That being said, I do commend all those who've contributed to building this community up. As I said before, I am genuinely impressed. Well done, to all of you.
We in The Last Arcane Kingdom have gone through a thorough discussion as to who we think should be the new Threadholder of World 103. Both candidates are worthy to be chosen as the new Threadholder as they would both be a perfect fit. With that said, I feel we must vote for Desert 'Daddy' Spear to become the new Threadholder for us. Nothing personal whatsoever against Astrazak. Whoever becomes the new Threadholder between the two of them, we will fully support them to no end.
The Kingdom of Isafdar has thought long and hard on our vote and we have decided to cast our vote for Desert Spear. It is nothing personal against Astrazak, we are grateful for his work as cartographer and his work in the community. We look forward to working with whoever takes Epic's place
After Discussing the two candidates and what each might bring to the position of Thread Holder, Tsv has decided to cast its vote for Astrazak. Nothing against Desert Spear, If elected Tsv would support him 100%. Whoever wins will make a great Threadholder and I look forward to the next chapter in w103.
Vote: Astrazak
Learn to use logic and reason, it will serve you better than Pride or Vanity
To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
Both candidates with no doubt would of been great thread-holders but after much consideration and discussion, Kingdom of Ashdale will be voting for Desert Spear.
The Kharyrllian Wolfpack has decided to vote for Astrazak for threadholder. Astrazak has been making maps for the community for awhile and we feel that he should be the threadholder. KW still thinks Desert Spear would make a great threadholder as well.
First, I would like to say thank you to all the clans of 103. Without your continued efforts and love for RP, we would not be here today.
It seems that all the votes are in and they land as follows:
Desert Spear
: 4
: 2
: 1
Following the rules according to this thread and its governing documents. Desert Spear wins with the majority.
On a personal note, I would like to thank you all for the support that you have shown me and Astra at this time. I will, of course, call upon all the leaders to help with our community because it is OUR community. I will do my best to work on the new thread, figure out anything I need from Epic, and I ask for any input as we move forward.
Again, thank you all for voting and nominating. Astra, you are and will continue to be an amazing member of this community and I hope we can work together to keep 103 great. Moving forward, I would ask for all of your patience and enthusiasm as we step into the next stage of 103-dom!
The Silver G
I Godkin nominate The Idea of having a W103 iron throne! therefore who ever that has the power can take it and overthrow the previous sitter. The POCs within w103 choose to be part of the 'realm' willfully or not. but if poc chooses not to follow the iron throne sitter, then they'll face the consequences of the current sitter of the 103 Iron throne!
Thank you all! And i hope to see the games begin at some time.
Godkin Out!