
(-% The Caped Carousers %-) Thread is locked

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Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% FAQ %-)

*Do I need to fill out an Application Form?*

If you have a Quest Cape you can wear, you have completed all the currently-available quests, and you know you want to join the clan and be added to the CC, you can fill out the 'Application Form - Clan Membership' on pages 3-4.

The Friends chat 'CarousersFC' is open to guests. If you just want to drop in and chat with us or join our open events, you don't need to fill out anything.

* I'm working really hard on getting my Quest Cape - can I join and get advice?

If you are not eligible to apply for membership, you can only log into the open Friends chat 'CarousersFC'.

Advice about quests may be requested in the FC, but the actual discussion should then be taken to PM or to a different chat.

* I have the number of quest points needed to wear a Quest Cape. But I haven't completed Gunnar's Ground , What's Mine is Yours , Death of Chivalry , and/or the remade version of Wolf Whistle , Druidic Ritual , Death Plateau or Demon Slayer . Can I still apply to join the clan?

No. We feel that a dedicated Quest Cape holder will wish to complete all the currently-available versions of quests, whether or not Jagex has made it necessary in order to retain one's Cape.

Note that some of these remade quests are listed in your Adventurer's Log, and we *will* check to ensure your Log reports your quests as 100% complete before admitting you to the CC.

If you state in your application that you have completed all of them when we can see that you haven't, you will be declined even if you believed you were telling the truth.
So make sure you check!
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:52:24 - Last edited on 01-Jul-2016 06:54:26 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
* What should I bring to Cape Events?

You should bring enough money to buy drinks for yourself and others, kegs, teleport runes and/or jewellery if appropriate, the correct costume/clothing for the event, and a sense of humour.

* The dress code says this, so can I wear...?

You should read the posted dress code for the Event carefully and follow it as closely as possible. Variations from the official dress code are at the discretion of the Reprobate running the Event.

* What should I bring to non-Cape or minigame events?

Whatever the event organiser has said is needed... or whatever the minigame requires!

* Some Carousers have really high levels - is there a level restriction for joining?

Not at all!

* I can't take the excitement any more - how do I get out?

If you decide for whatever reason that membership of the Carousers is not for you, please post a resignation in the 'Name and Status changes' sticky in the private clan forum, or in the clan Recruitment thread (this one) if for some reason you can't access the sticky.

Please don't 'resign' solely by removing yourself from membership of the CC; this is inconsiderate, and will result in your membership being declined if you should ever wish to reapply.

* OMG, I can't make it to the event! Am I in trouble?

Not at all! We all have real lives to think about (no, really!), and attending events is not compulsory. After all, you can't be *forced* to have fun! All that we ask is that you do come to events when you can.
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:52:36 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2016 16:46:00 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

(-% Honoured Former Members %-)

Isiridith --- founding member, Principessa
Crolla --- Inaugural Cup Captain, Inaugural Resident Chromatopyromaniac
1ise --- Inaugural Scavenger's Daughter, Inebriate
Asheblonde5 --- Returning Officer, Reprobate & Inebriate

Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:53:47 - Last edited on 29-Oct-2015 10:57:48 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% Clan Membership list %-)


Archaeox +1 ba --- Gaffer Emeritus
((Clans Liaison, Banker))


These are members of the clan with a current Quest Cape.

Details are given in the format 'Name (former names) Timezone Gang --- Position

91raptor -7 p --- Fossil Fool
Amaterasu Mi (was Amaterasu123) +10 p --- Calculating Castellan,
.................................................................... Jagex Cup Co-Captain 2011
Azrael546 +0 p --- Inebriate
Big Dave (was Big Dave1988) +0 ba --- Inaugural Creative Larcenist,
...................................................................... Spoiler Wrangler
Bitters (was NotSomeBeans, NSB, Mr Bitters)
Black Mole (was Black Mole0, Zerak B Mole) +1 ba --- Universal Scapegoat,
................................................................................................. Inebriate
Bryanqwert (was Iains gf ) +12 ba --- Cape Event planner, Reprobate, Inebriate
Caistlyn (was Camoninja12, Rhydwyn, Camo Ninja, Animarum) -6p --- Carouser Perpetual
Dame Pelagia +0 ba
Darth Vader +0
Dibi (was Dibi01) +10 *
Don Chosto +1 p --- Founder, Carouser Perpetual
Drakontes (was LG StrYkeR) -8 p --- Inebriate
Ex-Deathevn (was Ex-D the LoC, Ex-D-Evn, Evn ExD Vyre, Evan zi Vyre) +12 ba
Godofnothing +10 ba
Igo Weiqi +0 p --- Yamabushi, Inaugural Doorman, Carouser Perpetual
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:54:01 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2018 04:59:29 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% Clan Membership list - continued %-)

Lady Rhae --- Door Dame
Lumine (was Lumin28) +10 p --- Patrona (and Penguin Counter-Intelligence)
MamaBear -8 p --- Inebriate
Marketta +2 p
M.d.v (was Mdv02) +0 p
Miriel Estel -5 ba --- Inebriate
Monkydentist --- First Tribune of the Plebs, Cultural Craftsman, Carouser Perpetual
of Xau-Tak (was MLG Matthew) +1 p
Priest Wiz +1 p --- Inebriate
Rida (was Richard Dain) +1 p
Sadeyes1111 -4 ba
Sah Asrara (was Arttul) +2 p
Sanyi (was Olsoppa, Rennae, Saoerse, Yolla) +0 p --- Inebriate
Scootaderp (was all sorts of silly names) +8
Shifu +0 ba
Shirin Lach -5 ba
Sjoer/de +1 p --- Auditor, Inaugural Privy Counsellor, Carouser Perpetual
Su*ah*Genie +0 p
Tanpot -6 p
Teela Glenn +2 ba --- Target Seeker, Inebriate
Tiffrum +0 p --- Patrona's Prop, Target Seeker, Inebriate
Tranq (was Lord/lu/ne, Lady Maven, Tranquility) -6 p --- Inaugural Minigame Maven,
........................................................................................ Carouser Perpetual
V iktor +1 p
Wintergotha +1 p --- Inebriate
YtHaar-Mej -6 p --- Inebriate
ZeroWolf -7 p
Zorial (was ZoriDia) -5 p
Zuorsara (was Lord Flarr) -7 p
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:54:13 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2018 04:43:17 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% Revellers %-)

These are formerly-Caped members of the clan who have lost their Quest Cape and not regained it within two weeks, or who can wear a Cape but have not completed one or more of the revised versions of quests.

Details are given in the format 'Name (former names) Timezone Gang --- Position

Aamir +4 ba
Aicy +0 p
Cherub Chao (was Chao of Hope, Chaotic Amon, Chaotic Pars, Chaotic Vita,
............................ Chaotic No/va, Chaotic Sins, Chaotic Nix, Chaotic Ven)
............................ -5 p
DevonRenouf (was Tobacco Dock, Pet My Yak)
Ladyglutter -6 p
Loctavus +0 p --- Gopher
Samochips +1 ba
Ta.e (was Sir Wulf, Meijin Fox, Fellow Medic, Vera-san, Taewon) +8 p
Tjmacca1 +10
Zephon546 +0
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:58:23 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2018 04:38:45 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% Tipplers %-)

These are members of the clan who were admitted without a current Quest Cape, but are working on gaining one. This status is available only by invitation.

Details are given in the format 'Name (former names) Timezone Gang --- Position'

Just Silver +12
Jr Bear Boy -8
RoronoaGhost (was HyperGhosty) +12
Spike Weiqi +0

Ironman and Hardcore Ironman alts

Bryan too [was B ryanqwert, Iains bf] . . . ( Bryanqwert )
IronDibi . . . ( Dibi )
Mary Read [was Pirate Wizzy] . . . ( Priest Wiz )
MiniGoN . . . ( Godofnothing )
Tiff the 2nd . . . ( Tiffrum )
tiff the 3rd . . . ( Tiffrum )
Tj La Vyre . . . ( Tjmacca1 )
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:58:41 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2018 12:40:36 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% Drunkards %-)

This status is available only by invitation.

Drunkard former members:

These are former members of the clan who took an extended break from the game; after their return, the current members agreed that they should be readmitted without needing to regain a Cape.

Cookie of St (was Stalii)
Iain-Elda (was Iain Elda, Awesome Iain, Pink Iain) +0 p
S.w.aider (was Carbo Dragon, Boris Wolf) +1 p

Drunkard friends or family members:

These are close friends or family members of current members who have sponsored their admission to the clan without needing to gain a Cape.

ArgenteaLuna +10

Drunkard alts:

These are alts of current members who are not working toward gaining a Quest Cape on this account, or do not plan ever to gain one.

FriskDreemur (was Aura Astrali) . . . ( Ex-Deathevn )

(-% Newbies %-)

These are newly-accepted members of the clan. The status of these members will be reviewed two weeks after admission.

Details are given in the format 'Name (former names) Timezone Gang'

Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:58:54 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2018 12:47:43 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% Friends of the clan %-)

These people are not members of the clan, but have the rank of 'Friend' in the FC 'CarousersFC' . This status is available only by invitation.

Belisama6 --- alt of Amaterasu Mi
Carousers --- owner of the previous Friends chat, alt of Igo Weiqi
Carousing --- Clan Banker account, alt of Archaeox
Code4Food (was RikkoNerdo) --- partner of Wintergotha
Damon 1640 }
Lilacbeard } --- F2P alts of Lumine
Theophaneia }
Lelind/re --- alt of Zuorsara
Leta --- leader of DG*C, who refuses to abandon all her clannies and join us
Summergotha --- alt of Wintergotha
Targathoria --- F2P alt of MamaBear
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:59:08 - Last edited on 18-Feb-2018 13:04:31 by Lumine



Posts: 15,239 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
(-% APPLICATION FORM - Clan Membership %-)

1. Please give any previous RuneScape display names that you have used under this account:

2. What’s your favourite bar or pub in RuneScape?

3. Have you read the group rules properly? (YES/NO)

..3a.. Do you agree that if admitted you will read the Citadel Smithing protocols on the clan website, *before* embarking on the creation of ore, charcoal or bars in the Citadel? (YES/NO)

4. Do you agree to be bound by the Carousers' Code and the disciplinary procedure? (YES/NO)

5. What time zone are you in? (Please give your standard time offset from GMT.)

6. Do you understand why real life drinking is dangerous, and should be approached responsibly? (YES/NO)

7. You do have a Quest Cape you can currently wear? (YES/NO)

..7a.. And you've completed every current quest including 'Gunnar's Ground', 'What's Mine is Yours', 'The Death of Chivalry', and the REMADE versions of 'Wolf Whistle', 'Druidic Ritual', 'Death Plateau' and 'Demon Slayer'? (YES/NO)

..7b.. Have you checked your Adventurer's Log to ensure that your answer to 7a is really true? And you realise that if it turns out not to be, you will be permanently declined even if you stated that it was so in good faith? (YES/NO)

8. Which branch of the Varrock underworld does your character belong to, the Black Arm Gang or the Phoenix Gang?

9. How (or from whom) did you hear about the Caped Carousers?

10. Please list any other RuneScape clans, societies, guilds, associations, unions, fraternities/sororities, clubs etc. that you have belonged to (or attempted to join) in the last 12 months.

11. Are you currently a member of another Clan Chat? (YES/NO)

..11a.. If yes, are you willing to resign from your present Clan Chat if accepted as a Caped Carouser? (YES/NO)

[more on page 4]
Patrona Emerita
of the
Caped Carousers
quest cape clan

13-Sep-2011 03:59:16 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2016 17:06:03 by Lumine

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