*wanders in sleepily with cuppa java and wry grin*
bout time i profiled, eh?
best luck anda MOST happy krissmooss to all! <3
,.¤*¨,.¤*¨²°•.¸'ª^¤›.„Teh N0thing, Cabbage Queen of Miscellania.‹•*•›.¸¸„‹¸²¸,.¤*
¤.,¸¸,.¤*¨\¸¸„•›„¸¸„‹ˆ*•„ :.„•*°*•„*•„*»,¸You may find that the journey¨*¤.,¸¸,.¤*¨¨*¤.,¸.
¤.,¸¸,.¤*¨¨*¤.,¸¨-;-°*•„*,.:¤-;-¤:}:::',¸,‹²`*»,¸¸,‹²`*»,¸is often more valuable¨*¤.,,¸¸,.¤*¨¨*
:.::.¨`*¤.,¸¸¸„.‹ˆ›.„¸¸„.‹ˆ.ˆ•.„¸¸„.•¹¸,‹²¸,.¤*¨¸„‹•²˜'ª^¤›.¨*¤.,¸than the destination reached,.¤*
[edited to repair an unholy chopping of SG's lovely sig due to new forum font/format]
18-Dec-2011 14:33:57
- Last edited on
29-Dec-2011 06:38:36
All the best, Show Control. I'd decided to confirm you at your assessment date, so you'll be considered a Carouser reapplying (not a provisional) if you do ever decide to.
Kyoufuu here, posting to let you know about my forced name change. And because I had to decide, on the spot, with no warning, I picked a name that I realised afterwards will probably not be allowed in CC, what with discussion of this subject being banned and all. Details can be found at 14-15-912-63466969
Kyoufuu -
Don't worry about regaining your place in the Carousers.
I know that when you first applied, Igo was concerned about the intention behind your name. I understand that he asked you about it, and accepted that it was a real Japanese word.
It appears that you were never deleted from our FC, so when you're qualified to rejoin the clan, just log in and find an Admin to readd you to the CC.
We would prefer you to change your name again when you can (if Jagex doesn't allow you to revert to being Kyoufuu), but in the meantime, we will simply endure in silence.
The assessment of those provisionals whose status was due to be reviewed on 23 December is now complete.
We have an unusual range of outcomes this time!
One provisional who was about to be confirmed has posted a resignation so he can join a PvM clan. I have told him he may reapply as a former Carouser (rather than as a prov) should he wish to rejoin us.
One provisional who was about to be declined for not being in evidence at all for most of two provisional periods logged in a couple of days ago to say he'd been studying for final exams. I have given him an additional provisional period so we can have a chance to meet him.
One person has been left provisional; this means that you made a good impression with some Carousers but not so good with others. Your status will be reviewed again at the next (as yet unset) assessment date.
And two people have been confirmed as Carousers and given a silver star. This means that you've made a good impression overall on the group, and we'd like to keep you around. Congratulations!
1. Please give any previous RuneScape display names that you have used under this account: -Archaniela
2. What’s your favourite bar or pub in RuneScape? - The Other Inn
3. Have you read the group rules properly? (YES/NO) - Yes, twice.
4. Do you agree to be bound by the Carousers' Code and the disciplinary procedure? (YES/NO) - Yes
5. What time zone are you in? (Please give your standard time offset from GMT.) - GMT+1 (CEST)
6. Do you understand why real life drinking is dangerous, and should be approached responsibly? (YES/NO) - Yes, I do.
7. You do have a Quest Cape you can currently wear? (YES/NO) - Yes.
..7a.. And you've completed every current quest including 'Gunnar's Ground'? (YES/NO) - Yes, I have.
8. Which branch of the Varrock underworld does your character belong to, the Black Arm Gang or the Phoenix Gang? - The Black Arm Gang.
9. How (or from whom) did you hear about the Caped Carousers? - First time I heard of you was when you were featured on the front page, a while ago. Yesterday I was told by Agile Kristi I'd be welcome to join you if I wished, so I thought, why not?
10. Please list any other RuneScape clans, societies, guilds, associations, unions, fraternities/sororities, clubs etc. that you have belonged to (or attempted to join) in the last 12 months****** Saviours
11. Are you currently available to be registered as a member of the Caped Carousers' Clan Chat? (YES/NO) - Yes.
..11a.. If not, are you willing to resign from your present Clan Chat if accepted as a Caped Carouser? (YES/NO)
12. Has a current member of the group agreed to support your application? If so, who? (This is not required but may assist in your being accepted.) - I'd like to believe Agile Kristi would support it, as she referred me here.