
How NOT to Be Scammed Guide Thread is sticky

Quick find code: 98-99-725-62437441

Mar Member 2022


Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hi, could you take a look at my recent post? Im not sure who to reach out to or if I should even try but the thought of someone being scammed because I didn't do something is disturbing. any feed back would be great. you can find it here : 443-444-597-66180443

15-Sep-2020 05:25:22

Bonne Heure

Bonne Heure

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The clue scroll/treasure trails chest scam

This scammer is actually using a recent hacked account with end-game stats, and with mid-high tier gear.

Basically the scammer would ask you to let them borrow your ring for a short period of time telling you that they need to open stacks of treasure trails chests since they don't have a ring, they would then proceed explaining random made-up mechanics regarding the reward system of the treasure trails chests to confuse you, if the trade is accepted, they will then ask for more cash for them to imbue the ring saying the cash is for the cost of Death imbuing the ring, which is another made-up mechanic (if declined, the scammer would harass you to pay up or they won't return the ring).

Solution: Have your examine settings turned off or for friends only.

P.S. I'm fascinated on how clever some of these scams are so I willingly tried being scammed so I can let other people know how some of these scams work and prevent these from happening to other people.

Part 2 of 2

20-Mar-2021 03:00:49

Bonne Heure

Bonne Heure

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi! I would like to contribute a fairly recent type of scam that targets accounts with over 1B in their bank; and another which targets people with luck of the dwarves or Hazelmere's Signet Ring.

The Anti-Lure Scam

So basically a person (scammer A) would contact you via private message offering you with 250m/400m (usually) asking you to meet this person in front of grand exchange, then another person (scammer B) would interrupt the meet up accusing scammer A as a scammer, and would like to teach you how to anti-lure; this is a farce as both persons are in the same team.

The method they used here when trying to lure is with a bug with the analyze spell from invention. Scammer A would tell you to use tele-grab to get an item in the wilderness just for a test (which for some unknown reason, makes your character walk to the wilderness); but scammer B will tell you use the Analyze spell instead (which won't, HOWEVER, this would still drag you out to the wilderness in LEGACY mode). They will then tell you to turn legacy mode on and drain your prayer and do the same steps as you've done before but this time using the spell to scammer A just for re-test, which would cause you to automatically walk out into the wilderness and get stun locked and bursted by 3 or more accounts.

Solution for players: Turn Private message and have your examine settings turned off or for friends only (to not get scouted). If turned on, either report just scammer A or go to the meeting place and report both scammer A and B. (scammer B is most likely a maxed account with expensive gear/rare equipment)
A Semi-permanent solution for Jagex: have tele-grab spell/analyze/disassemble/examine monster spell to have the character stay in one spot when using it on items/other players

Part 1 of 2

20-Mar-2021 03:10:04

x Cc-R x
Sep Member 2006

x Cc-R x

Posts: 70 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Is it a scam when a player knows very well that an item on ge is not the right price and by far way overestimated and not being adjust by Jagex as it should be? Im talking bout those Blood Syphon scrolls set as over 12k each but not even 1700 gp worthed and be used by some players to mislead others with so called overpaying to get stuff from unknown people that do not realise this player use it against them? For excample there is a guy at ge (name welknown) that buys Bonds for 40 mil , pays with those scrolss and some gold ores to cover up his meaning and actually rip off the sellers that way? Sorry for bad english but i think most of you know what i mean and which player we talk about at world 2? If jagex ADJUST the price of this item as it should be " Blood Syphon scrolls " are max 1700 gp worth and not over 12k jagex then this scam stop !!! And please don't tell its the sellers fault and bla bla bla , we are a communty that stands for eachother and together and we have to protect the weak , thats my opinion thats all. I want this scam to be stopped so please Jagex make the price right for this item?? If prices are right at GE and i mean like an item is set as over 12K at GE but only worth around 2k max whats going wrong then? This system of not adjusting prices is a chance for scammers to abuse it , so if the price is right THE SCAM STOPS ! Sorry im not mad but i use capitols to make it more clear :P Please jagex get deeper into to this for once ? Thank you.
Its Mi ... fasol lasi Cc-R

22-Mar-2021 19:26:18 - Last edited on 25-Mar-2021 16:55:46 by x Cc-R x



Posts: 836 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
doubling money scam is my faverate, becuase they want to phy-op you to get more they will ofton "double" 100k or even 1m at times, the more give less chance of being doubled, but almost always get droubled if offer 100k. and nope im not gonna double that 5m.

11-May-2021 21:44:57



Posts: 836 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i know about the complex wildy phop scam, like you sied where they try to get you into wildy one way or another. they will phy-op you and have a
"antiscammer" (2nd scammer) to tell you how to scam the scammer, but then change the process to try to confuse and get your stuff.

11-May-2021 22:07:14



Posts: 836 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
x Cc-R x said :
Is it a scam when a player knows very well that an item on ge is not the right price and by far way overestimated and not being adjust by Jagex as it should be? Im talking bout those Blood Syphon scrolls set as over 12k each but not even 1700 gp worthed and be used by some players to mislead others with so called overpaying to get stuff from unknown people that do not realise this player use it against them? For excample there is a guy at ge (name welknown) that buys Bonds for 40 mil , pays with those scrolss and some gold ores to cover up his meaning and actually rip off the sellers that way? Sorry for bad english but i think most of you know what i mean and which player we talk about at world 2? If jagex ADJUST the price of this item as it should be " Blood Syphon scrolls " are max 1700 gp worth and not over 12k jagex then this scam stop !!! And please don't tell its the sellers fault and bla bla bla , we are a communty that stands for eachother and together and we have to protect the weak , thats my opinion thats all. I want this scam to be stopped so please Jagex make the price right for this item?? If prices are right at GE and i mean like an item is set as over 12K at GE but only worth around 2k max whats going wrong then? This system of not adjusting prices is a chance for scammers to abuse it , so if the price is right THE SCAM STOPS ! Sorry im not mad but i use capitols to make it more clear :P Please jagex get deeper into to this for once ? Thank you.
yes i had someone try to scam me with "challange gems" they are worth way less than the GE price, its as if jagex with GE prices helpo scammers.

11-May-2021 22:08:09

Oct Member 2020


Posts: 207 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for his well done guide. I know alot of people are not so nice in this game and they will try to take advantage of people. I think this guide will help alot of people starting to play or those who haven't played in awhile.

16-Jun-2021 23:33:10

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