ), from Pincers I gained about 3k in single stat voyages, 2k in double stat voyages, and 1k in MCS.

2k smoke/gunpowder
2k Slate
13k Cherrywood
10k Jade
18k Steel

However, I upgraded my port so a little bit more.

Anyway, I'm well suited for 17k single voyages ( still far from the 20k normal or 22.5k max for Pincers ), 10k double, and 8k triple.

New voyages are giving 50 Terracotta, and crew cost 7k chimes and 750 Terracotta :/

Surprisingly, according to my spreadsheet, some of the Pincer crew are not nearly as good as some of the Bowl Crew :\

Loop Region Stats:
Voyage. Min . . . .Max
Single . . 16.0k . 25.6k
Double . 9.6k . . 15.2k
Triple . . .8.0k . .12.0k

So I'm kind of close - only wish I had 5 each of lvl 10 Pincers ya know
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

18-Jan-2016 20:28:11 - Last edited on 19-Jan-2016 07:03:16 by Uncl

Mar Member 2013


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Thanks Kags for the much needed bump - invention and work takes one away... and preparing my stats takes time too. Anyway, on with the update

15 Feb 2016
22% Loop.

So from my last post to this one, I learned the term "Milk-Run". Before this Loop Region, The Trader would rarely show up, and now The Trader is always around.

Since I Started with only a few 99s, and never really sent out special voyages, I'm not too sure if he's around now because I've sent out special voyages ( clue and scroll ) like crazy. So The Trader is like the Black Market ( for currency ), but offers the materials for completed scrolls: Ancient Bones, Plate, Spices, Lacquer, Chi, Pearls, Scales.

All of this has caused me to think. First, I'm having an easier time in the Loop thanks to a well trained crew. However, this is mostly because I waited to do my clue and scroll voyages. Special Voyages don't give distance, but give XP.

Anyway, I went nuts on The Trader and bought from him nearly every single day.

So my currency is now down to:

150k Chimes
8.9k Bamboo
668 Gunpowder
1.6k Slate
40.5k Cherrywood
734 Jade
517 Steel
2244 Terracotta

Oh, and I have bought Loop crew that are being trained. Currently I get one bad crew per three purchased. So at 750 terracotta, it takes 3k to get 3 crew. Also, at the start, the voyages give 50 terracotta during the grace period. This changes too 75, then 125, and then you start your milk runs :/

Also daily, I've been using my crew rerolls to try and get my crew set to loop M/C/S for when I could buy. It will take a few days, the speed and merchant are pretty common.

Anyway, since I'm doing milk runs, I'm only sending out 1 special voyage ( 9-15 hours ) and the other 15 are Are / Skull runs ( with the occasional hook or scythe appearing ). Basically I'm training the Loop Crew with this milk runs... very very slow.
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

15-Feb-2016 22:37:14 - Last edited on 15-Feb-2016 23:06:07 by Uncl

Mar Member 2013


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At this point in the game, the view points from Kags thread: Kags' POP Encyclopedia V4 is making a lot more sense. Since I'm doing milk runs, the merchants would totally be useful.

Anyway, after this post, I'll attempt to buy my second set of Loop M/C/S crew. Also, an FYI, Level 4 Loop = Level 10 Pincers.

Final notes:
Since you're likely to get crew with bad traits, only dismiss one crew at a time ~ don't just dismiss 3 crew and buy. Dismiss one, buy, check stats, see if you need to dismiss them too, then buy again.

Most resources cost 1.x k per item.

10k Captains are fairly common in the loop.

Ok, Time for Stats:

Trait........Total.......Per........( Capt + Crew ) / 5
Moral......12684.... 12683 . 2535
Combat..13114..... 13113 . 2621
Sea..........13159..... 13158 . 2630
M+C........14446......7222 . 1443
M+S........14408.......7203 . 1439
C+S.........14886.......7442 . 1487
M+C+S...18005......6000 . 1199
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

15-Feb-2016 22:37:21 - Last edited on 15-Feb-2016 23:01:58 by Uncl

Mar Member 2013


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Trait........Total.......Per.......( Capt + Crew + Ship ) / 5
Moral......17902......17901 . 3579
Combat..18551......18550 . 3709
Sea..........17907..... 17907 . 3580
M+C.......20848.... 10423 . 2083
M+S........20881.... 10439 . 2086
C+S.........20153.... 10075 . 2014
M+C+S...25494......8497 . 1698

I have purchased the Steel deck items, figurehead, combat hull, and rudder.
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

15-Feb-2016 22:37:29 - Last edited on 15-Feb-2016 23:19:51 by Uncl

Mar Member 2013


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Well, I got back, and discovered the term "Milk Runs". Eventually, in the loop, and prior to the Shield ( the final region ), you start to want to make ports armour. However, you need some 200 plate, chi, and/or lacquer. The best way seems to be via the trader to obtain these items... so you start to stock up on other currencies.

I spent most of my time running between the arc to the bowl, and rarely in the loop. I discovered,

I should have been buying currency from the trader all along. Note however, this excludes chimes. Pretty much, once you hit 200k chimes, you're forever at 200k.

Today, 9 September 2016, I am in The Shield - 0%

According to this log, it took me from 18 Jan to today to reach the final region. And no, I do not have enough resources to make any armour :( I have completed the ranger clues, and half way into melee, haven't touched the magic.

I have unlocked a few scrimshaws and some other items as well.

My ship has no upgrades since the previous posts.

7 m, 4 lvl 10 loop, 1 lvl 9 loop, 2 lvl 10 pincers
7 c, 4 lvl 10 loop, 1 lvl 9 loop, 2 lvl 10 pincers
7 s, 4 lvl 10 loop, 1 lvl 9 loop, 2 lvl 10 pincers
2 lvl 10 Judge of Dice
1 lvl 10 wisp
1 Oxhead Horseface

In the grand scheme of things, the Oxhead seems rather pointless

I am still with 3 ships.

I have 5 captains, all 10k. It appears, some 10k captains are a lot better than other 10k captains.

For example, one captain gives me: 1680/980/900 and the other gives 1220/640/440
I'm not sure which starting stats yielded the better captains.

Let me just say, I should have been buying all currency except chimes since day one.

Up next, stats
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

09-Sep-2016 21:27:38

Mar Member 2013


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Just Crew + Captain using average of top 7 in trait required:

Trait . . . .Total . . . Per . . . . .Crew/5
Moral . . .15504 . . 15503 . . . .3099
Combat .15597 . . 15596 . . . .3118
Sea . . . . . 15312 . . 15311 . . . .3061
M+C . . . .17635 . . . 8816 . . . 1762
M+S . . . . 17335 . . . 8666 . . . 1732
C+S . . . . 17496 . . . 8747 . . . 1748
M+C+S . 19854 . . . 6617 . . . 1322

Ship + Captain + Crew

Trait . . . .Total . . . Per . . . . .Crew/5
Moral . . 20807 . . 20806. . .4160
Combat 21108 . . 21107 . . .4220
Sea . . . . 20168 . . 20168 . . 4032
M+C . . . 24132 . . 12065 . . 2412
M+S . . . .23915 . . 11956 . . .2390
C+S . . . . 22813 . . 11405 . . 2280
M+C+S . 27368 . . . 9121 . . 1823

Current Maxes:

M 21694
C 21949
S 21380

This ends this thread.

Posts will become more infrequent, as I'm still doing milk runs, and I need to figure out how the Arc in Port Sarim plays in to this. For a guide about ports, once you've finished it, see Kags thread
My Threads:
Starting Player Owned Ports-v2

09-Sep-2016 21:41:47 - Last edited on 09-Sep-2016 22:19:56 by Uncl

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