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FiFi LaFeles said :

OHHHHHHH! You made a "bump". The lowest form of posting known to Humanity. You... you... you... Degenerate! Chloroplast! Barnacle! Paramecium!, even those are too evolved to describe the depths to which you have succumbed!


No. Actually, although scientists are still yet to decide whether a virus is a life form or not, and despite its devastating impact as a vector of disease, it is still a well ordered from of organic matter which maintains self integrity against the laws of entropy. Therefore calling you a virus is still insufficient reaction to the base and disgusting nature of your post. I need to describe you in the very lowest manifestation of existence known to exist.

Hmmm... Some research is needed here. Hang on, I will be right back, just a tick...



Wait. What? There is something even more elementary than quarks? Oh..okay then what? ...oh, so then, a vibrating pieces of...something...called "strings", existing in a multitude of dimensions at immensely small scales, barely understandable by all but the brightest minds on this planet? Well.


Doesn't quite cut it, does it? String. Yeah. Doesn't really carry any sort of verbal impact. Its lacking in appropriate outrage. Damn. Look, I will set up a committee to examine this problem, with sub-committees formed to examine all the various aspects. They will report back in, and I will pool their findings for further examination at a future date with view to reaching a conclusion.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

22-Oct-2019 02:34:19

Kings Abbot

Kings Abbot

Posts: 10,754 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Strings are way too interesting to use them as an insult.

If you want a chemistry-related insult, I find calling some a bismuth very satisfying.

If you're more into biology, drosophila (fruitfly) is a good option.

If you're a geologist, basalt is a basic rock, so calling someone a basalt is calling them basic.

For fysicists, you could say "yo mama so fat, the escape velocity at her surface exceeds 3.10^8 m/s!"
Kings Eastwood in
music by Trewavio Morricone


22-Oct-2019 20:27:05

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hmm, it's been a while since I've seen such an outburst of sputtering indignation and righteous wrath.

I'm surprised the boiling outrage didn't erupt into outright declarations of war, torture and total annihilation of my genetic material from all known planets in the galaxy. (Note to self: must try harder).

Really, you know, the toil of countless scientists at NASA, CERN, UNESCO - not to mention the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group - could have been saved by merely saying I was a low-effort stinking hobo.
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

23-Oct-2019 02:42:14



Posts: 19,109 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FiFi LaFeles said :
I'm surprised the boiling outrage didn't erupt into outright declarations of war...

I must have written that on a Sunday. I dont declare
on Sundays. No. Sundays are reserved for blow torches, bruising and burials.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.

25-Oct-2019 13:21:45 - Last edited on 25-Oct-2019 13:23:25 by Corugi

FiFi LaFeles

FiFi LaFeles

Posts: 24,106 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think you just forgot because you are becoming senile.

That or the small, semi-solid object rolling around inside your cranium has finally short circuited it's last few remaining synapses and you are now, truly, a zombie.

Yes, I think that's probably more likely the case. Corugi, Lord of the Zombies. But look on the bright side! You can make a packet on the film rights:

Night of the Living Corugis
Corugi Apocalypse
Corugi of the Dead
Dawn of the Corugis
Resident Evil: Corugi

etc. etc....
Le Chat Guerrier

Bwian's Towel & Grief Shop

28-Oct-2019 02:56:06

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