1. Originally: Blexun Changes: The Smexiest, Fun Patrol, Poop Deck.
2. Would you count The Party Room? If not, The Other Inn for sure.
3. YES
4. YES
5. Eastern Standard (GMT -5)
6. YES
7. YES
..7a.. YES
8. Phoenix Gang
9. Nobody. Was browsing for a Quest Cape group and you guys seemed great.
10. Member of The Runescape Rebelz for three years. More like a clan friend now. Was a member of The Dragons for 2 months.
11. YES
12. NO
I have processed your applications and passed on my recommendation to the clan leader who you will be hearing from shortly as to whether you have been successful or not.
Lianne and Blexun,
I accept the Doorman's recommendation to admit you as provisional members. You'll have access to the "Carousers" Friends chat as soon as he adds you.
Once you are added, attract the attention of an Admin, who will meet you in-game and invite you to the Caped Carousers' Clan Chat.
The clan leader has authorised me to admit you as provisional members. You now have access to the Friends chat "Carousers". Please make your presence known in the Friends chat and an Admin ( Archaeox, Igo Weiqi, Lumine, Priest Wiz, Rida and Teela Glenn ) will arrange to meet you and give you access to the Clan chat. Welcome to the Caped Carousers.
1. Please give any previous RuneScape display names that you have used under this account:
Let's see... That would be Lady Maven & Lordlune
2. What’s your favourite bar or pub in RuneScape?
The Poison Arrow as we didn't get our way...
3. Have you read the group rules properly? (YES/NO)
Yeah did they change...
4. Do you agree to be bound by the Carousers' Code and the disciplinary procedure? (YES/NO)
Think I can manage...
5. What time zone are you in? (Please give your standard time offset from GMT.)
6. Do you understand why real life drinking is dangerous, and should be approached responsibly? (YES/NO)
Yeah that's why they collect dust in my fridge.
7. You do have a Quest Cape you can currently wear? (YES/NO)
Yep It never leaves me unless Jagex pry's it off my shoulders.
..7a.. And you've completed every current quest including 'Gunnar's Ground'? (YES/NO)
Yep I joined the campaign to make it mandatory for the cape.
8. Which branch of the Varrock underworld does your character belong to, the Black Arm Gang or the Phoenix Gang?
Phoenix - After all I love mythology
9. How (or from whom) did you hear about the Caped Carousers? Archaeox originally recruited me out of the quest forums a few years back.
10. Please list any other RuneScape clans, societies, guilds, associations, unions, fraternities/sororities, clubs etc. that you have belonged to (or attempted to join) in the last 12 months.
The Jovial Rovers...
11. Are you currently available to be registered as a member of the Caped Carousers' Clan Chat? (YES/NO)
..11a.. If not, are you willing to resign from your present Clan Chat if accepted as a Caped Carouser? (YES/NO)
12. Has a current member of the group agreed to support your application? If so, who? (This is not required but may assist in your being accepted.)
Lumine said she wouldn't mind seeing me around again.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.
I did say something to that effect, yes.
And re-acceptance of former members being entirely my bailiwick, there's nothing to prevent me adding you to the CC as soon as we cross paths in-game.
Welcome back, Tranq.
Oh well, late as this seems to be, and although I have no idea what led to it, for the record I wish to add my strong support to Tranq's re-application!
Welcome back Tranq, missed seeing you around!
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~