
(-% The Caped Carousers %-) Thread is locked

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. . . :::::::::::: . . . . . . . . (-% THE CAPED CAROUSERS %-)
. . . :::: . . . . ::: . . . . . . . thread v.7
. . :::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. :::: . . . . . . . ::::::::::: . . Welcome to the home of the Caped Carousers,
. ::: . . . . . . :::: . . . . ::: . Gielinor's oldest Quest Cape clan!
. ::: . . . . . ::: . . . . . . . ..
. ::: . . . . ::: . . . . . . . . ..
. .::: . . . ::: . . . . . . . . . . This is the Recruitment thread; our inter-clan
. . :::: . . ::: . . . . . . . . . . communication thread is QFC 135-136-731-63207814 ,
. . . :::: . ::: . ::: . . . . . . . and our public 'About us' thread is ID j1w
. . . . :::::::::::: . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . ::: . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . :::: . . . . . . . . If you're an intelligent Quest Cape owner with a sense of
. . . . . . . . . :::: . . . . ::: .humour, why not join us?
. . . . . . . . . . :::::::::::: . .


There is an Application Form for Clan membership on pages 3-4.

Our Friends chat 'CarousersFC' is open to anyone. All clan events are now open to guests, and are run in the FC. See post 4 on this page for the schedule of events.

Our Clan Chat 'Caped Carousers' has now been closed once more.

Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:47:06 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2017 01:31:16 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thread index

1.01 . Intro
1.02 . You are here! :D
1.03 . About Us
1.04 . Monthly Schedule; Cape Event details
1.05 . A little history
1.06 . A little history (continued)
1.07 . A little history (continued)
1.08 . A little history (continued)
1.09 . A little history (continued)
1.10 . A Machiavellian observation

2.01 . Cape & Community Event history
2.02 . Miscellaneous
2.03 . Membership Restrictions
2.04 . Membership Restrictions (continued)
2.05 . The Carousers' Code - Events
2.06 . The Carousers' Code - Quests
2.07 . The Carousers' Code - Quests; Other new content; The Clan Citadel
2.08 . The Carousers' Code - General standards
2.09 . The Carousers' Code - Conduct on the forums; Other
2.10 . Disciplinary procedure

3.01 . FAQ
3.02 . FAQ (continued)
3.03 . Honoured Former Members
3.04 . Membership list
3.05 . Membership list (continued)
3.06 . Revellers
3.07 . Tipplers (including Iron alts)
3.08 . Drunkards; Newbies
3.09 . Friends of the clan
3.10 . Application Form - Clan Membership

4.01 . Application Form - Clan Membership (continued)
4.02 . Special reserve *hic*
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:47:18 - Last edited on 23-Jun-2016 11:30:29 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% ABOUT US %-)

The Caped Carousers are a group of mature Quest Cape owners of all ages. We get together in the spirit (pun intended!) of the late lamented Alfred Grimhand, to appreciate fine ales and spirits by visiting the bars, inns, taverns and seedy dives of RuneScape, in a variety of fancy dress costumes - flaunting the outrageously over-the-top Quest Cape emote as we go.

We are the largest and longest-established Quest Cape clan in RuneScape, founded in April 2008. As well as our keystone Cape Events, we hold scheduled and impromptu group events (PvM, Distractions & Activities) in various time zones every week, with members in Europe, America and Australasia.

The group is basically a social club, for FUN. It is not primarily a combat, minigame, skills or training clan. In fact, it could be disputed that we are a 'clan' at all… but we do provide each other with lots of moral and other support, good advice and intelligent conversation. We do have a Clan Chat that we use as our primary chat channel, so applicants must be willing if accepted to resign from any other Clan Chat they are in to join ours.

Being mature players, we don't insist on lots of insincere team-bonding or exclusive fanatical devotion; we're here so that you can relax and have a good time in good company. We have no minimum participation requirement and no compulsory events. It's preferred that you attend a Cape Event if you're online for it, but no event is obligatory.

It may be that, after joining, you find that the organisation, attitude, events or people aren't really for you. It happens, we understand that, and nobody will think less of you if it does.

You can find an application form for joining the Caped Carousers on pages 3-4.

Remember - If you’ve never seen formation Quest Cape emoting, your RuneScape experience is not complete!
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:47:44 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2016 15:39:17 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
All clan events now open to guests


(-% -Monthly Schedule October 2018- %-)

Wednesday 3rd
0930 ~ Penguin Hunt (Lumine)

Thursday 4th
1330 ~ Citadel Tick

Wednesday 10th
0930 ~ Penguin Hunt (Lumine)

Thursday 11th
1330 ~ Citadel Tick

Wednesday 17th
0930 ~ Penguin Hunt (Lumine)

Thursday 18th
1330 ~ Citadel Tick

Wednesday 24th
0930 ~ Penguin Hunt (Lumine)

Thursday 25th
1330 ~ Citadel Tick

Wednesday 31st
0930 ~ Penguin Hunt (Lumine)

Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:48:06 - Last edited on 08-Oct-2018 01:22:11 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% A little history %-)

The Caped Carousers were born out of a desire to do something a bit different to celebrate obtaining a Quest Cape - basically an online 'pub crawl'.

The original event, way back in April 2007, was a great success, and various people suggested getting together to do something similar on a regular basis. Life being what it is, it was almost a year before this happened.

The first real Caped Carousers event was held in April 2008, with a grand total of four people attending - out of a promised six. One of those founding members is still an active Carouser - Archaeox, who created the group and led it until he stepped down in March 2010; he now holds the highly-honoured title of Gaffer Emeritus. Another, Don Chosto, who has the title of Founder, logs in only rarely and has the status of Carouser Perpetual. Isiridith, with the title of Principessa, no longer plays RS and has the status of Honoured Former Member. (The fourth person present was a friend of Isiridith's who didn't continue as a member.)

We gradually accumulated more members from among our friends and from chance encounters in the game, as well as from the forums. From the outset, the aim was to have a simple structure that discouraged internal politics.

Although we never intended to have a 'homeworld', the fact that the founders shared one, and initially invited friends from there to join us, led to 124 becoming our unofficial base.

This remained the case (with a brief interlude when PvP worlds were introduced) until May 2009, when 124 was turned into a Bounty World, scattering us across many servers.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:48:25 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2015 16:09:24 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% A little history (continued) %-)

Since the return of 124 as a full-content world, some of the oldtimers have returned there for nostalgia's sake, and group events are being scheduled there again.

World 139 has also become a gathering place for many of us.

There's still no obligation to play in any specific world, however. If 124 and 139 are not good worlds for you, feel free to live somewhere else. ;)

Having originally planned an event every fortnight, we moved to having a weekly event... by mid-2008 we had several Cape events in a single week. As of February 2015, there are two themed Cape events a month, each with two sessions (the first on a Saturday at 2000 and the second on Sunday at 0900) to allow members in different time zones to attend.

As the group developed, we started getting together to do other things too, from training to just having fun. Members started to take responsibility for some of these, as well as making videos of our events, and this has been a key factor in our continuing growth. By 2009 we were holding 18 events per week.

This continues today, although at a lesser frequency. :) There are events currently scheduled for Penguin Hide & Seek, Tears of Guthix/member hide and seek, and Citadel gathering. Impromptu gatherings for dungeons, Evil Trees, Fish Flingers and Shooting Stars are also common.

Thrice-yearly membership sweeps (known affectionately as 'purges') serve to remove inactive members, and keep us focused.

The group's chat channel, originally intended just for organising Cape events, quickly became the centre of everything we do. Sometimes it's a venue for intellectual conversation, sometimes a place to kick back and relax, sometimes somewhere to get good advice and ideas, and sometimes it just offers some companionable silence, but it's always at the heart of our little community.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:48:41 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2015 16:12:34 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% A little history (continued) %-)

The discovery of an abandoned pub in East Ardougne by the Caped Carousers - which we quickly dubbed the 'Mary Celeste' - was brought to Jagex's (and specifically Mod Emilee's) attention in March 2009. This directly triggered a series of events culminating in the May 6th Guaranteed Content Poll for a pub name, and forum threads to decide on the decoration, NPCs etc. It's now called the Poison Arrow.

In Spring 2009, the Caped Carousers placed an impressive 7th out of the 84 clans participating in the Jagex Skilling Cup, with a team led by Crolla.

On September 19th 2009 one of our events was featured, with screen shots, on the official RuneScape Facebook page, courtesy of Mods Poppy & SteveW.

On December 22nd 2009 the Carousers were featured on the first Clan Submission Page in the Developer Blogs area of the main RS website, in a searching interview by Mod Timbo. On the same day, a new page about clans appeared in the Game Guide (Home > Customer Support > Other > Clans), where the Carousers were mentioned again. We had clearly become a fixture in the community!

The release of the 'Nomad's Requiem' quest, with its weak plot and essentially boss-killing logic, and with a far more powerful NPC opponent than any released previously, caused us to revise our membership requirements and rules.

In February 2010 the Carousers helped run the Quest Surgeries organised by Jagex as part of Clan Appreciation Month.

On March 27th 2010, Archaeox stepped down as leader of the Caped Carousers. In a group meeting on April 3rd, Archaeox was declared Gaffer Emeritus, and Lumine was selected as current leader, taking the title of Patrona.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:48:54 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2015 16:13:27 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% A little history (continued) %-)

In accordance with Archaeox's previous intention, Lumine reinstituted the requirement for new applicants to have a Quest Cape, although members already accepted without one or who lost it when 'Nomad's Requiem' was released were permitted to go on working toward it.

On June 1st 2010, all emoting events reverted to being Cape Events rather than either Emote Events (Quest Cape not part of the dress code, another specified cape required) or joint Cape/Emote Events (either Quest Cape or another specified cape required).

The status of Reveller (formerly-Caped member who has not regained their Cape within two weeks of a new quest being released) was reinstituted, and 9 members of the group accepted this status.

On August 28th 2010, the first RuneFest con was held in London. It was attended by six members of the Caped Carousers: Arkayla, Daeonysus, Loctavus, Swaider, Tiffrum and Vik Icarus.

On January 29th/30th 2011, a creditably large number of Carousers took an active part in helping other players during the Questing Weekend organised by Jagex. We also attended Quest Help Event II on February 26th/27th and the third Questing Weekend on May 28th-30th.

From March 19th to 21st 2011 the Caped Carousers were the the featured (spotlighted) clan during the Jagex-organised Clan Celebration Month.

The second RuneFest convention was held in London on October 29th-30th 2011. Seven members of the Caped Carousers were there: Black Mole, Daeonysus, Estarayella, Mdv, Swaider, Tiffrum, and Vik Icarus. With the help of the Carouser attendees at the simultaneous in-game convention Deathcon II, five of the twenty-five available Golden Scythes were gained by Carousers attending RuneFest.

The third RuneFest convention, on November 2nd 2013, was attended by Azrael546, Rennae, Roelaboela, Steeldra, Swaider and Tiffrum. V iktor (formerly Vik Icarus) also attended; he was not a member of the Carousers at the time, but has since rejoined us.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:49:07 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2015 16:14:35 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% A little history (continued) %-)

The fourth RuneFest convention, on October 11th 2014, was attended by Azrael546, Black Mole, Ker Laeda, Priest Wiz, Rennae, Steeldra, Swaider, Tiffrum and Wha*weasel. Chirpy Chi was also present; she was not yet a Carouser at the time, but has since joined us.

The fifth RuneFest convention, on October 3rd, 2015, was attended by Archaeox, Azrael546, Big Dave, Black Mole, Ker Laeda, Loctavus, Mdv, Swaider, Tiffrum, Wintergotha and V iktor. There is a more extensive report, complete with photos, on the clan website (address available to members).

Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:49:20 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2016 10:25:27 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What will the future bring? We shall see!

"Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times. This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results."

- Niccolo Machiavelli
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:49:49 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2015 16:17:40 by Lumine

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