Hi! I would like to contribute a fairly recent type of scam that targets accounts with over 1B in their bank; and another which targets people with luck of the dwarves or Hazelmere's Signet Ring.
The Anti-Lure Scam
So basically a person (scammer A) would contact you via private message offering you with 250m/400m (usually) asking you to meet this person in front of grand exchange, then another person (scammer B) would interrupt the meet up accusing scammer A as a scammer, and would like to teach you how to anti-lure; this is a farce as both persons are in the same team.
The method they used here when trying to lure is with a bug with the analyze spell from invention. Scammer A would tell you to use tele-grab to get an item in the wilderness just for a test (which for some unknown reason, makes your character walk to the wilderness); but scammer B will tell you use the Analyze spell instead (which won't, HOWEVER, this would still drag you out to the wilderness in LEGACY mode). They will then tell you to turn legacy mode on and drain your prayer and do the same steps as you've done before but this time using the spell to scammer A just for re-test, which would cause you to automatically walk out into the wilderness and get stun locked and bursted by 3 or more accounts.
Solution for players: Turn Private message and have your examine settings turned off or for friends only (to not get scouted). If turned on, either report just scammer A or go to the meeting place and report both scammer A and B. (scammer B is most likely a maxed account with expensive gear/rare equipment)
A Semi-permanent solution for Jagex: have tele-grab spell/analyze/disassemble/examine monster spell to have the character stay in one spot when using it on items/other players
Part 1 of 2
20-Mar-2021 03:10:04