A Cole
No, for the most part I just threw it up there and went back about my business ingame. Of course, there were the rare occasions when it seemed it dropped so low that someone might be trying to manipulate a price, but prices for most mats were running relatively consistent aside from upcoming DXP events and such.
With this in mind, prices of skilling items varied by far more than the mere 2% we're being charged to use the GE now.
You could have been selling your Elder logs for 8k each when they have been worth 10k each at other times of the year - a 20% drop in potential profits.
You could have been selling your Super Strength (3) potions for 3.5k each, when you could have gotten 5k each at another time - a 30% drop in potential profits.
So to simply complain that 2% now affects you, is to ignore the fact that prices fluctuate by far more than this on skilling supplies, and if you don't want to be affected by this, you should pay more attention to what your items are actually worth.
Death Costs.
The need for a tax is SAID to have emerged to cover a gap in the coin sink created by reducing Death Costs with a side benefit of preventing Inflation.
Does reducing Death Costs benefit the entire game population equally?
I would say not.
Will it cause us all to drop what we are doing/enjoying so we can all suddenly go bossing?
I dont know, did any attempts to get the entire population into PKing ever come to a satisfactory fruition? From what I have read, it didnt.
Is it fair and equitable that the entire population of the game is now charged with the responsibility of making up for the coin sink revenue generated by the few?
Im sorry, but I dont think so.
Does reduce Death costs benefit the PvM community?
One would think they are the primary and possibly only true beneficiary.
New(ish) Player
This is YOUR world, and I'm just a squirrel tryin' to get a nut.
RS3: The game where RWTers are more important than Real Live Players