FiFi LaFeles
Ewww, Abbo what a horrible thing to suggest to poor Treemaid.
Just imagine; she'd go to bed and wake up the next morning, quite forgetting she'd had a decomposing head transplanted onto her shoulders, and the first thing she'd see is 'Rugi's liquifying cranium inches away from her face ~ it's one, remaining but half-rotten eye wobbling and rolling around in it's socket, trying to wink salaciously at her.
I'm not going to let such an opportunity escape me.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
If Treemaid is okay with it... I'm no doctor, but I can certainly try to do the surgery! How hard can it be?
I already know where to find the arm, it's a right one! You will be able to write two things at once (if you're righthanded of course)!
Just say the word and I'll jump in the Biggus Shippus and fly to the Chalmun's Cantina in Mos Eisley on Tatooine! I hope it's still there though...
Anyway, what are we doing all the way at the bottom of the forums page? We're even below the OS forums! This is outragous, it's unfair!
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
Mmm yes, I've heard about you and your DIY Home Surgery. At least, I've read the Court transcripts.
I, too, noticed that we'd been relegated to the basement. I think we should spam FH & FMR with bitterly worded complaints and threats of legal action, just to annoy the Jagexy Monsters. You go first.
Wouldn't the Website and Forums forum be more relevant? If it still exists...
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
FiFi LaFeles
Kings Abbot
Wouldn't the Website and Forums forum be more relevant? If it still exists...
It does (somewhere) but I don't think anyone actually reads it.
Whereas FMR they certainly do - every time Halley's Comet appears.
Isn't that gonna take another forty or fifty years or so? I should be still around by then as I was not born when it previously came by.
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
FiFi LaFeles
I'll be a Holy Ghost by then so you have my permission to append my name to your complaints posthumously.
I'll come back and rattle my chains at them and groan "whoooo-ooo-ooooo" in a sinister manner, if you think that will help.
Please do! I already live close to a big cemetery, so I'm used to see that kind of stuff.
Do you think you'll be able to choose the colour of your appearance when haunting around? You could appear as a blue Force ghost! How cool would that be?
I checked, and Halley's Comet came by in 1986 (a decade bofere I was born) and will return in mid-2061 (another 42 years and a half). Wait, 42? This must be a sign...
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone