Truly spiffing idea old chap! Now for a little practice session before I wend my merry way to the unsuspecting population of the RSOF and unleash a tsunami of terror upon them.
Behold - I have discovered a foretelling of The Saga of our recent Great Battle of the Feather
Bernadette, you are just so cool! You are hereby listed as a "Prophet of Guthix" with the full accolades bestowed upon you by our fabulous Attorney General.
I must say I am just blown away with the awesomeness of that image. I mean, wow, just, like, you know, its so totally awesome! Its about GRIEF and its about the FEATHER! You know, I'm so totally impressed you found that image and took the time and effort to share it with us on our own humble little clan thread.
So impressed that I am going to steal it and claim it as my own.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
20-Dec-2016 03:19:34
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20-Dec-2016 03:25:42
I think you should be awarded the Clan titles of "Chief Historian" and "Pink Panther of Paperbacks".
It has a certain je ne sais quoi about it, and Lego has far too many titles. We should spread them around a bit.
What!!!! You dare try to take away my titles!!! I worked hard for those titles!!!! Do not be jealous that Legionnaire, High King of the Imperial Dragon Legion, War Chief of Grief, Epic Story Teller of Grief, Feather Lover and The Feathery One is a more profound anti member than the Attorney general!!!
I say we use our newfound powers on Fifa!!! Behold:
Time4Rants RIP Never Forget! 2010-2013, In Memory of Old Timer: ""I'm a doctor, not a spiritual medium!" RIP ;(
Shy Lego 2010-2011 RIP
Lego x LD= Forbidden Love. Legita=Forbidden Love
20-Dec-2016 04:12:36
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20-Dec-2016 04:13:32
Congratulations to Anti-Clan Grief!!!! Yes! Fifi, darlin'..Corugi..Legion, EveryoneElse!
Another INCREDIBLE Battle won!!!
Legion..."Men in Tights"....*shakes head*...Well, okay...yeah, sure...cough... Over Dr. Strangelove????????????? Etcetera, etcetera...OK, "Feathery One" but, no-getting-too-cheeky with the Attorney General. But, you brought it in! ..I guess...
Corugi, go figure. I still laugh at your 5Nukes! 5! You promised & delivered!
But, China could see them...yessss. (In itself, a funny thought, really.) Till you took em out....OMG, they were terrif, Hah! Really.
Replaced with Corgies!!! Well, we had to move fast, yeah. Corugi, you sure got their attention!!!!! And MOD Matthe piping in, "Now now, no bombing of Ninjas!" Yes, that thread was watched...Hah!
Fifi, saying, she was going to faint! Hah! Legion, knawing thru the rope...(sayin to myself, whatta I do with that, now?!)
Boy, did we roll...
Those were the 2best Threads...
Yes, Congratulations to Everyone.
Corugi...Your Sig has Terrific meaning..terrific.
20-Dec-2016 21:34:42
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20-Dec-2016 22:23:49
Maryyyyy! There you are. I haven't seen you for several days and was worried that Lego might have become peckish and treated himself to a chicken & Mary sandwich. He'd do that you, ya know. Very tricksy.
Such a hustle and a bustle ..... baubles to dangle and tacky presents for unloved relatives to wrap. I'll get back to this thread later.