
(-% The Caped Carousers %-) Thread is locked

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Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The membership sweep has now been completed.

4 members were removed for failing to respond to the Sweep.
3 members were made Revellers after notifying that they cannot currently wear their Cape, and one regained Carouser status after completing the newest quests.

Anyone removed from the membership list in the Sweep may reapply in the Recruitment thread - but please be aware that acceptance is not automatic.

Your reapplication must also provide the reason for your failure to post a notification of your Cape status in the Sweep thread during the period of the Sweep.

If you have previously been swept for not monitoring the clan forum, you will not be readmitted (either now or afterward) unless you have an especially good reason for failing to post.

Reapplicants will be assessed as new members (so must have a current Quest Cape and have completed all remade quests) but if accepted, will revert to their previous status as a silver-starred member; they will not need to serve a new provisional period.


The assessment of provisional members that was going to take place at this time has been postponed. All members due for assessment currently remain as provs.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

23-Nov-2014 11:00:41



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh no, i am so sorry but for some reason, i didn't noticed that there was a sweep thread. I have been so busy at work and so tired after work that i haven't check forums lately. I have my cape and i want to be part of this group. My job ends in December and then i have more time to play.

24-Nov-2014 16:39:06



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi, Marketta -

As soon as I mentioned who had been swept, several people went,

"Noooo! She's always in the chat, and she works in the Citadel every week. Please excuse her for not checking the forum, and let her come back!"

Such loyalty - yours to the clan, and the clan's to you - is a sign that we really need to hang onto you. :)

I'll ask Igo to add you back to the Friends chat. Then you can meet an Admin in-game and be added back to the CC as well.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

25-Nov-2014 00:52:41



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The assessment of those provisionals whose status was due to be reviewed is now complete. I also assessed iFelan, even though he was not quite due to be assessed, as I felt I'd seen him enough to make the choice.

This time round, everyone has been confirmed as Carousers and given a silver star in the CC. This means that you've made a good impression on the group, and we'd like to keep you around. Congratulations! :)
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

25-Nov-2014 01:46:34

Venus Isacc
Oct Member 2009

Venus Isacc

Posts: 703 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Please give any previous RuneScape display names that you have used under this account: Umbra Isacc, Venus Isacc

2. What’s your favourite bar or pub in RuneScape?
The Poison Arrow Pub

3. Have you read the group rules properly? (YES/NO)

..3a.. Do you agree that if admitted you will read the Citadel Smithing protocols in the private clan forum, *before* embarking on the creation of ore, charcoal or bars in the Citadel? (YES/NO)

4. Do you agree to be bound by the Carousers' Code and the disciplinary procedure? (YES/NO)

5. What time zone are you in? (Please give your standard time offset from GMT.)
EST (GMT -5)

6. Do you understand why real life drinking is dangerous, and should be approached responsibly? (YES/NO)

7. You do have a Quest Cape you can currently wear? (YES/NO)

..7a.. And you've completed every current quest including 'Gunnar's Ground', 'What's Mine is Yours', 'The Death of Chivalry', and the REMADE versions of 'Wolf Whistle', 'Druidic Ritual', 'Death Plateau' and 'Demon Slayer'? (YES/NO)

..7b.. Have you checked your Adventurer's Log to ensure that your answer to 7a is really true? And you realise that if it turns out not to be, you will be permanently declined even if you stated that it was so in good faith? (YES/NO)

8. Which branch of the Varrock underworld does your character belong to, the Black Arm Gang or the Phoenix Gang?
Phoenix Gang

9. How (or from whom) did you hear about the Caped Carousers?
If I remember, correctly, I first heard about the Caped Carousers in one of the old Clan blogs that Jagex did years ago.

25-Nov-2014 02:16:26

Venus Isacc
Oct Member 2009

Venus Isacc

Posts: 703 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
10. Please list any other RuneScape clans, societies, guilds, associations, unions, fraternities/sororities, clubs etc. that you have belonged to (or attempted to join) in the last 12 months.
The Caped Carousers

11. Are you currently available to be registered as a member of the Caped Carousers' Clan Chat? (YES/NO)

..11a.. If not, are you willing to resign from your present Clan Chat if accepted as a Caped Carouser? (YES/NO)

12. Do you agree that if you ever prefer to resign from the group you will post a notice of resignation in the Caped Carousers' private clan forum or the Recruitment thread, rather than simply vanishing from the Clan Chat? (YES/NO)

13. Has a current member of the group agreed to support your application? If so, who? (This is not required but may assist in your being accepted.)
Haven't spoken to anyone before posting this re-application.

Reason for missing the sweep:
I apologize for missing the sweep. Usually I'm diligent enough to log into the forums every so often to check on things (despite not logging in-game much recently). A lot has been going on this past month, being my second year at university. This past month has mostly been filled with trying to find an internship for the spring and continuing to deal with some emotional/social issues in my life (also a lack of motivation to do anything that isn't necessary, hence not logging into Runescape as much). I've been so focused upon these things that Runescape vanished from my mind the past month, and so I never logged in to check the clan forums. My apologies once again.

25-Nov-2014 02:26:42 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2014 02:29:37 by Venus Isacc

Ik oClock

Ik oClock

Posts: 7,198 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lumine said :
The membership sweep has now been completed.

4 members were removed for failing to respond to the Sweep.

I guess this is as good of a moment as any.

RuneScape has always been special to me and I get nostalgic feelings every time I log in. But that alone hasn't been the reason I kept playing. I kept playing because I knew that whenever I logged in, there was a group of weirdos ready to talk with me. I kept playing because I loved seeing what Mole had done wrong, how cute Ammy and Kristi were or how cool Arch is (I looked up so much to you when I started playing. I looked up to all Carousers, but you Arch were one of my RuneScape role models if that makes sense). I could go on and write something about most of you. Because that was the reason I kept playing: the friendships I'd made and people I've met.

But this year I haven't logged in for more than a month many times. While the people are great the game was/is boring me to greater lengths: unless there is a quest to do playing is more of a chore than something to do to relax or for fun, and not the greatest friend could fix that.

My real life is also more busy, in every aspect. I have more schoolwork than ever, making the few hours I get to play games more important, and my social life is great. It might not be booming or party all day all night but it is satisfying. I was a lonely kid with loads of free time growing up and the Carousers helped fill a void but that void is gone.

You are an immense part of my past 7 years of playing this silly browser game and I will always remember you fondly. I will remember the great synchronized floaty thunder and the laughs we've had. I will remember the dungeons we've dg'ed and the rp fights we've had. But the time has come to move on from RuneScape, for me, and with it the time to move on from the Carousers.
I have cancelled the recurring subscription. I wish you huggles and the best of all.

Sweet pizzadreams, Carousers.

25-Nov-2014 22:18:14

Ik oClock

Ik oClock

Posts: 7,198 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PSes (Good Guthix the 2k char count is as restrictive as ever)
- I would like to thank Lumine in specific for introducing me to Homestuck (or cursing her for sucking up so much of my free time) and letting me meet lots of other great people on other parts of the interwebs.
- My English typing skills have improved immensely by being part of the CC. It is unbelievable how much better I type now as well as my skill over the English language.
- If it's not too much to ask could someone leave a post on the clan forum to let everyone know I'm gone? I know not many people look here (and I can't post there anymore, obviously.)
- If you happen to "spy" me in the future say hi!
- I only mentioned a few people here I'm sorry if I didn't mention you but you were excellent. I just didn't want to make this a big list and besides, I'll always be forgetting someone.
:p :3 ;D

tl;dr: hugs and pizzas from Ik. So long and thanks for all the fish. I do love you.

25-Nov-2014 22:26:44 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2014 22:29:03 by Ik oClock

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