@Sc Jw
Thalers added a lot more options and rewards to RS3. They ADDED to minigames, not replaced the old minigames. We can still play all the old minigames like Castle Wars. They are nuked as you absolutely falsely stated.
Who said pvp is just about killing the others? You better understand the different between pvp and pking. PvP is simply player versus players. Pking is just a kind of pvp activities. There are all kinds of non-combat pvp in the game industry. In case if you are so naive, perhaps all those video game websites can help you.
Nobody said you can't "charge in" the lava maze. Your complaint is there are mobs you are afraid of. I just gave you the extremely easy solution. You can spot penguins outside the maze. I also give you a way to "charge in" the maze without being you getting eaten by "scary" mobs.
Thank you for shooting your own foot with Lava Titan. See? There are numerous ways to spot penguins. OMG, wildy is too scary we can't spot penguins... wait a second, thanks to the flexibility and numerous paths to get to the same result only in RS3 but not old and outdated games it is really not a problem.
Demon Flash Mobs roam? Definitely not. We are talking about having Demon Flash Mobs roam will be the start of the optional roaming mobs for pvm initiatives in Runesscape Remastered.
10-Jun-2023 15:29:51
- Last edited on
10-Jun-2023 15:32:16